Merging r268287:

r268287 | thomas.stellard | 2016-05-02 12:37:56 -0700 (Mon, 02 May 2016) | 19 lines

AMDGPU/SI: Set the kill flag on temp VGPRs used to restore SGPRs from scratch

When we restore an SGPR value from scratch, we first load it into a
temporary VGPR and then use v_readlane_b32 to copy the value from the
VGPR back into an SGPR.

We weren't setting the kill flag on the VGPR in the v_readlane_b32
instruction, so the register scavenger wasn't able to re-use this
temp value later.

I wasn't able to create a lit test for this.

Reviewers: arsenm

Subscribers: arsenm, llvm-commits

Differential Revision:


llvm-svn: 271770
1 file changed