blob: 8d3859c8eb0ca5fb07ba19705ecc82004f28c9ea [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Utilities to convert integral values to string ----------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Converts an integer to a string.
// By default, the string is written as decimal to an internal buffer and
// accessed via the 'view' method.
// IntegerToString<int> buffer(42);
// cpp::string_view view = buffer.view();
// The buffer is allocated on the stack and its size is so that the conversion
// always succeeds.
// It is also possible to write the data to a preallocated buffer, but this may
// fail.
// char buffer[8];
// if (auto maybe_view = IntegerToString<int>::write_to_span(buffer, 42)) {
// cpp::string_view view = *maybe_view;
// }
// The first template parameter is the type of the integer.
// The second template parameter defines how the integer is formatted.
// Available default are 'radix::Bin', 'radix::Oct', 'radix::Dec' and
// 'radix::Hex'.
// For 'radix::Bin', 'radix::Oct' and 'radix::Hex' the value is always
// interpreted as a positive type but 'radix::Dec' will honor negative values.
// e.g.,
// IntegerToString<int8_t>(-1) // "-1"
// IntegerToString<int8_t, radix::Dec>(-1) // "-1"
// IntegerToString<int8_t, radix::Bin>(-1) // "11111111"
// IntegerToString<int8_t, radix::Oct>(-1) // "377"
// IntegerToString<int8_t, radix::Hex>(-1) // "ff"
// Additionnally, the format can be changed by navigating the subtypes:
// - WithPrefix : Adds "0b", "0", "0x" for binary, octal and hexadecimal
// - WithWidth<XX> : Pad string to XX characters filling leading digits with 0
// - Uppercase : Use uppercase letters (only for HexString)
// - WithSign : Prepend '+' for positive values (only for DecString)
// Examples
// --------
// IntegerToString<int8_t, radix::Dec::WithWidth<2>::WithSign>(0) : "+00"
// IntegerToString<int8_t, radix::Dec::WithWidth<2>::WithSign>(-1) : "-01"
// IntegerToString<uint8_t, radix::Hex::WithPrefix::Uppercase>(255) : "0xFF"
// IntegerToString<uint8_t, radix::Hex::WithWidth<4>::Uppercase>(255) : "00FF"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "src/__support/CPP/algorithm.h" // max
#include "src/__support/CPP/array.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/bit.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/limits.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/optional.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/span.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/string_view.h"
#include "src/__support/CPP/type_traits.h"
#include "src/__support/common.h"
namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE {
namespace details {
template <uint8_t base, bool prefix = false, bool force_sign = false,
bool is_uppercase = false, size_t min_digits = 1>
struct Fmt {
static constexpr uint8_t BASE = base;
static constexpr size_t MIN_DIGITS = min_digits;
static constexpr bool IS_UPPERCASE = is_uppercase;
static constexpr bool PREFIX = prefix;
static constexpr char FORCE_SIGN = force_sign;
using WithPrefix = Fmt<BASE, true, FORCE_SIGN, IS_UPPERCASE, MIN_DIGITS>;
using WithSign = Fmt<BASE, PREFIX, true, IS_UPPERCASE, MIN_DIGITS>;
using Uppercase = Fmt<BASE, PREFIX, FORCE_SIGN, true, MIN_DIGITS>;
template <size_t value>
using WithWidth = Fmt<BASE, PREFIX, FORCE_SIGN, IS_UPPERCASE, value>;
// Invariants
static constexpr uint8_t NUMERICAL_DIGITS = 10;
static constexpr uint8_t ALPHA_DIGITS = 26;
static constexpr uint8_t MAX_DIGIT = NUMERICAL_DIGITS + ALPHA_DIGITS;
static_assert(BASE > 1 && BASE <= MAX_DIGIT);
static_assert(!IS_UPPERCASE || BASE > 10, "Uppercase is only for radix > 10");
static_assert(!FORCE_SIGN || BASE == 10, "WithSign is only for radix == 10");
static_assert(!PREFIX || (BASE == 2 || BASE == 8 || BASE == 16),
"WithPrefix is only for radix == 2, 8 or 16");
// Move this to a separate header since it might be useful elsewhere.
template <bool forward> class StringBufferWriterImpl {
cpp::span<char> buffer;
size_t index = 0;
bool out_of_range = false;
LIBC_INLINE size_t location() const {
return forward ? index : buffer.size() - 1 - index;
StringBufferWriterImpl(const StringBufferWriterImpl &) = delete;
StringBufferWriterImpl(cpp::span<char> buffer) : buffer(buffer) {}
LIBC_INLINE size_t size() const { return index; }
LIBC_INLINE size_t remainder_size() const { return buffer.size() - size(); }
LIBC_INLINE bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
LIBC_INLINE bool full() const { return size() == buffer.size(); }
LIBC_INLINE bool ok() const { return !out_of_range; }
LIBC_INLINE StringBufferWriterImpl &push(char c) {
if (ok()) {
if (!full()) {
buffer[location()] = c;
} else {
out_of_range = true;
return *this;
LIBC_INLINE cpp::span<char> remainder_span() const {
return forward ? buffer.last(remainder_size())
: buffer.first(remainder_size());
LIBC_INLINE cpp::span<char> buffer_span() const {
return forward ? buffer.first(size()) : buffer.last(size());
LIBC_INLINE cpp::string_view buffer_view() const {
const auto s = buffer_span();
return {, s.size()};
using StringBufferWriter = StringBufferWriterImpl<true>;
using BackwardStringBufferWriter = StringBufferWriterImpl<false>;
} // namespace details
namespace radix {
using Bin = details::Fmt<2>;
using Oct = details::Fmt<8>;
using Dec = details::Fmt<10>;
using Hex = details::Fmt<16>;
template <size_t radix> using Custom = details::Fmt<radix>;
} // namespace radix
// See file header for documentation.
template <typename T, typename Fmt = radix::Dec> class IntegerToString {
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr size_t compute_buffer_size() {
constexpr auto max_digits = []() -> size_t {
// We size the string buffer for base 10 using an approximation algorithm:
// size = ceil(sizeof(T) * 5 / 2)
// If sizeof(T) is 1, then size is 3 (actually need 3)
// If sizeof(T) is 2, then size is 5 (actually need 5)
// If sizeof(T) is 4, then size is 10 (actually need 10)
// If sizeof(T) is 8, then size is 20 (actually need 20)
// If sizeof(T) is 16, then size is 40 (actually need 39)
// NOTE: The ceil operation is actually implemented as
// floor(((sizeof(T) * 5) + 1) / 2)
// where floor operation is just integer division.
// This estimation grows slightly faster than the actual value, but the
// overhead is small enough to tolerate.
if constexpr (Fmt::BASE == 10)
return ((sizeof(T) * 5) + 1) / 2;
// For other bases, we approximate by rounding down to the nearest power
// of two base, since the space needed is easy to calculate and it won't
// overestimate by too much.
constexpr auto floor_log_2 = [](size_t num) -> size_t {
size_t i = 0;
for (; num > 1; num /= 2)
return i;
constexpr size_t BITS_PER_DIGIT = floor_log_2(Fmt::BASE);
return ((sizeof(T) * 8 + (BITS_PER_DIGIT - 1)) / BITS_PER_DIGIT);
constexpr size_t digit_size = cpp::max(max_digits(), Fmt::MIN_DIGITS);
constexpr size_t sign_size = Fmt::BASE == 10 ? 1 : 0;
constexpr size_t prefix_size = Fmt::PREFIX ? 2 : 0;
return digit_size + sign_size + prefix_size;
static constexpr size_t BUFFER_SIZE = compute_buffer_size();
static_assert(BUFFER_SIZE > 0);
// An internal stateless structure that handles the number formatting logic.
struct IntegerWriter {
using UNSIGNED_T = cpp::make_unsigned_t<T>;
LIBC_INLINE static char digit_char(uint8_t digit) {
if (digit < 10)
return '0' + static_cast<char>(digit);
return (Fmt::IS_UPPERCASE ? 'A' : 'a') + static_cast<char>(digit - 10);
LIBC_INLINE static void
write_unsigned_number(UNSIGNED_T value,
details::BackwardStringBufferWriter &sink) {
for (; sink.ok() && value != 0; value /= Fmt::BASE) {
const uint8_t digit(static_cast<uint8_t>(value % Fmt::BASE));
// Returns the absolute value of 'value' as 'UNSIGNED_T'.
LIBC_INLINE static UNSIGNED_T abs(T value) {
if (cpp::is_unsigned_v<T> || value >= 0)
return value; // already of the right sign.
// Signed integers are asymmetric (e.g., int8_t ∈ [-128, 127]).
// Thus negating the type's minimum value would overflow.
// From C++20 on, signed types are guaranteed to be represented as 2's
// complement. We take advantage of this representation and negate the
// value by using the exact same bit representation, e.g.,
// binary : 0b1000'0000
// int8_t : -128
// uint8_t: 128
// Note: the compiler can completely optimize out the two branches and
// replace them by a simple negate instruction.
if (value == cpp::numeric_limits<T>::min()) {
return cpp::bit_cast<UNSIGNED_T>(value);
} else {
return -value; // legal and representable both as T and UNSIGNED_T.`
LIBC_INLINE static void write(T value,
details::BackwardStringBufferWriter &sink) {
if constexpr (Fmt::BASE == 10) {
write_unsigned_number(abs(value), sink);
} else {
write_unsigned_number(static_cast<UNSIGNED_T>(value), sink);
// width
while (sink.ok() && sink.size() < Fmt::MIN_DIGITS)
// sign
if constexpr (Fmt::BASE == 10) {
if (value < 0)
else if (Fmt::FORCE_SIGN)
// prefix
if constexpr (Fmt::PREFIX) {
if constexpr (Fmt::BASE == 2) {
if constexpr (Fmt::BASE == 16) {
if constexpr (Fmt::BASE == 8) {
const cpp::string_view written = sink.buffer_view();
if (written.empty() || written.front() != '0')
cpp::array<char, BUFFER_SIZE> array;
size_t written = 0;
IntegerToString(const IntegerToString &) = delete;
IntegerToString(T value) {
details::BackwardStringBufferWriter writer(array);
IntegerWriter::write(value, writer);
written = writer.size();
[[nodiscard]] LIBC_INLINE static cpp::optional<cpp::string_view>
format_to(cpp::span<char> buffer, T value) {
details::BackwardStringBufferWriter writer(buffer);
IntegerWriter::write(value, writer);
if (writer.ok())
return cpp::string_view( + buffer.size() - writer.size(),
return cpp::nullopt;
LIBC_INLINE static constexpr size_t buffer_size() { return BUFFER_SIZE; }
LIBC_INLINE size_t size() const { return written; }
LIBC_INLINE cpp::string_view view() && = delete;
LIBC_INLINE cpp::string_view view() const & {
return cpp::string_view( + array.size() - size(), size());
} // namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE