blob: 1338b824acf68040eb27503b3a159eea0ac6595c [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- - LLVM Attributes definition file --*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
include "mlir/Dialect/LLVMIR/"
// All of the attributes will extend this class.
class LLVM_Attr<string name> : AttrDef<LLVM_Dialect, name>;
// The "FastMath" flags associated with floating point LLVM instructions.
def FastmathFlagsAttr : LLVM_Attr<"FMF"> {
let mnemonic = "fastmath";
// List of type parameters.
let parameters = (ins
// Attribute definition for the LLVM Linkage enum.
def LinkageAttr : LLVM_Attr<"Linkage"> {
let mnemonic = "linkage";
let parameters = (ins
def LoopOptionsAttr : LLVM_Attr<"LoopOptions"> {
let mnemonic = "loopopts";
let description = [{
This attributes encapsulates "loop options". It is means to decorate
branches that are "latches" (loop backedges) and maps to the `!llvm.loop`
It store the options as a pair <enum,int64_t> in a sorted array and expose
APIs to retrieve the value for each option with a stronger type (bool for
// List of type parameters.
let parameters = (ins
ArrayRefParameter<"std::pair<LoopOptionCase, int64_t>", "">:$options
let extraClassDeclaration = [{
using OptionValuePair = std::pair<LoopOptionCase, int64_t>;
using OptionsArray = ArrayRef<std::pair<LoopOptionCase, int64_t>>;
Optional<bool> disableUnroll();
Optional<bool> disableLICM();
Optional<int64_t> interleaveCount();
let builders = [
/// Build the LoopOptions Attribute from a sorted array of individual options.
AttrBuilder<(ins "ArrayRef<std::pair<LoopOptionCase, int64_t>>":$sortedOptions)>,
AttrBuilder<(ins "LoopOptionsAttrBuilder &":$optionBuilders)>
let skipDefaultBuilders = 1;