blob: dec3e69beeb49fba9841757546a32f66b24d35a6 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AttributeSupport.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines support types for registering dialect extended attributes.
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "mlir/IR/StorageUniquerSupport.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Types.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
namespace mlir {
class MLIRContext;
class Type;
// AbstractAttribute
/// This class contains all of the static information common to all instances of
/// a registered Attribute.
class AbstractAttribute {
using HasTraitFn = llvm::unique_function<bool(TypeID) const>;
/// Look up the specified abstract attribute in the MLIRContext and return a
/// reference to it.
static const AbstractAttribute &lookup(TypeID typeID, MLIRContext *context);
/// This method is used by Dialect objects when they register the list of
/// attributes they contain.
template <typename T>
static AbstractAttribute get(Dialect &dialect) {
return AbstractAttribute(dialect, T::getInterfaceMap(), T::getHasTraitFn(),
/// Return the dialect this attribute was registered to.
Dialect &getDialect() const { return const_cast<Dialect &>(dialect); }
/// Returns an instance of the concept object for the given interface if it
/// was registered to this attribute, null otherwise. This should not be used
/// directly.
template <typename T>
typename T::Concept *getInterface() const {
return interfaceMap.lookup<T>();
/// Returns true if the attribute has the interface with the given ID
/// registered.
bool hasInterface(TypeID interfaceID) const {
return interfaceMap.contains(interfaceID);
/// Returns true if the attribute has a particular trait.
template <template <typename T> class Trait>
bool hasTrait() const {
return hasTraitFn(TypeID::get<Trait>());
/// Returns true if the attribute has a particular trait.
bool hasTrait(TypeID traitID) const { return hasTraitFn(traitID); }
/// Return the unique identifier representing the concrete attribute class.
TypeID getTypeID() const { return typeID; }
AbstractAttribute(Dialect &dialect, detail::InterfaceMap &&interfaceMap,
HasTraitFn &&hasTrait, TypeID typeID)
: dialect(dialect), interfaceMap(std::move(interfaceMap)),
hasTraitFn(std::move(hasTrait)), typeID(typeID) {}
/// Give StorageUserBase access to the mutable lookup.
template <typename ConcreteT, typename BaseT, typename StorageT,
typename UniquerT, template <typename T> class... Traits>
friend class detail::StorageUserBase;
/// Look up the specified abstract attribute in the MLIRContext and return a
/// (mutable) pointer to it. Return a null pointer if the attribute could not
/// be found in the context.
static AbstractAttribute *lookupMutable(TypeID typeID, MLIRContext *context);
/// This is the dialect that this attribute was registered to.
const Dialect &dialect;
/// This is a collection of the interfaces registered to this attribute.
detail::InterfaceMap interfaceMap;
/// Function to check if the attribute has a particular trait.
HasTraitFn hasTraitFn;
/// The unique identifier of the derived Attribute class.
const TypeID typeID;
// AttributeStorage
namespace detail {
class AttributeUniquer;
} // end namespace detail
/// Base storage class appearing in an attribute. Derived storage classes should
/// only be constructed within the context of the AttributeUniquer.
class alignas(8) AttributeStorage : public StorageUniquer::BaseStorage {
friend detail::AttributeUniquer;
friend StorageUniquer;
/// Get the type of this attribute.
Type getType() const { return type; }
/// Return the abstract descriptor for this attribute.
const AbstractAttribute &getAbstractAttribute() const {
assert(abstractAttribute && "Malformed attribute storage object.");
return *abstractAttribute;
/// Construct a new attribute storage instance with the given type.
/// Note: All attributes require a valid type. If no type is provided here,
/// the type of the attribute will automatically default to NoneType
/// upon initialization in the uniquer.
AttributeStorage(Type type = nullptr) : type(type) {}
/// Set the type of this attribute.
void setType(Type newType) { type = newType; }
/// Set the abstract attribute for this storage instance. This is used by the
/// AttributeUniquer when initializing a newly constructed storage object.
void initializeAbstractAttribute(const AbstractAttribute &abstractAttr) {
abstractAttribute = &abstractAttr;
/// Default initialization for attribute storage classes that require no
/// additional initialization.
void initialize(MLIRContext *context) {}
/// The type of the attribute value.
Type type;
/// The abstract descriptor for this attribute.
const AbstractAttribute *abstractAttribute;
/// Default storage type for attributes that require no additional
/// initialization or storage.
using DefaultAttributeStorage = AttributeStorage;
// AttributeStorageAllocator
// This is a utility allocator used to allocate memory for instances of derived
// Attributes.
using AttributeStorageAllocator = StorageUniquer::StorageAllocator;
// AttributeUniquer
namespace detail {
// A utility class to get, or create, unique instances of attributes within an
// MLIRContext. This class manages all creation and uniquing of attributes.
class AttributeUniquer {
/// Get an uniqued instance of a parametric attribute T.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static typename std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_same<typename T::ImplType, AttributeStorage>::value, T>
get(MLIRContext *ctx, Args &&...args) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (!ctx->getAttributeUniquer().isParametricStorageInitialized(
llvm::Twine("can't create Attribute '") + llvm::getTypeName<T>() +
"' because storage uniquer isn't initialized: the dialect was likely "
"not loaded, or the attribute wasn't added with addAttributes<...>() "
"in the Dialect::initialize() method.");
return ctx->getAttributeUniquer().get<typename T::ImplType>(
[ctx](AttributeStorage *storage) {
initializeAttributeStorage(storage, ctx, T::getTypeID());
// Execute any additional attribute storage initialization with the
// context.
static_cast<typename T::ImplType *>(storage)->initialize(ctx);
T::getTypeID(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
/// Get an uniqued instance of a singleton attribute T.
template <typename T>
static typename std::enable_if_t<
std::is_same<typename T::ImplType, AttributeStorage>::value, T>
get(MLIRContext *ctx) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (!ctx->getAttributeUniquer().isSingletonStorageInitialized(
llvm::Twine("can't create Attribute '") + llvm::getTypeName<T>() +
"' because storage uniquer isn't initialized: the dialect was likely "
"not loaded, or the attribute wasn't added with addAttributes<...>() "
"in the Dialect::initialize() method.");
return ctx->getAttributeUniquer().get<typename T::ImplType>(T::getTypeID());
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static LogicalResult mutate(MLIRContext *ctx, typename T::ImplType *impl,
Args &&...args) {
assert(impl && "cannot mutate null attribute");
return ctx->getAttributeUniquer().mutate(T::getTypeID(), impl,
/// Register a parametric attribute instance T with the uniquer.
template <typename T>
static typename std::enable_if_t<
!std::is_same<typename T::ImplType, AttributeStorage>::value>
registerAttribute(MLIRContext *ctx) {
.registerParametricStorageType<typename T::ImplType>(T::getTypeID());
/// Register a singleton attribute instance T with the uniquer.
template <typename T>
static typename std::enable_if_t<
std::is_same<typename T::ImplType, AttributeStorage>::value>
registerAttribute(MLIRContext *ctx) {
.registerSingletonStorageType<typename T::ImplType>(
T::getTypeID(), [ctx](AttributeStorage *storage) {
initializeAttributeStorage(storage, ctx, T::getTypeID());
/// Initialize the given attribute storage instance.
static void initializeAttributeStorage(AttributeStorage *storage,
MLIRContext *ctx, TypeID attrID);
} // namespace detail
} // end namespace mlir