blob: 3f6720d0e794ab6c18faa4fed344d9402d04da0e [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Matchers.h - Various common matchers ---------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file provides a simple and efficient mechanism for performing general
// tree-based pattern matching over MLIR. This mechanism is inspired by LLVM's
// include/llvm/IR/PatternMatch.h.
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
/// The matcher that matches a certain kind of Attribute and binds the value
/// inside the Attribute.
template <
typename AttrClass,
// Require AttrClass to be a derived class from Attribute and get its
// value type
typename ValueType =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Attribute, AttrClass>::value,
// Require the ValueType is not void
typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_void<ValueType>::value>::type>
struct attr_value_binder {
ValueType *bind_value;
/// Creates a matcher instance that binds the value to bv if match succeeds.
attr_value_binder(ValueType *bv) : bind_value(bv) {}
bool match(const Attribute &attr) {
if (auto intAttr = attr.dyn_cast<AttrClass>()) {
*bind_value = intAttr.getValue();
return true;
return false;
/// Check to see if the specified operation is ConstantLike. This includes some
/// quick filters to avoid a semi-expensive test in the common case.
static bool isConstantLike(Operation *op) {
return op->getNumOperands() == 0 && op->getNumResults() == 1 &&
/// The matcher that matches operations that have the `ConstantLike` trait.
struct constant_op_matcher {
bool match(Operation *op) { return isConstantLike(op); }
/// The matcher that matches operations that have the `ConstantLike` trait, and
/// binds the folded attribute value.
template <typename AttrT>
struct constant_op_binder {
AttrT *bind_value;
/// Creates a matcher instance that binds the constant attribute value to
/// bind_value if match succeeds.
constant_op_binder(AttrT *bind_value) : bind_value(bind_value) {}
/// Creates a matcher instance that doesn't bind if match succeeds.
constant_op_binder() : bind_value(nullptr) {}
bool match(Operation *op) {
if (!isConstantLike(op))
return false;
// Fold the constant to an attribute.
SmallVector<OpFoldResult, 1> foldedOp;
LogicalResult result = op->fold(/*operands=*/llvm::None, foldedOp);
assert(succeeded(result) && "expected ConstantLike op to be foldable");
if (auto attr = foldedOp.front().get<Attribute>().dyn_cast<AttrT>()) {
if (bind_value)
*bind_value = attr;
return true;
return false;
/// The matcher that matches a constant scalar / vector splat / tensor splat
/// integer operation and binds the constant integer value.
struct constant_int_op_binder {
IntegerAttr::ValueType *bind_value;
/// Creates a matcher instance that binds the value to bv if match succeeds.
constant_int_op_binder(IntegerAttr::ValueType *bv) : bind_value(bv) {}
bool match(Operation *op) {
Attribute attr;
if (!constant_op_binder<Attribute>(&attr).match(op))
return false;
auto type = op->getResult(0).getType();
if (type.isa<IntegerType, IndexType>())
return attr_value_binder<IntegerAttr>(bind_value).match(attr);
if (type.isa<VectorType, RankedTensorType>()) {
if (auto splatAttr = attr.dyn_cast<SplatElementsAttr>()) {
return attr_value_binder<IntegerAttr>(bind_value)
return false;
/// The matcher that matches a given target constant scalar / vector splat /
/// tensor splat integer value.
template <int64_t TargetValue>
struct constant_int_value_matcher {
bool match(Operation *op) {
APInt value;
return constant_int_op_binder(&value).match(op) && TargetValue == value;
/// The matcher that matches anything except the given target constant scalar /
/// vector splat / tensor splat integer value.
template <int64_t TargetNotValue>
struct constant_int_not_value_matcher {
bool match(Operation *op) {
APInt value;
return constant_int_op_binder(&value).match(op) && TargetNotValue != value;
/// The matcher that matches a certain kind of op.
template <typename OpClass>
struct op_matcher {
bool match(Operation *op) { return isa<OpClass>(op); }
/// Trait to check whether T provides a 'match' method with type
/// `OperationOrValue`.
template <typename T, typename OperationOrValue>
using has_operation_or_value_matcher_t =
/// Statically switch to a Value matcher.
template <typename MatcherClass>
typename std::enable_if_t<
llvm::is_detected<detail::has_operation_or_value_matcher_t, MatcherClass,
matchOperandOrValueAtIndex(Operation *op, unsigned idx, MatcherClass &matcher) {
return matcher.match(op->getOperand(idx));
/// Statically switch to an Operation matcher.
template <typename MatcherClass>
typename std::enable_if_t<
llvm::is_detected<detail::has_operation_or_value_matcher_t, MatcherClass,
Operation *>::value,
matchOperandOrValueAtIndex(Operation *op, unsigned idx, MatcherClass &matcher) {
if (auto defOp = op->getOperand(idx).getDefiningOp())
return matcher.match(defOp);
return false;
/// Terminal matcher, always returns true.
struct AnyValueMatcher {
bool match(Value op) const { return true; }
/// Terminal matcher, always returns true.
struct AnyCapturedValueMatcher {
Value *what;
AnyCapturedValueMatcher(Value *what) : what(what) {}
bool match(Value op) const {
*what = op;
return true;
/// Binds to a specific value and matches it.
struct PatternMatcherValue {
PatternMatcherValue(Value val) : value(val) {}
bool match(Value val) const { return val == value; }
Value value;
template <typename TupleT, class CallbackT, std::size_t... Is>
constexpr void enumerateImpl(TupleT &&tuple, CallbackT &&callback,
std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
(callback(std::integral_constant<std::size_t, Is>{}, std::get<Is>(tuple)),
template <typename... Tys, typename CallbackT>
constexpr void enumerate(std::tuple<Tys...> &tuple, CallbackT &&callback) {
detail::enumerateImpl(tuple, std::forward<CallbackT>(callback),
/// RecursivePatternMatcher that composes.
template <typename OpType, typename... OperandMatchers>
struct RecursivePatternMatcher {
RecursivePatternMatcher(OperandMatchers... matchers)
: operandMatchers(matchers...) {}
bool match(Operation *op) {
if (!isa<OpType>(op) || op->getNumOperands() != sizeof...(OperandMatchers))
return false;
bool res = true;
enumerate(operandMatchers, [&](size_t index, auto &matcher) {
res &= matchOperandOrValueAtIndex(op, index, matcher);
return res;
std::tuple<OperandMatchers...> operandMatchers;
} // end namespace detail
/// Matches a constant foldable operation.
inline detail::constant_op_matcher m_Constant() {
return detail::constant_op_matcher();
/// Matches a value from a constant foldable operation and writes the value to
/// bind_value.
template <typename AttrT>
inline detail::constant_op_binder<AttrT> m_Constant(AttrT *bind_value) {
return detail::constant_op_binder<AttrT>(bind_value);
/// Matches a constant scalar / vector splat / tensor splat integer one.
inline detail::constant_int_value_matcher<1> m_One() {
return detail::constant_int_value_matcher<1>();
/// Matches the given OpClass.
template <typename OpClass>
inline detail::op_matcher<OpClass> m_Op() {
return detail::op_matcher<OpClass>();
/// Matches a constant scalar / vector splat / tensor splat integer zero.
inline detail::constant_int_value_matcher<0> m_Zero() {
return detail::constant_int_value_matcher<0>();
/// Matches a constant scalar / vector splat / tensor splat integer that is any
/// non-zero value.
inline detail::constant_int_not_value_matcher<0> m_NonZero() {
return detail::constant_int_not_value_matcher<0>();
/// Entry point for matching a pattern over a Value.
template <typename Pattern>
inline bool matchPattern(Value value, const Pattern &pattern) {
// TODO: handle other cases
if (auto *op = value.getDefiningOp())
return const_cast<Pattern &>(pattern).match(op);
return false;
/// Entry point for matching a pattern over an Operation.
template <typename Pattern>
inline bool matchPattern(Operation *op, const Pattern &pattern) {
return const_cast<Pattern &>(pattern).match(op);
/// Matches a constant holding a scalar/vector/tensor integer (splat) and
/// writes the integer value to bind_value.
inline detail::constant_int_op_binder
m_ConstantInt(IntegerAttr::ValueType *bind_value) {
return detail::constant_int_op_binder(bind_value);
template <typename OpType, typename... Matchers>
auto m_Op(Matchers... matchers) {
return detail::RecursivePatternMatcher<OpType, Matchers...>(matchers...);
namespace matchers {
inline auto m_Any() { return detail::AnyValueMatcher(); }
inline auto m_Any(Value *val) { return detail::AnyCapturedValueMatcher(val); }
inline auto m_Val(Value v) { return detail::PatternMatcherValue(v); }
} // namespace matchers
} // end namespace mlir