| ! RUN: %python %S/test_errors.py %s %flang_fc1 |
| ! NULL() intrinsic function error tests |
| |
| subroutine test |
| interface |
| subroutine s0 |
| end subroutine |
| subroutine s1(j) |
| integer, intent(in) :: j |
| end subroutine |
| subroutine canbenull(x, y) |
| integer, intent(in), optional :: x |
| real, intent(in), pointer :: y |
| end |
| function f0() |
| real :: f0 |
| end function |
| function f1(x) |
| real :: f1 |
| real, intent(inout) :: x |
| end function |
| function f2(p) |
| import s0 |
| real :: f1 |
| procedure(s0), pointer, intent(inout) :: p |
| end function |
| function f3() |
| import s1 |
| procedure(s1), pointer :: f3 |
| end function |
| end interface |
| external implicit |
| type :: dt0 |
| integer, pointer :: ip0 |
| end type dt0 |
| type :: dt1 |
| integer, pointer :: ip1(:) |
| end type dt1 |
| type :: dt2 |
| procedure(s0), pointer, nopass :: pps0 |
| end type dt2 |
| type :: dt3 |
| procedure(s1), pointer, nopass :: pps1 |
| end type dt3 |
| integer :: j |
| type(dt0) :: dt0x |
| type(dt1) :: dt1x |
| type(dt2) :: dt2x |
| type(dt3) :: dt3x |
| integer, pointer :: ip0, ip1(:), ip2(:,:) |
| integer, allocatable :: ia0, ia1(:), ia2(:,:) |
| real, pointer :: rp0, rp1(:) |
| integer, parameter :: ip0r = rank(null(mold=ip0)) |
| integer, parameter :: ip1r = rank(null(mold=ip1)) |
| integer, parameter :: ip2r = rank(null(mold=ip2)) |
| integer, parameter :: eight = ip0r + ip1r + ip2r + 5 |
| real(kind=eight) :: r8check |
| ip0 => null() ! ok |
| ip1 => null() ! ok |
| ip2 => null() ! ok |
| !ERROR: MOLD= argument to NULL() must be a pointer or allocatable |
| ip0 => null(mold=1) |
| !ERROR: MOLD= argument to NULL() must be a pointer or allocatable |
| ip0 => null(mold=j) |
| dt0x = dt0(null()) |
| dt0x = dt0(ip0=null()) |
| dt0x = dt0(ip0=null(ip0)) |
| dt0x = dt0(ip0=null(mold=ip0)) |
| !ERROR: function result type 'REAL(4)' is not compatible with pointer type 'INTEGER(4)' |
| dt0x = dt0(ip0=null(mold=rp0)) |
| !ERROR: function result type 'REAL(4)' is not compatible with pointer type 'INTEGER(4)' |
| dt1x = dt1(ip1=null(mold=rp1)) |
| dt2x = dt2(pps0=null()) |
| dt2x = dt2(pps0=null(mold=dt2x%pps0)) |
| !ERROR: Procedure pointer 'pps0' associated with result of reference to function 'null' that is an incompatible procedure pointer |
| dt2x = dt2(pps0=null(mold=dt3x%pps1)) |
| !ERROR: Procedure pointer 'pps1' associated with result of reference to function 'null' that is an incompatible procedure pointer |
| dt3x = dt3(pps1=null(mold=dt2x%pps0)) |
| dt3x = dt3(pps1=null(mold=dt3x%pps1)) |
| call canbenull(null(), null()) ! fine |
| call canbenull(null(mold=ip0), null(mold=rp0)) ! fine |
| !ERROR: Null pointer argument requires an explicit interface |
| call implicit(null()) |
| !ERROR: Null pointer argument requires an explicit interface |
| call implicit(null(mold=ip0)) |
| end subroutine test |