tree: d87c6ee1a2195b442038ee7bc94d8fd7c50e65d1 [path history] [tgz]
  1. tablegen_kernel/
  2. .gitignore
  3. LLVM_TableGen.ipynb

A Jupyter kernel for TableGen (llvm-tblgen)

To use the kernel, first install it into jupyter:

python3 -m tablegen_kernel.install

Then put this folder on your PYTHONPATH so jupyter can find it:

    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path to this dir>

Then run one of:

    jupyter notebook
    # Then in the notebook interface, select 'LLVM TableGen' from the 'New' menu.

    # To run the example notebook in this folder.
    jupyter notebook LLVM_Tablegen.ipynb

    # To use the kernel from the command line.
    jupyter console --kernel tablegen

If you just want to see the results of the notebook, you can read instead.

llvm-tblgen is expected to be either in the PATH or you can set the environment variable LLVM_TBLGEN_EXECUTABLE to point to it directly.

To run the kernel's doctests do:

    python3 tablegen_kernel/