Fix a bug in the inliner that causes subsequent double inlining

A recent change in the instruction simplifier enables a call to a function that just returns one of its parameter to be simplified as simply loading the parameter. This exposes a bug in the inliner where double inlining may be involved which in turn may cause compiler ICE when an already-inlined callsite is reused for further inlining.
To put it simply, in the following-like C program, when the function call second(t) is inlined, its code t = third(t) will be reduced to just loading the return value of the callsite first(). This causes the inliner internal data structure to register the first() callsite for the call edge representing the third() call, therefore incurs a double inlining when both call edges are considered an inline candidate. I'm making a fix to break the inliner from reusing a callsite for new call edges.

void top()
    int t = first();

void second(int t)
   t = third(t);

void third(int t)
   return t;
The actual failing case is much trickier than the example here and is only reproducible with the legacy inliner. The way the legacy inliner works is to process each SCC in a bottom-up order. That means in reality function first may be already inlined into top, or function third is either inlined to second or is folded into nothing. To repro the failure seen from building a large application, we need to figure out a way to confuse the inliner so that the bottom-up inlining is not fulfilled. I'm doing this by making the second call indirect so that the alias analyzer fails to figure out the right call graph edge from top to second and top can be processed before second during the bottom-up.  We also need to tweak the test code so that when the inlining of top happens, the function body of second is not that optimized, by delaying the pass of function attribute deducer (i.e, which tells function third has no side effect and just returns its parameter). Since the CGSCC pass is iterative, additional calls are added to top to postpone the inlining of second to the second round right after the first function attribute deducing pass is done. I haven't been able to repro the failure with the new pass manager since the processing order of ininlined callsites is a bit different, but in theory the issue could happen there too.

Note that this fix could introduce a side effect that blocks the simplification of inlined code, specifically for a call site that can be folded to another call site. I hope this can probably be complemented by subsequent inlining or folding, as shown in the attached unit test. The ideal fix should be to separate the use of VMap. However, in reality this failing pattern shouldn't happen often. And even if it happens, there should be a good chance that the non-folded call site will be refolded by iterative inlining or subsequent simplification.

Reviewers: wenlei, davidxl, tejohnson

Reviewed By: wenlei, davidxl

Subscribers: eraman, nikic, hiraditya, llvm-commits

Tags: #llvm

Differential Revision:
2 files changed
tree: 9d66c155850975db66c5aadfba89b506087aa6c3
  1. clang/
  2. clang-tools-extra/
  3. compiler-rt/
  4. debuginfo-tests/
  5. libc/
  6. libclc/
  7. libcxx/
  8. libcxxabi/
  9. libunwind/
  10. lld/
  11. lldb/
  12. llvm/
  13. mlir/
  14. openmp/
  15. parallel-libs/
  16. polly/
  17. pstl/
  18. utils/
  19. .arcconfig
  20. .arclint
  21. .clang-format
  22. .clang-tidy
  23. .git-blame-ignore-revs
  24. .gitignore

The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure

This directory and its sub-directories contain source code for LLVM, a toolkit for the construction of highly optimized compilers, optimizers, and run-time environments.

The README briefly describes how to get started with building LLVM. For more information on how to contribute to the LLVM project, please take a look at the Contributing to LLVM guide.

Getting Started with the LLVM System

Taken from


Welcome to the LLVM project!

The LLVM project has multiple components. The core of the project is itself called “LLVM”. This contains all of the tools, libraries, and header files needed to process intermediate representations and converts it into object files. Tools include an assembler, disassembler, bitcode analyzer, and bitcode optimizer. It also contains basic regression tests.

C-like languages use the Clang front end. This component compiles C, C++, Objective C, and Objective C++ code into LLVM bitcode -- and from there into object files, using LLVM.

Other components include: the libc++ C++ standard library, the LLD linker, and more.

Getting the Source Code and Building LLVM

The LLVM Getting Started documentation may be out of date. The Clang Getting Started page might have more accurate information.

This is an example work-flow and configuration to get and build the LLVM source:

  1. Checkout LLVM (including related sub-projects like Clang):

    • git clone

    • Or, on windows, git clone --config core.autocrlf=false

  2. Configure and build LLVM and Clang:

    • cd llvm-project

    • mkdir build

    • cd build

    • cmake -G <generator> [options] ../llvm

      Some common build system generators are:

      • Ninja --- for generating Ninja build files. Most llvm developers use Ninja.
      • Unix Makefiles --- for generating make-compatible parallel makefiles.
      • Visual Studio --- for generating Visual Studio projects and solutions.
      • Xcode --- for generating Xcode projects.

      Some Common options:

      • -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS='...' --- semicolon-separated list of the LLVM sub-projects you'd like to additionally build. Can include any of: clang, clang-tools-extra, libcxx, libcxxabi, libunwind, lldb, compiler-rt, lld, polly, or debuginfo-tests.

        For example, to build LLVM, Clang, libcxx, and libcxxabi, use -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;libcxx;libcxxabi".

      • -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=directory --- Specify for directory the full path name of where you want the LLVM tools and libraries to be installed (default /usr/local).

      • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=type --- Valid options for type are Debug, Release, RelWithDebInfo, and MinSizeRel. Default is Debug.

      • -DLLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS=On --- Compile with assertion checks enabled (default is Yes for Debug builds, No for all other build types).

    • cmake --build . [-- [options] <target>] or your build system specified above directly.

      • The default target (i.e. ninja or make) will build all of LLVM.

      • The check-all target (i.e. ninja check-all) will run the regression tests to ensure everything is in working order.

      • CMake will generate targets for each tool and library, and most LLVM sub-projects generate their own check-<project> target.

      • Running a serial build will be slow. To improve speed, try running a parallel build. That's done by default in Ninja; for make, use the option -j NNN, where NNN is the number of parallel jobs, e.g. the number of CPUs you have.

    • For more information see CMake

Consult the Getting Started with LLVM page for detailed information on configuring and compiling LLVM. You can visit Directory Layout to learn about the layout of the source code tree.