blob: d78e4be5fa9ca42f02bfcb661e0cf38d896ebd8b [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- A data structure which stores data in blocks -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <src/__support/CPP/new.h>
#include <src/__support/libc_assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE {
namespace cpp {
// The difference between BlockStore a traditional vector types is that,
// when more capacity is desired, a new block is added instead of allocating
// a larger sized array and copying over existing items to the new allocation.
// Also, the initial block does not need heap allocation. Hence, a BlockStore is
// suitable for global objects as it does not require explicit construction.
// Also, the destructor of this class does nothing, which eliminates the need
// for an atexit global object destruction. But, it also means that the global
// object should be explicitly cleaned up at the appropriate time.
// If REVERSE_ORDER is true, the iteration of elements will in the reverse
// order. Also, since REVERSE_ORDER is a constexpr, conditionals branching
// on its value will be optimized out in the code below.
template <typename T, size_t BLOCK_SIZE, bool REVERSE_ORDER = false>
class BlockStore {
struct Block {
alignas(T) uint8_t data[BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(T)] = {0};
Block *next = nullptr;
Block first;
Block *current = &first;
size_t fill_count = 0;
struct Pair {
Block *first, *second;
Pair getLastBlocks() {
return {current, current->next};
Block *prev = nullptr;
Block *curr = &first;
for (; curr->next; prev = curr, curr = curr->next)
LIBC_ASSERT(curr == current);
return {curr, prev};
Block *getLastBlock() { return getLastBlocks().first; }
constexpr BlockStore() = default;
~BlockStore() = default;
class iterator {
Block *block;
size_t index;
constexpr iterator(Block *b, size_t i) : block(b), index(i) {}
iterator &operator++() {
if (index == 0)
return *this;
if (index == 0 && block->next != nullptr) {
index = BLOCK_SIZE;
block = block->next;
} else {
if (index == BLOCK_SIZE)
return *this;
if (index == BLOCK_SIZE && block->next != nullptr) {
index = 0;
block = block->next;
return *this;
T &operator*() {
size_t true_index = REVERSE_ORDER ? index - 1 : index;
return *reinterpret_cast<T *>(block->data + sizeof(T) * true_index);
bool operator==(const iterator &rhs) const {
return block == rhs.block && index == rhs.index;
bool operator!=(const iterator &rhs) const {
return block != rhs.block || index != rhs.index;
static void destroy(BlockStore<T, BLOCK_SIZE, REVERSE_ORDER> *block_store);
T *new_obj() {
if (fill_count == BLOCK_SIZE) {
AllocChecker ac;
auto new_block = new (ac) Block();
if (!ac)
return nullptr;
new_block->next = current;
} else {
new_block->next = nullptr;
current->next = new_block;
current = new_block;
fill_count = 0;
T *obj = reinterpret_cast<T *>(current->data + fill_count * sizeof(T));
return obj;
[[nodiscard]] bool push_back(const T &value) {
T *ptr = new_obj();
if (ptr == nullptr)
return false;
*ptr = value;
return true;
T &back() {
return *reinterpret_cast<T *>(getLastBlock()->data +
sizeof(T) * (fill_count - 1));
void pop_back() {
if (fill_count || current == &first)
auto [last, prev] = getLastBlocks();
LIBC_ASSERT(last == current);
current = current->next;
} else {
LIBC_ASSERT(prev->next == last);
current = prev;
current->next = nullptr;
if (last != &first)
delete last;
fill_count = BLOCK_SIZE;
bool empty() const { return current == &first && !fill_count; }
iterator begin() {
return iterator(current, fill_count);
return iterator(&first, 0);
iterator end() {
return iterator(&first, 0);
return iterator(current, fill_count);
template <typename T, size_t BLOCK_SIZE, bool REVERSE_ORDER>
void BlockStore<T, BLOCK_SIZE, REVERSE_ORDER>::destroy(
BlockStore<T, BLOCK_SIZE, REVERSE_ORDER> *block_store) {
auto current = block_store->current;
while (current->next != nullptr) {
auto temp = current;
current = current->next;
delete temp;
} else {
auto current = block_store->;
while (current != nullptr) {
auto temp = current;
current = current->next;
delete temp;
block_store->current = nullptr;
block_store->fill_count = 0;
// A convenience type for reverse order block stores.
template <typename T, size_t BLOCK_SIZE>
using ReverseOrderBlockStore = BlockStore<T, BLOCK_SIZE, true>;
} // namespace cpp
} // namespace LIBC_NAMESPACE