blob: 9e3f02914eac1c275677d9aab4567d0a0cf0802b [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- A class to manipulate wide integers. --------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <stddef.h> // For size_t
#include <stdint.h>
namespace __llvm_libc {
namespace fputil {
template <size_t Bits> class UInt {
// This is mainly used for debugging.
enum Kind {
static_assert(Bits > 0 && Bits % 64 == 0,
"Number of bits in UInt should be a multiple of 64.");
static constexpr uint64_t Mask32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
static constexpr size_t WordCount = Bits / 64;
static constexpr uint64_t InvalidHexDigit = 20;
uint64_t val[WordCount];
Kind kind;
uint64_t low(uint64_t v) { return v & Mask32; }
uint64_t high(uint64_t v) { return (v >> 32) & Mask32; }
uint64_t hexval(char c) {
uint64_t diff;
if ((diff = uint64_t(c) - 'A') < 6)
return diff + 10;
else if ((diff = uint64_t(c) - 'a') < 6)
return diff + 10;
else if ((diff = uint64_t(c) - '0') < 10)
return diff;
return InvalidHexDigit;
size_t strlen(const char *s) {
size_t len;
for (len = 0; *s != '\0'; ++s, ++len)
return len;
UInt() { kind = Valid; }
UInt(const UInt<Bits> &other) : kind(other.kind) {
if (kind == Valid) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
val[i] = other.val[i];
// This constructor is used for debugging.
explicit UInt(const char *s) {
size_t len = strlen(s);
if (len > Bits / 4 + 2 || len < 3) {
kind = NotANumber;
if (!(s[0] == '0' && s[1] == 'x')) {
kind = NotANumber;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
val[i] = 0;
for (size_t i = len - 1, w = 0; i >= 2; --i, w += 4) {
uint64_t hex = hexval(s[i]);
if (hex == InvalidHexDigit) {
kind = NotANumber;
val[w / 64] |= (hex << (w % 64));
kind = Valid;
explicit UInt(uint64_t v) {
val[0] = v;
for (size_t i = 1; i < WordCount; ++i)
val[i] = 0;
kind = Valid;
explicit UInt(uint64_t data[WordCount]) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i)
val[i] = data[i];
kind = Valid;
bool is_valid() const { return kind == Valid; }
// Add x to this number and store the result in this number.
// Returns the carry value produced by the addition operation.
uint64_t add(const UInt<Bits> &x) {
uint64_t carry = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
uint64_t res_lo = low(val[i]) + low(x.val[i]) + carry;
carry = high(res_lo);
res_lo = low(res_lo);
uint64_t res_hi = high(val[i]) + high(x.val[i]) + carry;
carry = high(res_hi);
res_hi = low(res_hi);
val[i] = res_lo + (res_hi << 32);
return carry;
// Multiply this number with x and store the result in this number. It is
// implemented using the long multiplication algorithm by splitting the
// 64-bit words of this number and |x| in to 32-bit halves but peforming
// the operations using 64-bit numbers. This ensures that we don't lose the
// carry bits.
// Returns the carry value produced by the multiplication operation.
uint64_t mul(uint64_t x) {
uint64_t x_lo = low(x);
uint64_t x_hi = high(x);
uint64_t row1[WordCount + 1];
uint64_t carry = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
uint64_t l = low(val[i]);
uint64_t h = high(val[i]);
uint64_t p1 = x_lo * l;
uint64_t p2 = x_lo * h;
uint64_t res_lo = low(p1) + carry;
carry = high(res_lo);
uint64_t res_hi = high(p1) + low(p2) + carry;
carry = high(res_hi) + high(p2);
res_lo = low(res_lo);
res_hi = low(res_hi);
row1[i] = res_lo + (res_hi << 32);
row1[WordCount] = carry;
uint64_t row2[WordCount + 1];
row2[0] = 0;
carry = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
uint64_t l = low(val[i]);
uint64_t h = high(val[i]);
uint64_t p1 = x_hi * l;
uint64_t p2 = x_hi * h;
uint64_t res_lo = low(p1) + carry;
carry = high(res_lo);
uint64_t res_hi = high(p1) + low(p2) + carry;
carry = high(res_hi) + high(p2);
res_lo = low(res_lo);
res_hi = low(res_hi);
row2[i] = res_lo + (res_hi << 32);
row2[WordCount] = carry;
UInt<(WordCount + 1) * 64> r1(row1), r2(row2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < WordCount; ++i) {
val[i] = r1[i];
return r1[WordCount];
void shift_left(size_t s) {
const size_t drop = s / 64; // Number of words to drop
const size_t shift = s % 64; // Bits to shift in the remaining words.
const uint64_t mask = ((uint64_t(1) << shift) - 1) << (64 - shift);
for (size_t i = WordCount; drop > 0 && i > 0; --i) {
if (i - drop > 0)
val[i - 1] = val[i - drop - 1];
val[i - 1] = 0;
for (size_t i = WordCount; shift > 0 && i > drop; --i) {
uint64_t drop_val = (val[i - 1] & mask) >> (64 - shift);
val[i - 1] <<= shift;
if (i < WordCount)
val[i] |= drop_val;
void shift_right(size_t s) {
const size_t drop = s / 64; // Number of words to drop
const size_t shift = s % 64; // Bit shift in the remaining words.
const uint64_t mask = (uint64_t(1) << shift) - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; drop > 0 && i < WordCount; ++i) {
if (i + drop < WordCount)
val[i] = val[i + drop];
val[i] = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; shift > 0 && i < WordCount; ++i) {
uint64_t drop_val = ((val[i] & mask) << (64 - shift));
val[i] >>= shift;
if (i > 0)
val[i - 1] |= drop_val;
const uint64_t &operator[](size_t i) const { return val[i]; }
uint64_t &operator[](size_t i) { return val[i]; }
uint64_t *data() { return val; }
const uint64_t *data() const { return val; }
} // namespace fputil
} // namespace __llvm_libc