blob: 4f561919c43e36e47691c91b7c2c9b26daab4bdf [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Matrix.h - MLIR Matrix Class -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This is a simple 2D matrix class that supports reading, writing, resizing,
// swapping rows, and swapping columns.
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
namespace mlir {
/// This is a class to represent a resizable matrix.
/// More columns and rows can be reserved than are currently used. The data is
/// stored as a single 1D array, viewed as a 2D matrix with nRows rows and
/// nReservedColumns columns, stored in row major form. Thus the element at
/// (i, j) is stored at data[i*nReservedColumns + j]. The reserved but unused
/// columns always have all zero values. The reserved rows are just reserved
/// space in the underlying SmallVector's capacity.
class Matrix {
Matrix() = delete;
/// Construct a matrix with the specified number of rows and columns.
/// The number of reserved rows and columns will be at least the number
/// specified, and will always be sufficient to accomodate the number of rows
/// and columns specified.
/// Initially, the entries are initialized to ero.
Matrix(unsigned rows, unsigned columns, unsigned reservedRows = 0,
unsigned reservedColumns = 0);
/// Return the identity matrix of the specified dimension.
static Matrix identity(unsigned dimension);
/// Access the element at the specified row and column.
int64_t &at(unsigned row, unsigned column);
int64_t at(unsigned row, unsigned column) const;
int64_t &operator()(unsigned row, unsigned column);
int64_t operator()(unsigned row, unsigned column) const;
/// Swap the given columns.
void swapColumns(unsigned column, unsigned otherColumn);
/// Swap the given rows.
void swapRows(unsigned row, unsigned otherRow);
unsigned getNumRows() const;
unsigned getNumColumns() const;
/// Return the maximum number of rows/columns that can be added without
/// incurring a reallocation.
unsigned getNumReservedRows() const;
unsigned getNumReservedColumns() const;
/// Reserve enough space to resize to the specified number of rows without
/// reallocations.
void reserveRows(unsigned rows);
/// Get an ArrayRef corresponding to the specified row.
ArrayRef<int64_t> getRow(unsigned row) const;
/// Insert columns having positions pos, pos + 1, ... pos + count - 1.
/// Columns that were at positions 0 to pos - 1 will stay where they are;
/// columns that were at positions pos to nColumns - 1 will be pushed to the
/// right. pos should be at most nColumns.
void insertColumns(unsigned pos, unsigned count);
void insertColumn(unsigned pos);
/// Insert rows having positions pos, pos + 1, ... pos + count - 1.
/// Rows that were at positions 0 to pos - 1 will stay where they are;
/// rows that were at positions pos to nColumns - 1 will be pushed to the
/// right. pos should be at most nRows.
void insertRows(unsigned pos, unsigned count);
void insertRow(unsigned pos);
/// Remove the columns having positions pos, pos + 1, ... pos + count - 1.
/// Rows that were at positions 0 to pos - 1 will stay where they are;
/// columns that were at positions pos + count - 1 or later will be pushed to
/// the right. The columns to be deleted must be valid rows: pos + count - 1
/// must be at most nColumns - 1.
void removeColumns(unsigned pos, unsigned count);
void removeColumn(unsigned pos);
/// Remove the rows having positions pos, pos + 1, ... pos + count - 1.
/// Rows that were at positions 0 to pos - 1 will stay where they are;
/// rows that were at positions pos + count - 1 or later will be pushed to the
/// right. The rows to be deleted must be valid rows: pos + count - 1 must be
/// at most nRows - 1.
void removeRows(unsigned pos, unsigned count);
void removeRow(unsigned pos);
void copyRow(unsigned sourceRow, unsigned targetRow);
/// Add `scale` multiples of the source row to the target row.
void addToRow(unsigned sourceRow, unsigned targetRow, int64_t scale);
/// Add `scale` multiples of the source column to the target column.
void addToColumn(unsigned sourceColumn, unsigned targetColumn, int64_t scale);
/// Negate the specified column.
void negateColumn(unsigned column);
/// Resize the matrix to the specified dimensions. If a dimension is smaller,
/// the values are truncated; if it is bigger, the new values are initialized
/// to zero.
/// Due to the representation of the matrix, resizing vertically (adding rows)
/// is less expensive than increasing the number of columns beyond
/// nReservedColumns.
void resize(unsigned newNRows, unsigned newNColumns);
void resizeHorizontally(unsigned newNColumns);
void resizeVertically(unsigned newNRows);
/// Add an extra row at the bottom of the matrix and return its position.
unsigned appendExtraRow();
/// Print the matrix.
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
void dump() const;
/// Return whether the Matrix is in a consistent state with all its
/// invariants satisfied.
bool hasConsistentState() const;
/// The current number of rows, columns, and reserved columns. The underlying
/// data vector is viewed as an nRows x nReservedColumns matrix, of which the
/// first nColumns columns are currently in use, and the remaining are
/// reserved columns filled with zeros.
unsigned nRows, nColumns, nReservedColumns;
/// Stores the data. data.size() is equal to nRows * nReservedColumns.
/// data.capacity() / nReservedColumns is the number of reserved rows.
SmallVector<int64_t, 64> data;
} // namespace mlir