blob: d5840818dffc42816f506d06c408cb5460aa4eb7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AnalysisManager.h - Analysis Management Infrastructure ---*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/PassInstrumentation.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TypeName.h"
namespace mlir {
class AnalysisManager;
// Analysis Preservation and Concept Modeling
namespace detail {
/// A utility class to represent the analyses that are known to be preserved.
class PreservedAnalyses {
/// A type used to represent all potential analyses.
struct AllAnalysesType;
/// Mark all analyses as preserved.
void preserveAll() { preservedIDs.insert(TypeID::get<AllAnalysesType>()); }
/// Returns true if all analyses were marked preserved.
bool isAll() const {
return preservedIDs.count(TypeID::get<AllAnalysesType>());
/// Returns true if no analyses were marked preserved.
bool isNone() const { return preservedIDs.empty(); }
/// Preserve the given analyses.
template <typename AnalysisT> void preserve() {
template <typename AnalysisT, typename AnalysisT2, typename... OtherAnalysesT>
void preserve() {
preserve<AnalysisT2, OtherAnalysesT...>();
void preserve(TypeID id) { preservedIDs.insert(id); }
/// Returns true if the given analysis has been marked as preserved. Note that
/// this simply checks for the presence of a given analysis ID and should not
/// be used as a general preservation checker.
template <typename AnalysisT> bool isPreserved() const {
return isPreserved(TypeID::get<AnalysisT>());
bool isPreserved(TypeID id) const { return preservedIDs.count(id); }
/// Remove the analysis from preserved set.
template <typename AnalysisT>
void unpreserve() {
/// AnalysisModel need access to unpreserve().
template <typename>
friend struct AnalysisModel;
/// The set of analyses that are known to be preserved.
SmallPtrSet<TypeID, 2> preservedIDs;
namespace analysis_impl {
/// Trait to check if T provides a static 'isInvalidated' method.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
using has_is_invalidated = decltype(std::declval<T &>().isInvalidated(
std::declval<const PreservedAnalyses &>()));
/// Implementation of 'isInvalidated' if the analysis provides a definition.
template <typename AnalysisT>
std::enable_if_t<llvm::is_detected<has_is_invalidated, AnalysisT>::value, bool>
isInvalidated(AnalysisT &analysis, const PreservedAnalyses &pa) {
return analysis.isInvalidated(pa);
/// Default implementation of 'isInvalidated'.
template <typename AnalysisT>
std::enable_if_t<!llvm::is_detected<has_is_invalidated, AnalysisT>::value, bool>
isInvalidated(AnalysisT &analysis, const PreservedAnalyses &pa) {
return !pa.isPreserved<AnalysisT>();
} // end namespace analysis_impl
/// The abstract polymorphic base class representing an analysis.
struct AnalysisConcept {
virtual ~AnalysisConcept() = default;
/// A hook used to query analyses for invalidation. Given a preserved analysis
/// set, returns true if it should truly be invalidated. This allows for more
/// fine-tuned invalidation in cases where an analysis wasn't explicitly
/// marked preserved, but may be preserved(or invalidated) based upon other
/// properties such as analyses sets. Invalidated analyses must also be
/// removed from pa.
virtual bool invalidate(PreservedAnalyses &pa) = 0;
/// A derived analysis model used to hold a specific analysis object.
template <typename AnalysisT> struct AnalysisModel : public AnalysisConcept {
template <typename... Args>
explicit AnalysisModel(Args &&...args)
: analysis(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
/// A hook used to query analyses for invalidation. Removes invalidated
/// analyses from pa.
bool invalidate(PreservedAnalyses &pa) final {
bool result = analysis_impl::isInvalidated(analysis, pa);
if (result)
return result;
/// The actual analysis object.
AnalysisT analysis;
/// This class represents a cache of analyses for a single operation. All
/// computation, caching, and invalidation of analyses takes place here.
class AnalysisMap {
/// A mapping between an analysis id and an existing analysis instance.
using ConceptMap = llvm::MapVector<TypeID, std::unique_ptr<AnalysisConcept>>;
/// Utility to return the name of the given analysis class.
template <typename AnalysisT> static StringRef getAnalysisName() {
StringRef name = llvm::getTypeName<AnalysisT>();
if (!name.consume_front("mlir::"))
name.consume_front("(anonymous namespace)::");
return name;
explicit AnalysisMap(Operation *ir) : ir(ir) {}
/// Get an analysis for the current IR unit, computing it if necessary.
template <typename AnalysisT>
AnalysisT &getAnalysis(PassInstrumentor *pi, AnalysisManager &am) {
return getAnalysisImpl<AnalysisT, Operation *>(pi, ir, am);
/// Get an analysis for the current IR unit assuming it's of specific derived
/// operation type.
template <typename AnalysisT, typename OpT>
std::is_constructible<AnalysisT, OpT>::value ||
std::is_constructible<AnalysisT, OpT, AnalysisManager &>::value,
AnalysisT &>
getAnalysis(PassInstrumentor *pi, AnalysisManager &am) {
return getAnalysisImpl<AnalysisT, OpT>(pi, cast<OpT>(ir), am);
/// Get a cached analysis instance if one exists, otherwise return null.
template <typename AnalysisT>
Optional<std::reference_wrapper<AnalysisT>> getCachedAnalysis() const {
auto res = analyses.find(TypeID::get<AnalysisT>());
if (res == analyses.end())
return llvm::None;
return {static_cast<AnalysisModel<AnalysisT> &>(*res->second).analysis};
/// Returns the operation that this analysis map represents.
Operation *getOperation() const { return ir; }
/// Clear any held analyses.
void clear() { analyses.clear(); }
/// Invalidate any cached analyses based upon the given set of preserved
/// analyses.
void invalidate(const PreservedAnalyses &pa) {
PreservedAnalyses paCopy(pa);
// Remove any analyses that were invalidated.
// As we are using MapVector, order of insertion is preserved and
// dependencies always go before users, so we need only one iteration.
[&](auto &val) { return val.second->invalidate(paCopy); });
template <typename AnalysisT, typename OpT>
AnalysisT &getAnalysisImpl(PassInstrumentor *pi, OpT op,
AnalysisManager &am) {
TypeID id = TypeID::get<AnalysisT>();
auto it = analyses.find(id);
// If we don't have a cached analysis for this operation, compute it
// directly and add it to the cache.
if (analyses.end() == it) {
if (pi)
pi->runBeforeAnalysis(getAnalysisName<AnalysisT>(), id, ir);
bool wasInserted;
std::tie(it, wasInserted) =
analyses.insert({id, constructAnalysis<AnalysisT>(am, op)});
if (pi)
pi->runAfterAnalysis(getAnalysisName<AnalysisT>(), id, ir);
return static_cast<AnalysisModel<AnalysisT> &>(*it->second).analysis;
/// Construct analysis using two arguments constructor (OpT, AnalysisManager)
template <typename AnalysisT, typename OpT,
AnalysisT, OpT, AnalysisManager &>::value> * = nullptr>
static auto constructAnalysis(AnalysisManager &am, OpT op) {
return std::make_unique<AnalysisModel<AnalysisT>>(op, am);
/// Construct analysis using single argument constructor (OpT)
template <typename AnalysisT, typename OpT,
AnalysisT, OpT, AnalysisManager &>::value> * = nullptr>
static auto constructAnalysis(AnalysisManager &, OpT op) {
return std::make_unique<AnalysisModel<AnalysisT>>(op);
Operation *ir;
ConceptMap analyses;
/// An analysis map that contains a map for the current operation, and a set of
/// maps for any child operations.
struct NestedAnalysisMap {
NestedAnalysisMap(Operation *op, PassInstrumentor *instrumentor)
: analyses(op), parentOrInstrumentor(instrumentor) {}
NestedAnalysisMap(Operation *op, NestedAnalysisMap *parent)
: analyses(op), parentOrInstrumentor(parent) {}
/// Get the operation for this analysis map.
Operation *getOperation() const { return analyses.getOperation(); }
/// Invalidate any non preserved analyses.
void invalidate(const PreservedAnalyses &pa);
/// Returns the parent analysis map for this analysis map, or null if this is
/// the top-level map.
const NestedAnalysisMap *getParent() const {
return parentOrInstrumentor.dyn_cast<NestedAnalysisMap *>();
/// Returns a pass instrumentation object for the current operation. This
/// value may be null.
PassInstrumentor *getPassInstrumentor() const {
if (auto *parent = getParent())
return parent->getPassInstrumentor();
return parentOrInstrumentor.get<PassInstrumentor *>();
/// The cached analyses for nested operations.
DenseMap<Operation *, std::unique_ptr<NestedAnalysisMap>> childAnalyses;
/// The analyses for the owning operation.
detail::AnalysisMap analyses;
/// This value has three possible states:
/// NestedAnalysisMap*: A pointer to the parent analysis map.
/// PassInstrumentor*: This analysis map is the top-level map, and this
/// pointer is the optional pass instrumentor for the
/// current compilation.
/// nullptr: This analysis map is the top-level map, and there is nop pass
/// instrumentor.
PointerUnion<NestedAnalysisMap *, PassInstrumentor *> parentOrInstrumentor;
} // namespace detail
// Analysis Management
class ModuleAnalysisManager;
/// This class represents an analysis manager for a particular operation
/// instance. It is used to manage and cache analyses on the operation as well
/// as those for child operations, via nested AnalysisManager instances
/// accessible via 'slice'. This class is intended to be passed around by value,
/// and cannot be constructed directly.
class AnalysisManager {
using ParentPointerT =
PointerUnion<const ModuleAnalysisManager *, const AnalysisManager *>;
using PreservedAnalyses = detail::PreservedAnalyses;
/// Query for a cached analysis on the given parent operation. The analysis
/// may not exist and if it does it may be out-of-date.
template <typename AnalysisT>
getCachedParentAnalysis(Operation *parentOp) const {
const detail::NestedAnalysisMap *curParent = impl;
while (auto *parentAM = curParent->getParent()) {
if (parentAM->getOperation() == parentOp)
return parentAM->analyses.getCachedAnalysis<AnalysisT>();
curParent = parentAM;
return None;
/// Query for the given analysis for the current operation.
template <typename AnalysisT> AnalysisT &getAnalysis() {
return impl->analyses.getAnalysis<AnalysisT>(getPassInstrumentor(), *this);
/// Query for the given analysis for the current operation of a specific
/// derived operation type.
template <typename AnalysisT, typename OpT>
AnalysisT &getAnalysis() {
return impl->analyses.getAnalysis<AnalysisT, OpT>(getPassInstrumentor(),
/// Query for a cached entry of the given analysis on the current operation.
template <typename AnalysisT>
Optional<std::reference_wrapper<AnalysisT>> getCachedAnalysis() const {
return impl->analyses.getCachedAnalysis<AnalysisT>();
/// Query for an analysis of a child operation, constructing it if necessary.
template <typename AnalysisT> AnalysisT &getChildAnalysis(Operation *op) {
return nest(op).template getAnalysis<AnalysisT>();
/// Query for an analysis of a child operation of a specific derived operation
/// type, constructing it if necessary.
template <typename AnalysisT, typename OpT>
AnalysisT &getChildAnalysis(OpT child) {
return nest(child).template getAnalysis<AnalysisT, OpT>();
/// Query for a cached analysis of a child operation, or return null.
template <typename AnalysisT>
getCachedChildAnalysis(Operation *op) const {
assert(op->getParentOp() == impl->getOperation());
auto it = impl->childAnalyses.find(op);
if (it == impl->childAnalyses.end())
return llvm::None;
return it->second->analyses.getCachedAnalysis<AnalysisT>();
/// Get an analysis manager for the given operation, which must be a proper
/// descendant of the current operation represented by this analysis manager.
AnalysisManager nest(Operation *op);
/// Invalidate any non preserved analyses,
void invalidate(const PreservedAnalyses &pa) { impl->invalidate(pa); }
/// Clear any held analyses.
void clear() {
/// Returns a pass instrumentation object for the current operation. This
/// value may be null.
PassInstrumentor *getPassInstrumentor() const {
return impl->getPassInstrumentor();
AnalysisManager(detail::NestedAnalysisMap *impl) : impl(impl) {}
/// Get an analysis manager for the given immediately nested child operation.
AnalysisManager nestImmediate(Operation *op);
/// A reference to the impl analysis map within the parent analysis manager.
detail::NestedAnalysisMap *impl;
/// Allow access to the constructor.
friend class ModuleAnalysisManager;
/// An analysis manager class specifically for the top-level operation. This
/// class contains the memory allocations for all nested analysis managers, and
/// provides an anchor point. This is necessary because AnalysisManager is
/// designed to be a thin wrapper around an existing analysis map instance.
class ModuleAnalysisManager {
ModuleAnalysisManager(Operation *op, PassInstrumentor *passInstrumentor)
: analyses(op, passInstrumentor) {}
ModuleAnalysisManager(const ModuleAnalysisManager &) = delete;
ModuleAnalysisManager &operator=(const ModuleAnalysisManager &) = delete;
/// Returns an analysis manager for the current top-level module.
operator AnalysisManager() { return AnalysisManager(&analyses); }
/// The analyses for the owning module.
detail::NestedAnalysisMap analyses;
} // end namespace mlir