blob: 5081fbf4628c0fcd4cf99aa91e94218e20280e06 [file] [log] [blame]
"Number","Name","Status","First released version"
`P0896R4 <>`__,<ranges>,,
`P1035R7 <>`__,Input Range Adaptors,,
`P1207R4 <>`__,Movability Of Single-Pass Iterators,,
`P1243R4 <>`__,Rangify New Algorithms,,
`P1248R1 <>`__,Fixing Relations,,
`P1252R2 <>`__,Ranges Design Cleanup,,
`P1391R4 <>`__,Range Constructor For string_view,,
`P1456R1 <>`__,Move-Only Views,,
`P1474R1 <>`__,Helpful Pointers For contiguous_iterator,,
`P1522R1 <>`__,Iterator Difference Type And Integer Overflow,,
`P1523R1 <>`__,Views And Size Types,,
`P1638R1 <>`__,basic_istream_view::iterator Should Not Be Copyable,,
`P1716R3 <>`__,Range Comparison Algorithms Are Over-Constrained,,
`P1739R4 <>`__,Avoiding Template Bloat For Ranges,,
`P1862R1 <>`__,Range Adaptors For Non-Copyable Iterators,,
`P1870R1 <>`__,safe_range,,
`P1871R1 <>`__,disable_sized_sentinel_for,,
`P1878R1 <>`__,Constraining Readable Types,,
`P1970R2 <>`__,ranges::ssize,,
`P1983R0 <>`__,Fixing Minor Ranges Issues,,
`P1994R1 <>`__,elements_view Needs Its Own sentinel,,
`P2091R0 <>`__,Fixing Issues With Range Access CPOs,,
`P2106R0 <>`__,Range Algorithm Result Types,,
`P2325R3 <>`__,Views should not be required to be default constructible ,,
`P2328R1 <>`__,join_view should join all views of ranges,,
`P2210R2 <>`__,Superior String Splitting,,
`P2281R1 <>`__,Clarifying range adaptor objects,,
`P2367R0 <>`__,Remove misuses of list-initialization from Clause 24,,
`P2415 <>`__,"What is a ``view``",,
`P2432 <>`__,"Fix ``istream_view``",,