blob: 88c8516343d0a9e6083e00f198592c6859d412ef [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PassInstrumentation.h ------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "mlir/Support/TypeID.h"
namespace mlir {
class Operation;
class Pass;
namespace detail {
struct PassInstrumentorImpl;
} // end namespace detail
/// PassInstrumentation provides several entry points into the pass manager
/// infrastructure. Instrumentations should be added directly to a PassManager
/// before running a pipeline.
class PassInstrumentation {
/// This struct represents information related to the parent pass of pipeline.
/// It includes information that allows for effectively linking pipelines that
/// run on different threads.
struct PipelineParentInfo {
/// The thread of the parent pass that the current pipeline was spawned
/// from. Note: This is acquired from llvm::get_threadid().
uint64_t parentThreadID;
/// The pass that spawned this pipeline.
Pass *parentPass;
virtual ~PassInstrumentation() = 0;
/// A callback to run before a pass pipeline is executed. This function takes
/// the name of the operation type being operated on, and information related
/// to the parent that spawned this pipeline.
virtual void runBeforePipeline(StringAttr name,
const PipelineParentInfo &parentInfo) {}
/// A callback to run after a pass pipeline has executed. This function takes
/// the name of the operation type being operated on, and information related
/// to the parent that spawned this pipeline.
virtual void runAfterPipeline(StringAttr name,
const PipelineParentInfo &parentInfo) {}
/// A callback to run before a pass is executed. This function takes a pointer
/// to the pass to be executed, as well as the current operation being
/// operated on.
virtual void runBeforePass(Pass *pass, Operation *op) {}
/// A callback to run after a pass is successfully executed. This function
/// takes a pointer to the pass to be executed, as well as the current
/// operation being operated on.
virtual void runAfterPass(Pass *pass, Operation *op) {}
/// A callback to run when a pass execution fails. This function takes a
/// pointer to the pass that was being executed, as well as the current
/// operation being operated on. Note that the operation may be in an invalid
/// state.
virtual void runAfterPassFailed(Pass *pass, Operation *op) {}
/// A callback to run before an analysis is computed. This function takes the
/// name of the analysis to be computed, its TypeID, as well as the
/// current operation being analyzed.
virtual void runBeforeAnalysis(StringRef name, TypeID id, Operation *op) {}
/// A callback to run before an analysis is computed. This function takes the
/// name of the analysis that was computed, its TypeID, as well as the
/// current operation being analyzed.
virtual void runAfterAnalysis(StringRef name, TypeID id, Operation *op) {}
/// This class holds a collection of PassInstrumentation objects, and invokes
/// their respective call backs.
class PassInstrumentor {
PassInstrumentor(PassInstrumentor &&) = delete;
PassInstrumentor(const PassInstrumentor &) = delete;
/// See PassInstrumentation::runBeforePipeline for details.
runBeforePipeline(StringAttr name,
const PassInstrumentation::PipelineParentInfo &parentInfo);
/// See PassInstrumentation::runAfterPipeline for details.
runAfterPipeline(StringAttr name,
const PassInstrumentation::PipelineParentInfo &parentInfo);
/// See PassInstrumentation::runBeforePass for details.
void runBeforePass(Pass *pass, Operation *op);
/// See PassInstrumentation::runAfterPass for details.
void runAfterPass(Pass *pass, Operation *op);
/// See PassInstrumentation::runAfterPassFailed for details.
void runAfterPassFailed(Pass *pass, Operation *op);
/// See PassInstrumentation::runBeforeAnalysis for details.
void runBeforeAnalysis(StringRef name, TypeID id, Operation *op);
/// See PassInstrumentation::runAfterAnalysis for details.
void runAfterAnalysis(StringRef name, TypeID id, Operation *op);
/// Add the given instrumentation to the collection.
void addInstrumentation(std::unique_ptr<PassInstrumentation> pi);
std::unique_ptr<detail::PassInstrumentorImpl> impl;
} // end namespace mlir
namespace llvm {
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<mlir::PassInstrumentation::PipelineParentInfo> {
using T = mlir::PassInstrumentation::PipelineParentInfo;
using PairInfo = DenseMapInfo<std::pair<uint64_t, void *>>;
static T getEmptyKey() {
auto pair = PairInfo::getEmptyKey();
return {pair.first, reinterpret_cast<mlir::Pass *>(pair.second)};
static T getTombstoneKey() {
auto pair = PairInfo::getTombstoneKey();
return {pair.first, reinterpret_cast<mlir::Pass *>(pair.second)};
static unsigned getHashValue(T val) {
return PairInfo::getHashValue({val.parentThreadID, val.parentPass});
static bool isEqual(T lhs, T rhs) {
return lhs.parentThreadID == rhs.parentThreadID &&
lhs.parentPass == rhs.parentPass;
} // end namespace llvm