[NFC] Move DeclID from serialization/ASTBitCodes.h to AST/DeclID.h (#89873)

Previously, the DeclID is defined in serialization/ASTBitCodes.h under
clang::serialization namespace. However, actually the DeclID is not
purely used in serialization part. The DeclID is already widely used in
AST and all around the clang project via classes like `LazyPtrDecl` or
calling `ExternalASTSource::getExernalDecl()`. All such uses are via the
raw underlying type of `DeclID` as `uint32_t`. This is not pretty good.

This patch moves the DeclID class family to a new header `AST/DeclID.h`
so that the whole project can use the wrapped class `DeclID`,
`GlobalDeclID` and `LocalDeclID` instead of the raw underlying type.
This can improve the readability and the type safety.

GitOrigin-RevId: c2a98fdeb3aede1a8db492a6ea30f4fa85b60edc
31 files changed