Merging r284620:

r284620 | simon.dardis | 2016-10-19 10:50:52 -0700 (Wed, 19 Oct 2016) | 14 lines

[mips][msa] Range check MSA intrinsics with immediates

This patch teaches clang to range check immediates for MIPS MSA instrinsics.
This checking is done strictly in comparison to some existing GCC
implementations. E.g. msa_andvi_b(var, 257) does not result in andvi $wX, 1.
Similarily msa_ldi_b takes a range of -128 to 127.

As part of this effort, correct the existing MSA test as it has both illegal
types and immediates.

Reviewers: vkalintiris

Differential Revision:


llvm-svn: 288109
5 files changed