blob: 3a9865d669dd401c6693fddf72bbd190b0e342e7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Pass.h - Base classes for compiler passes ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/AnalysisManager.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/PassRegistry.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
class OpToOpPassAdaptor;
/// The state for a single execution of a pass. This provides a unified
/// interface for accessing and initializing necessary state for pass execution.
struct PassExecutionState {
PassExecutionState(Operation *ir, AnalysisManager analysisManager,
function_ref<LogicalResult(OpPassManager &, Operation *)>
: irAndPassFailed(ir, false), analysisManager(analysisManager),
pipelineExecutor(pipelineExecutor) {}
/// The current operation being transformed and a bool for if the pass
/// signaled a failure.
llvm::PointerIntPair<Operation *, 1, bool> irAndPassFailed;
/// The analysis manager for the operation.
AnalysisManager analysisManager;
/// The set of preserved analyses for the current execution.
detail::PreservedAnalyses preservedAnalyses;
/// This is a callback in the PassManager that allows to schedule dynamic
/// pipelines that will be rooted at the provided operation.
function_ref<LogicalResult(OpPassManager &, Operation *)> pipelineExecutor;
} // namespace detail
/// The abstract base pass class. This class contains information describing the
/// derived pass object, e.g its kind and abstract TypeID.
class Pass {
virtual ~Pass() = default;
/// Returns the unique identifier that corresponds to this pass.
TypeID getTypeID() const { return passID; }
/// Returns the pass info for the specified pass class or null if unknown.
static const PassInfo *lookupPassInfo(StringRef passArg);
/// Returns the pass info for this pass, or null if unknown.
const PassInfo *lookupPassInfo() const {
return lookupPassInfo(getArgument());
/// Returns the derived pass name.
virtual StringRef getName() const = 0;
/// Register dependent dialects for the current pass.
/// A pass is expected to register the dialects it will create entities for
/// (Operations, Types, Attributes), other than dialect that exists in the
/// input. For example, a pass that converts from Linalg to Affine would
/// register the Affine dialect but does not need to register Linalg.
virtual void getDependentDialects(DialectRegistry &registry) const {}
/// Return the command line argument used when registering this pass. Return
/// an empty string if one does not exist.
virtual StringRef getArgument() const { return ""; }
/// Return the command line description used when registering this pass.
/// Return an empty string if one does not exist.
virtual StringRef getDescription() const { return ""; }
/// Returns the name of the operation that this pass operates on, or None if
/// this is a generic OperationPass.
Optional<StringRef> getOpName() const { return opName; }
// Options
/// This class represents a specific pass option, with a provided data type.
template <typename DataType,
typename OptionParser = detail::PassOptions::OptionParser<DataType>>
struct Option : public detail::PassOptions::Option<DataType, OptionParser> {
template <typename... Args>
Option(Pass &parent, StringRef arg, Args &&...args)
: detail::PassOptions::Option<DataType, OptionParser>(
parent.passOptions, arg, std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
using detail::PassOptions::Option<DataType, OptionParser>::operator=;
/// This class represents a specific pass option that contains a list of
/// values of the provided data type.
template <typename DataType,
typename OptionParser = detail::PassOptions::OptionParser<DataType>>
struct ListOption
: public detail::PassOptions::ListOption<DataType, OptionParser> {
template <typename... Args>
ListOption(Pass &parent, StringRef arg, Args &&...args)
: detail::PassOptions::ListOption<DataType, OptionParser>(
parent.passOptions, arg, std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
using detail::PassOptions::ListOption<DataType, OptionParser>::operator=;
/// Attempt to initialize the options of this pass from the given string.
/// Derived classes may override this method to hook into the point at which
/// options are initialized, but should generally always invoke this base
/// class variant.
virtual LogicalResult initializeOptions(StringRef options);
/// Prints out the pass in the textual representation of pipelines. If this is
/// an adaptor pass, print with the op_name(sub_pass,...) format.
void printAsTextualPipeline(raw_ostream &os);
// Statistics
/// This class represents a single pass statistic. This statistic functions
/// similarly to an unsigned integer value, and may be updated and incremented
/// accordingly. This class can be used to provide additional information
/// about the transformations and analyses performed by a pass.
class Statistic : public llvm::Statistic {
/// The statistic is initialized by the pass owner, a name, and a
/// description.
Statistic(Pass *owner, const char *name, const char *description);
/// Assign the statistic to the given value.
Statistic &operator=(unsigned value);
/// Returns the main statistics for this pass instance.
ArrayRef<Statistic *> getStatistics() const { return statistics; }
MutableArrayRef<Statistic *> getStatistics() { return statistics; }
/// Returns the thread sibling of this pass.
/// If this pass was cloned by the pass manager for the sake of
/// multi-threading, this function returns the original pass it was cloned
/// from. This is useful for diagnostic purposes to distinguish passes that
/// were replicated for threading purposes from passes instantiated by the
/// user. Used to collapse passes in timing statistics.
const Pass *getThreadingSibling() const { return threadingSibling; }
/// Returns the thread sibling of this pass, or the pass itself it has no
/// sibling. See `getThreadingSibling()` for details.
const Pass *getThreadingSiblingOrThis() const {
return threadingSibling ? threadingSibling : this;
explicit Pass(TypeID passID, Optional<StringRef> opName = llvm::None)
: passID(passID), opName(opName) {}
Pass(const Pass &other) : Pass(other.passID, other.opName) {}
/// Returns the current pass state.
detail::PassExecutionState &getPassState() {
assert(passState && "pass state was never initialized");
return *passState;
/// Return the MLIR context for the current function being transformed.
MLIRContext &getContext() { return *getOperation()->getContext(); }
/// The polymorphic API that runs the pass over the currently held operation.
virtual void runOnOperation() = 0;
/// Initialize any complex state necessary for running this pass. This hook
/// should not rely on any state accessible during the execution of a pass.
/// For example, `getContext`/`getOperation`/`getAnalysis`/etc. should not be
/// invoked within this hook.
/// Returns a LogicalResult to indicate failure, in which case the pass
/// pipeline won't execute.
virtual LogicalResult initialize(MLIRContext *context) { return success(); }
/// Schedule an arbitrary pass pipeline on the provided operation.
/// This can be invoke any time in a pass to dynamic schedule more passes.
/// The provided operation must be the current one or one nested below.
LogicalResult runPipeline(OpPassManager &pipeline, Operation *op) {
return passState->pipelineExecutor(pipeline, op);
/// A clone method to create a copy of this pass.
std::unique_ptr<Pass> clone() const {
auto newInst = clonePass();
return newInst;
/// Return the current operation being transformed.
Operation *getOperation() {
return getPassState().irAndPassFailed.getPointer();
/// Signal that some invariant was broken when running. The IR is allowed to
/// be in an invalid state.
void signalPassFailure() { getPassState().irAndPassFailed.setInt(true); }
/// Query an analysis for the current ir unit.
template <typename AnalysisT> AnalysisT &getAnalysis() {
return getAnalysisManager().getAnalysis<AnalysisT>();
/// Query an analysis for the current ir unit of a specific derived operation
/// type.
template <typename AnalysisT, typename OpT>
AnalysisT &getAnalysis() {
return getAnalysisManager().getAnalysis<AnalysisT, OpT>();
/// Query a cached instance of an analysis for the current ir unit if one
/// exists.
template <typename AnalysisT>
Optional<std::reference_wrapper<AnalysisT>> getCachedAnalysis() {
return getAnalysisManager().getCachedAnalysis<AnalysisT>();
/// Mark all analyses as preserved.
void markAllAnalysesPreserved() {
/// Mark the provided analyses as preserved.
template <typename... AnalysesT> void markAnalysesPreserved() {
void markAnalysesPreserved(TypeID id) {
/// Returns the analysis for the given parent operation if it exists.
template <typename AnalysisT>
getCachedParentAnalysis(Operation *parent) {
return getAnalysisManager().getCachedParentAnalysis<AnalysisT>(parent);
/// Returns the analysis for the parent operation if it exists.
template <typename AnalysisT>
Optional<std::reference_wrapper<AnalysisT>> getCachedParentAnalysis() {
return getAnalysisManager().getCachedParentAnalysis<AnalysisT>(
/// Returns the analysis for the given child operation if it exists.
template <typename AnalysisT>
getCachedChildAnalysis(Operation *child) {
return getAnalysisManager().getCachedChildAnalysis<AnalysisT>(child);
/// Returns the analysis for the given child operation, or creates it if it
/// doesn't exist.
template <typename AnalysisT> AnalysisT &getChildAnalysis(Operation *child) {
return getAnalysisManager().getChildAnalysis<AnalysisT>(child);
/// Returns the analysis for the given child operation of specific derived
/// operation type, or creates it if it doesn't exist.
template <typename AnalysisT, typename OpTy>
AnalysisT &getChildAnalysis(OpTy child) {
return getAnalysisManager().getChildAnalysis<AnalysisT>(child);
/// Returns the current analysis manager.
AnalysisManager getAnalysisManager() {
return getPassState().analysisManager;
/// Create a copy of this pass, ignoring statistics and options.
virtual std::unique_ptr<Pass> clonePass() const = 0;
/// Copy the option values from 'other', which is another instance of this
/// pass.
void copyOptionValuesFrom(const Pass *other);
/// Out of line virtual method to ensure vtables and metadata are emitted to a
/// single .o file.
virtual void anchor();
/// Represents a unique identifier for the pass.
TypeID passID;
/// The name of the operation that this pass operates on, or None if this is a
/// generic OperationPass.
Optional<StringRef> opName;
/// The current execution state for the pass.
Optional<detail::PassExecutionState> passState;
/// The set of statistics held by this pass.
std::vector<Statistic *> statistics;
/// The pass options registered to this pass instance.
detail::PassOptions passOptions;
/// A pointer to the pass this pass was cloned from, if the clone was made by
/// the pass manager for the sake of multi-threading.
const Pass *threadingSibling = nullptr;
/// Allow access to 'clone'.
friend class OpPassManager;
/// Allow access to 'passState'.
friend detail::OpToOpPassAdaptor;
/// Allow access to 'passOptions'.
friend class PassInfo;
// Pass Model Definitions
/// Pass to transform an operation of a specific type.
/// Operation passes must not:
/// - modify any other operations within the parent region, as other threads
/// may be manipulating them concurrently.
/// - modify any state within the parent operation, this includes adding
/// additional operations.
/// Derived function passes are expected to provide the following:
/// - A 'void runOnOperation()' method.
/// - A 'StringRef getName() const' method.
/// - A 'std::unique_ptr<Pass> clonePass() const' method.
template <typename OpT = void> class OperationPass : public Pass {
OperationPass(TypeID passID) : Pass(passID, OpT::getOperationName()) {}
OperationPass(const OperationPass &) = default;
/// Support isa/dyn_cast functionality.
static bool classof(const Pass *pass) {
return pass->getOpName() == OpT::getOperationName();
/// Return the current operation being transformed.
OpT getOperation() { return cast<OpT>(Pass::getOperation()); }
/// Query an analysis for the current operation of the specific derived
/// operation type.
template <typename AnalysisT>
AnalysisT &getAnalysis() {
return Pass::getAnalysis<AnalysisT, OpT>();
/// Pass to transform an operation.
/// Operation passes must not:
/// - modify any other operations within the parent region, as other threads
/// may be manipulating them concurrently.
/// - modify any state within the parent operation, this includes adding
/// additional operations.
/// Derived function passes are expected to provide the following:
/// - A 'void runOnOperation()' method.
/// - A 'StringRef getName() const' method.
/// - A 'std::unique_ptr<Pass> clonePass() const' method.
template <> class OperationPass<void> : public Pass {
OperationPass(TypeID passID) : Pass(passID) {}
OperationPass(const OperationPass &) = default;
/// A model for providing function pass specific utilities.
/// Derived function passes are expected to provide the following:
/// - A 'void runOnFunction()' method.
/// - A 'StringRef getName() const' method.
/// - A 'std::unique_ptr<Pass> clonePass() const' method.
class FunctionPass : public OperationPass<FuncOp> {
using OperationPass<FuncOp>::OperationPass;
/// The polymorphic API that runs the pass over the currently held function.
virtual void runOnFunction() = 0;
/// The polymorphic API that runs the pass over the currently held operation.
void runOnOperation() final {
if (!getFunction().isExternal())
/// Return the current function being transformed.
FuncOp getFunction() { return this->getOperation(); }
/// This class provides a CRTP wrapper around a base pass class to define
/// several necessary utility methods. This should only be used for passes that
/// are not suitably represented using the declarative pass specification(i.e.
/// tablegen backend).
template <typename PassT, typename BaseT> class PassWrapper : public BaseT {
/// Support isa/dyn_cast functionality for the derived pass class.
static bool classof(const Pass *pass) {
return pass->getTypeID() == TypeID::get<PassT>();
PassWrapper() : BaseT(TypeID::get<PassT>()) {}
PassWrapper(const PassWrapper &) = default;
/// Returns the derived pass name.
StringRef getName() const override { return llvm::getTypeName<PassT>(); }
/// A clone method to create a copy of this pass.
std::unique_ptr<Pass> clonePass() const override {
return std::make_unique<PassT>(*static_cast<const PassT *>(this));
} // end namespace mlir
#endif // MLIR_PASS_PASS_H