| <!--===- docs/FortranForCProgrammers.md |
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| # Fortran For C Programmers |
| |
| ```eval_rst |
| .. contents:: |
| :local: |
| ``` |
| |
| This note is limited to essential information about Fortran so that |
| a C or C++ programmer can get started more quickly with the language, |
| at least as a reader, and avoid some common pitfalls when starting |
| to write or modify Fortran code. |
| Please see other sources to learn about Fortran's rich history, |
| current applications, and modern best practices in new code. |
| |
| ## Know This At Least |
| |
| * There have been many implementations of Fortran, often from competing |
| vendors, and the standard language has been defined by U.S. and |
| international standards organizations. The various editions of |
| the standard are known as the '66, '77, '90, '95, 2003, 2008, and |
| (now) 2018 standards. |
| * Forward compatibility is important. Fortran has outlasted many |
| generations of computer systems hardware and software. Standard |
| compliance notwithstanding, Fortran programmers generally expect that |
| code that has compiled successfully in the past will continue to |
| compile and work indefinitely. The standards sometimes designate |
| features as being deprecated, obsolescent, or even deleted, but that |
| can be read only as discouraging their use in new code -- they'll |
| probably always work in any serious implementation. |
| * Fortran has two source forms, which are typically distinguished by |
| filename suffixes. `foo.f` is old-style "fixed-form" source, and |
| `foo.f90` is new-style "free-form" source. All language features |
| are available in both source forms. Neither form has reserved words |
| in the sense that C does. Spaces are not required between tokens |
| in fixed form, and case is not significant in either form. |
| * Variable declarations are optional by default. Variables whose |
| names begin with the letters `I` through `N` are implicitly |
| `INTEGER`, and others are implicitly `REAL`. These implicit typing |
| rules can be changed in the source. |
| * Fortran uses parentheses in both array references and function calls. |
| All arrays must be declared as such; other names followed by parenthesized |
| expressions are assumed to be function calls. |
| * Fortran has a _lot_ of built-in "intrinsic" functions. They are always |
| available without a need to declare or import them. Their names reflect |
| the implicit typing rules, so you will encounter names that have been |
| modified so that they have the right type (e.g., `AIMAG` has a leading `A` |
| so that it's `REAL` rather than `INTEGER`). |
| * The modern language has means for declaring types, data, and subprogram |
| interfaces in compiled "modules", as well as legacy mechanisms for |
| sharing data and interconnecting subprograms. |
| |
| ## A Rosetta Stone |
| |
| Fortran's language standard and other documentation uses some terminology |
| in particular ways that might be unfamiliar. |
| |
| | Fortran | English | |
| | ------- | ------- | |
| | Association | Making a name refer to something else | |
| | Assumed | Some attribute of an argument or interface that is not known until a call is made | |
| | Companion processor | A C compiler | |
| | Component | Class member | |
| | Deferred | Some attribute of a variable that is not known until an allocation or assignment | |
| | Derived type | C++ class | |
| | Dummy argument | C++ reference argument | |
| | Final procedure | C++ destructor | |
| | Generic | Overloaded function, resolved by actual arguments | |
| | Host procedure | The subprogram that contains a nested one | |
| | Implied DO | There's a loop inside a statement | |
| | Interface | Prototype | |
| | Internal I/O | `sscanf` and `snprintf` | |
| | Intrinsic | Built-in type or function | |
| | Polymorphic | Dynamically typed | |
| | Processor | Fortran compiler | |
| | Rank | Number of dimensions that an array has | |
| | `SAVE` attribute | Statically allocated | |
| | Type-bound procedure | Kind of a C++ member function but not really | |
| | Unformatted | Raw binary | |
| |
| ## Data Types |
| |
| There are five built-in ("intrinsic") types: `INTEGER`, `REAL`, `COMPLEX`, |
| They are parameterized with "kind" values, which should be treated as |
| non-portable integer codes, although in practice today these are the |
| byte sizes of the data. |
| (For `COMPLEX`, the kind type parameter value is the byte size of one of the |
| two `REAL` components, or half of the total size.) |
| The legacy `DOUBLE PRECISION` intrinsic type is an alias for a kind of `REAL` |
| that should be more precise, and bigger, than the default `REAL`. |
| |
| `COMPLEX` is a simple structure that comprises two `REAL` components. |
| |
| `CHARACTER` data also have length, which may or may not be known at compilation |
| time. |
| `CHARACTER` variables are fixed-length strings and they get padded out |
| with space characters when not completely assigned. |
| |
| User-defined ("derived") data types can be synthesized from the intrinsic |
| types and from previously-defined user types, much like a C `struct`. |
| Derived types can be parameterized with integer values that either have |
| to be constant at compilation time ("kind" parameters) or deferred to |
| execution ("len" parameters). |
| |
| Derived types can inherit ("extend") from at most one other derived type. |
| They can have user-defined destructors (`FINAL` procedures). |
| They can specify default initial values for their components. |
| With some work, one can also specify a general constructor function, |
| since Fortran allows a generic interface to have the same name as that |
| of a derived type. |
| |
| Last, there are "typeless" binary constants that can be used in a few |
| situations, like static data initialization or immediate conversion, |
| where type is not necessary. |
| |
| ## Arrays |
| |
| Arrays are not types in Fortran. |
| Being an array is a property of an object or function, not of a type. |
| Unlike C, one cannot have an array of arrays or an array of pointers, |
| although can can have an array of a derived type that has arrays or |
| pointers as components. |
| Arrays are multidimensional, and the number of dimensions is called |
| the _rank_ of the array. |
| In storage, arrays are stored such that the last subscript has the |
| largest stride in memory, e.g. A(1,1) is followed by A(2,1), not A(1,2). |
| And yes, the default lower bound on each dimension is 1, not 0. |
| |
| Expressions can manipulate arrays as multidimensional values, and |
| the compiler will create the necessary loops. |
| |
| ## Allocatables |
| |
| Modern Fortran programs use `ALLOCATABLE` data extensively. |
| Such variables and derived type components are allocated dynamically. |
| They are automatically deallocated when they go out of scope, much |
| like C++'s `std::vector<>` class template instances are. |
| The array bounds, derived type `LEN` parameters, and even the |
| type of an allocatable can all be deferred to run time. |
| (If you really want to learn all about modern Fortran, I suggest |
| that you study everything that can be done with `ALLOCATABLE` data, |
| and follow up all the references that are made in the documentation |
| from the description of `ALLOCATABLE` to other topics; it's a feature |
| that interacts with much of the rest of the language.) |
| |
| ## I/O |
| |
| Fortran's input/output features are built into the syntax of the language, |
| rather than being defined by library interfaces as in C and C++. |
| There are means for raw binary I/O and for "formatted" transfers to |
| character representations. |
| There are means for random-access I/O using fixed-size records as well as for |
| sequential I/O. |
| One can scan data from or format data into `CHARACTER` variables via |
| "internal" formatted I/O. |
| I/O from and to files uses a scheme of integer "unit" numbers that is |
| similar to the open file descriptors of UNIX; i.e., one opens a file |
| and assigns it a unit number, then uses that unit number in subsequent |
| `READ` and `WRITE` statements. |
| |
| Formatted I/O relies on format specifications to map values to fields of |
| characters, similar to the format strings used with C's `printf` family |
| of standard library functions. |
| These format specifications can appear in `FORMAT` statements and |
| be referenced by their labels, in character literals directly in I/O |
| statements, or in character variables. |
| |
| One can also use compiler-generated formatting in "list-directed" I/O, |
| in which the compiler derives reasonable default formats based on |
| data types. |
| |
| ## Subprograms |
| |
| Fortran has both `FUNCTION` and `SUBROUTINE` subprograms. |
| They share the same name space, but functions cannot be called as |
| subroutines or vice versa. |
| Subroutines are called with the `CALL` statement, while functions are |
| invoked with function references in expressions. |
| |
| There is one level of subprogram nesting. |
| A function, subroutine, or main program can have functions and subroutines |
| nested within it, but these "internal" procedures cannot themselves have |
| their own internal procedures. |
| As is the case with C++ lambda expressions, internal procedures can |
| reference names from their host subprograms. |
| |
| ## Modules |
| |
| Modern Fortran has good support for separate compilation and namespace |
| management. |
| The *module* is the basic unit of compilation, although independent |
| subprograms still exist, of course, as well as the main program. |
| Modules define types, constants, interfaces, and nested |
| subprograms. |
| |
| Objects from a module are made available for use in other compilation |
| units via the `USE` statement, which has options for limiting the objects |
| that are made available as well as for renaming them. |
| All references to objects in modules are done with direct names or |
| aliases that have been added to the local scope, as Fortran has no means |
| of qualifying references with module names. |
| |
| ## Arguments |
| |
| Functions and subroutines have "dummy" arguments that are dynamically |
| associated with actual arguments during calls. |
| Essentially, all argument passing in Fortran is by reference, not value. |
| One may restrict access to argument data by declaring that dummy |
| arguments have `INTENT(IN)`, but that corresponds to the use of |
| a `const` reference in C++ and does not imply that the data are |
| copied; use `VALUE` for that. |
| |
| When it is not possible to pass a reference to an object, or a sparse |
| regular array section of an object, as an actual argument, Fortran |
| compilers must allocate temporary space to hold the actual argument |
| across the call. |
| This is always guaranteed to happen when an actual argument is enclosed |
| in parentheses. |
| |
| The compiler is free to assume that any aliasing between dummy arguments |
| and other data is safe. |
| In other words, if some object can be written to under one name, it's |
| never going to be read or written using some other name in that same |
| scope. |
| ``` |
| X = 3.14159 |
| Y = 2.1828 |
| END |
| ``` |
| This is the opposite of the assumptions under which a C or C++ compiler must |
| labor when trying to optimize code with pointers. |
| |
| ## Overloading |
| |
| Fortran supports a form of overloading via its interface feature. |
| By default, an interface is a means for specifying prototypes for a |
| set of subroutines and functions. |
| But when an interface is named, that name becomes a *generic* name |
| for its specific subprograms, and calls via the generic name are |
| mapped at compile time to one of the specific subprograms based |
| on the types, kinds, and ranks of the actual arguments. |
| A similar feature can be used for generic type-bound procedures. |
| |
| This feature can be used to overload the built-in operators and some |
| I/O statements, too. |
| |
| ## Polymorphism |
| |
| Fortran code can be written to accept data of some derived type or |
| any extension thereof using `CLASS`, deferring the actual type to |
| execution, rather than the usual `TYPE` syntax. |
| This is somewhat similar to the use of `virtual` functions in c++. |
| |
| Fortran's `SELECT TYPE` construct is used to distinguish between |
| possible specific types dynamically, when necessary. It's a |
| little like C++17's `std::visit()` on a discriminated union. |
| |
| ## Pointers |
| |
| Pointers are objects in Fortran, not data types. |
| Pointers can point to data, arrays, and subprograms. |
| A pointer can only point to data that has the `TARGET` attribute. |
| Outside of the pointer assignment statement (`P=>X`) and some intrinsic |
| functions and cases with pointer dummy arguments, pointers are implicitly |
| dereferenced, and the use of their name is a reference to the data to which |
| they point instead. |
| |
| Unlike C, a pointer cannot point to a pointer *per se*, nor can they be |
| used to implement a level of indirection to the management structure of |
| an allocatable. |
| If you assign to a Fortran pointer to make it point at another pointer, |
| you are making the pointer point to the data (if any) to which the other |
| pointer points. |
| Similarly, if you assign to a Fortran pointer to make it point to an allocatable, |
| you are making the pointer point to the current content of the allocatable, |
| not to the metadata that manages the allocatable. |
| |
| Unlike allocatables, pointers do not deallocate their data when they go |
| out of scope. |
| |
| A legacy feature, "Cray pointers", implements dynamic base addressing of |
| one variable using an address stored in another. |
| |
| ## Preprocessing |
| |
| There is no standard preprocessing feature, but every real Fortran implementation |
| has some support for passing Fortran source code through a variant of |
| the standard C source preprocessor. |
| Since Fortran is very different from C at the lexical level (e.g., line |
| continuations, Hollerith literals, no reserved words, fixed form), using |
| a stock modern C preprocessor on Fortran source can be difficult. |
| Preprocessing behavior varies across implementations and one should not depend on |
| much portability. |
| Preprocessing is typically requested by the use of a capitalized filename |
| suffix (e.g., "foo.F90") or a compiler command line option. |
| (Since the F18 compiler always runs its built-in preprocessing stage, |
| no special option or filename suffix is required.) |
| |
| ## "Object Oriented" Programming |
| |
| Fortran doesn't have member functions (or subroutines) in the sense |
| that C++ does, in which a function has immediate access to the members |
| of a specific instance of a derived type. |
| But Fortran does have an analog to C++'s `this` via *type-bound |
| procedures*. |
| This is a means of binding a particular subprogram name to a derived |
| type, possibly with aliasing, in such a way that the subprogram can |
| be called as if it were a component of the type (e.g., `X%F(Y)`) |
| and receive the object to the left of the `%` as an additional actual argument, |
| exactly as if the call had been written `F(X,Y)`. |
| The object is passed as the first argument by default, but that can be |
| changed; indeed, the same specific subprogram can be used for multiple |
| type-bound procedures by choosing different dummy arguments to serve as |
| the passed object. |
| The equivalent of a `static` member function is also available by saying |
| that no argument is to be associated with the object via `NOPASS`. |
| |
| There's a lot more that can be said about type-bound procedures (e.g., how they |
| support overloading) but this should be enough to get you started with |
| the most common usage. |
| |
| ## Pitfalls |
| |
| Variable initializers, e.g. `INTEGER :: J=123`, are _static_ initializers! |
| They imply that the variable is stored in static storage, not on the stack, |
| and the initialized value lasts only until the variable is assigned. |
| One must use an assignment statement to implement a dynamic initializer |
| that will apply to every fresh instance of the variable. |
| Be especially careful when using initializers in the newish `BLOCK` construct, |
| which perpetuates the interpretation as static data. |
| (Derived type component initializers, however, do work as expected.) |
| |
| If you see an assignment to an array that's never been declared as such, |
| it's probably a definition of a *statement function*, which is like |
| a parameterized macro definition, e.g. `A(X)=SQRT(X)**3`. |
| In the original Fortran language, this was the only means for user |
| function definitions. |
| Today, of course, one should use an external or internal function instead. |
| |
| Fortran expressions don't bind exactly like C's do. |
| Watch out for exponentiation with `**`, which of course C lacks; it |
| binds more tightly than negation does (e.g., `-2**2` is -4), |
| and it binds to the right, unlike what any other Fortran and most |
| C operators do; e.g., `2**2**3` is 256, not 64. |
| Logical values must be compared with special logical equivalence |
| relations (`.EQV.` and `.NEQV.`) rather than the usual equality |
| operators. |
| |
| A Fortran compiler is allowed to short-circuit expression evaluation, |
| but not required to do so. |
| If one needs to protect a use of an `OPTIONAL` argument or possibly |
| disassociated pointer, use an `IF` statement, not a logical `.AND.` |
| operation. |
| In fact, Fortran can remove function calls from expressions if their |
| values are not required to determine the value of the expression's |
| result; e.g., if there is a `PRINT` statement in function `F`, it |
| may or may not be executed by the assignment statement `X=0*F()`. |
| (Well, it probably will be, in practice, but compilers always reserve |
| the right to optimize better.) |
| |
| Unless they have an explicit suffix (`1.0_8`, `2.0_8`) or a `D` |
| exponent (`3.0D0`), real literal constants in Fortran have the |
| default `REAL` type -- *not* `double` as in the case in C and C++. |
| If you're not careful, you can lose precision at compilation time |
| from your constant values and never know it. |