blob: 61b982193c02999c2f49eeb6f1bbda0ce07c117c [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PybindAdaptors.h - Adaptors for interop with MLIR APIs -------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains adaptors for clients of the core MLIR Python APIs to
// interop via MLIR CAPI types. The facilities here do not depend on
// implementation details of the MLIR Python API and do not introduce C++-level
// dependencies with it (requiring only Python and CAPI-level dependencies).
// It is encouraged to be used both in-tree and out-of-tree. For in-tree use
// cases, it should be used for dialect implementations (versus relying on
// Pybind-based internals of the core libraries).
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/pytypes.h>
#include <pybind11/stl.h>
#include "mlir-c/Bindings/Python/Interop.h"
#include "mlir-c/IR.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
namespace py = pybind11;
// Raw CAPI type casters need to be declared before use, so always include them
// first.
namespace pybind11 {
namespace detail {
template <typename T>
struct type_caster<llvm::Optional<T>> : optional_caster<llvm::Optional<T>> {};
/// Helper to convert a presumed MLIR API object to a capsule, accepting either
/// an explicit Capsule (which can happen when two C APIs are communicating
/// directly via Python) or indirectly by querying the MLIR_PYTHON_CAPI_PTR_ATTR
/// attribute (through which supported MLIR Python API objects export their
/// contained API pointer as a capsule). This is intended to be used from
/// type casters, which are invoked with a raw handle (unowned). The returned
/// object's lifetime may not extend beyond the apiObject handle without
/// explicitly having its refcount increased (i.e. on return).
static py::object mlirApiObjectToCapsule(py::handle apiObject) {
if (PyCapsule_CheckExact(apiObject.ptr()))
return py::reinterpret_borrow<py::object>(apiObject);
return apiObject.attr(MLIR_PYTHON_CAPI_PTR_ATTR);
// Note: Currently all of the following support cast from py::object to the
// Mlir* C-API type, but only a few light-weight, context-bound ones
// implicitly cast the other way because the use case has not yet emerged and
// ownership is unclear.
/// Casts object <-> MlirAffineMap.
template <>
struct type_caster<MlirAffineMap> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MlirAffineMap, _("MlirAffineMap"));
bool load(handle src, bool) {
py::object capsule = mlirApiObjectToCapsule(src);
value = mlirPythonCapsuleToAffineMap(capsule.ptr());
if (mlirAffineMapIsNull(value)) {
return false;
return !mlirAffineMapIsNull(value);
static handle cast(MlirAffineMap v, return_value_policy, handle) {
py::object capsule =
return py::module::import(MAKE_MLIR_PYTHON_QUALNAME("ir"))
/// Casts object <-> MlirAttribute.
template <>
struct type_caster<MlirAttribute> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MlirAttribute, _("MlirAttribute"));
bool load(handle src, bool) {
py::object capsule = mlirApiObjectToCapsule(src);
value = mlirPythonCapsuleToAttribute(capsule.ptr());
if (mlirAttributeIsNull(value)) {
return false;
return true;
static handle cast(MlirAttribute v, return_value_policy, handle) {
py::object capsule =
return py::module::import(MAKE_MLIR_PYTHON_QUALNAME("ir"))
/// Casts object -> MlirContext.
template <>
struct type_caster<MlirContext> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MlirContext, _("MlirContext"));
bool load(handle src, bool) {
if (src.is_none()) {
// Gets the current thread-bound context.
// TODO: This raises an error of "No current context" currently.
// Update the implementation to pretty-print the helpful error that the
// core implementations print in this case.
src = py::module::import(MAKE_MLIR_PYTHON_QUALNAME("ir"))
py::object capsule = mlirApiObjectToCapsule(src);
value = mlirPythonCapsuleToContext(capsule.ptr());
if (mlirContextIsNull(value)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Casts object <-> MlirLocation.
// TODO: Coerce None to default MlirLocation.
template <>
struct type_caster<MlirLocation> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MlirLocation, _("MlirLocation"));
bool load(handle src, bool) {
py::object capsule = mlirApiObjectToCapsule(src);
value = mlirPythonCapsuleToLocation(capsule.ptr());
if (mlirLocationIsNull(value)) {
return false;
return true;
static handle cast(MlirLocation v, return_value_policy, handle) {
py::object capsule =
return py::module::import(MAKE_MLIR_PYTHON_QUALNAME("ir"))
/// Casts object <-> MlirModule.
template <>
struct type_caster<MlirModule> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MlirModule, _("MlirModule"));
bool load(handle src, bool) {
py::object capsule = mlirApiObjectToCapsule(src);
value = mlirPythonCapsuleToModule(capsule.ptr());
if (mlirModuleIsNull(value)) {
return false;
return true;
static handle cast(MlirModule v, return_value_policy, handle) {
py::object capsule =
return py::module::import(MAKE_MLIR_PYTHON_QUALNAME("ir"))
/// Casts object <-> MlirOperation.
template <>
struct type_caster<MlirOperation> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MlirOperation, _("MlirOperation"));
bool load(handle src, bool) {
py::object capsule = mlirApiObjectToCapsule(src);
value = mlirPythonCapsuleToOperation(capsule.ptr());
if (mlirOperationIsNull(value)) {
return false;
return true;
static handle cast(MlirOperation v, return_value_policy, handle) {
if (v.ptr == nullptr)
return py::none();
py::object capsule =
return py::module::import(MAKE_MLIR_PYTHON_QUALNAME("ir"))
/// Casts object -> MlirPassManager.
template <>
struct type_caster<MlirPassManager> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MlirPassManager, _("MlirPassManager"));
bool load(handle src, bool) {
py::object capsule = mlirApiObjectToCapsule(src);
value = mlirPythonCapsuleToPassManager(capsule.ptr());
if (mlirPassManagerIsNull(value)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Casts object <-> MlirType.
template <>
struct type_caster<MlirType> {
PYBIND11_TYPE_CASTER(MlirType, _("MlirType"));
bool load(handle src, bool) {
py::object capsule = mlirApiObjectToCapsule(src);
value = mlirPythonCapsuleToType(capsule.ptr());
if (mlirTypeIsNull(value)) {
return false;
return true;
static handle cast(MlirType t, return_value_policy, handle) {
py::object capsule =
return py::module::import(MAKE_MLIR_PYTHON_QUALNAME("ir"))
} // namespace detail
} // namespace pybind11
namespace mlir {
namespace python {
namespace adaptors {
/// Provides a facility like py::class_ for defining a new class in a scope,
/// but this allows extension of an arbitrary Python class, defining methods
/// on it is a similar way. Classes defined in this way are very similar to
/// if defined in Python in the usual way but use Pybind11 machinery to do
/// it. These are not "real" Pybind11 classes but pure Python classes with no
/// relation to a concrete C++ class.
/// Derived from a discussion upstream:
/// (plus a fair amount of extra curricular poking)
/// TODO: If this proves useful, see about including it in pybind11.
class pure_subclass {
pure_subclass(py::handle scope, const char *derivedClassName,
py::object superClass) {
py::object pyType =
py::reinterpret_borrow<py::object>((PyObject *)&PyType_Type);
py::object metaclass = pyType(superClass);
py::dict attributes;
thisClass =
metaclass(derivedClassName, py::make_tuple(superClass), attributes);
scope.attr(derivedClassName) = thisClass;
template <typename Func, typename... Extra>
pure_subclass &def(const char *name, Func &&f, const Extra &... extra) {
py::cpp_function cf(
std::forward<Func>(f), py::name(name), py::is_method(py::none()),
py::sibling(py::getattr(thisClass, name, py::none())), extra...);
thisClass.attr( = cf;
return *this;
template <typename Func, typename... Extra>
pure_subclass &def_property_readonly(const char *name, Func &&f,
const Extra &... extra) {
py::cpp_function cf(
std::forward<Func>(f), py::name(name), py::is_method(py::none()),
py::sibling(py::getattr(thisClass, name, py::none())), extra...);
auto builtinProperty =
py::reinterpret_borrow<py::object>((PyObject *)&PyProperty_Type);
thisClass.attr(name) = builtinProperty(cf);
return *this;
template <typename Func, typename... Extra>
pure_subclass &def_staticmethod(const char *name, Func &&f,
const Extra &... extra) {
"def_staticmethod(...) called with a non-static member "
"function pointer");
py::cpp_function cf(
std::forward<Func>(f), py::name(name), py::scope(thisClass),
py::sibling(py::getattr(thisClass, name, py::none())), extra...);
thisClass.attr( = py::staticmethod(cf);
return *this;
template <typename Func, typename... Extra>
pure_subclass &def_classmethod(const char *name, Func &&f,
const Extra &... extra) {
"def_classmethod(...) called with a non-static member "
"function pointer");
py::cpp_function cf(
std::forward<Func>(f), py::name(name), py::scope(thisClass),
py::sibling(py::getattr(thisClass, name, py::none())), extra...);
thisClass.attr( =
return *this;
py::object superClass;
py::object thisClass;
/// Creates a custom subclass of, implementing a casting
/// constructor and type checking methods.
class mlir_attribute_subclass : public pure_subclass {
using IsAFunctionTy = bool (*)(MlirAttribute);
/// Subclasses by looking up the super-class dynamically.
mlir_attribute_subclass(py::handle scope, const char *attrClassName,
IsAFunctionTy isaFunction)
: mlir_attribute_subclass(
scope, attrClassName, isaFunction,
.attr("Attribute")) {}
/// Subclasses with a provided super-class. This must
/// be used if the subclass is being defined in the same extension module
/// as the class (otherwise, it will trigger a recursive
/// initialization).
mlir_attribute_subclass(py::handle scope, const char *typeClassName,
IsAFunctionTy isaFunction, py::object superClass)
: pure_subclass(scope, typeClassName, superClass) {
// Casting constructor. Note that defining an __init__ method is special
// and not yet generalized on pure_subclass (it requires a somewhat
// different cpp_function and other requirements on chaining to super
// __init__ make it more awkward to do generally).
std::string captureTypeName(
typeClassName); // As string in case if typeClassName is not static.
py::cpp_function initCf(
[superClass, isaFunction, captureTypeName](py::object self,
py::object otherType) {
MlirAttribute rawAttribute = py::cast<MlirAttribute>(otherType);
if (!isaFunction(rawAttribute)) {
auto origRepr = py::repr(otherType).cast<std::string>();
throw std::invalid_argument(
(llvm::Twine("Cannot cast attribute to ") + captureTypeName +
" (from " + origRepr + ")")
superClass.attr("__init__")(self, otherType);
py::arg("cast_from_type"), py::is_method(py::none()),
"Casts the passed type to this specific sub-type.");
thisClass.attr("__init__") = initCf;
// 'isinstance' method.
[isaFunction](MlirAttribute other) { return isaFunction(other); },
/// Creates a custom subclass of, implementing a casting
/// constructor and type checking methods.
class mlir_type_subclass : public pure_subclass {
using IsAFunctionTy = bool (*)(MlirType);
/// Subclasses by looking up the super-class dynamically.
mlir_type_subclass(py::handle scope, const char *typeClassName,
IsAFunctionTy isaFunction)
: mlir_type_subclass(
scope, typeClassName, isaFunction,
py::module::import(MAKE_MLIR_PYTHON_QUALNAME("ir")).attr("Type")) {}
/// Subclasses with a provided super-class. This must
/// be used if the subclass is being defined in the same extension module
/// as the class (otherwise, it will trigger a recursive
/// initialization).
mlir_type_subclass(py::handle scope, const char *typeClassName,
IsAFunctionTy isaFunction, py::object superClass)
: pure_subclass(scope, typeClassName, superClass) {
// Casting constructor. Note that defining an __init__ method is special
// and not yet generalized on pure_subclass (it requires a somewhat
// different cpp_function and other requirements on chaining to super
// __init__ make it more awkward to do generally).
std::string captureTypeName(
typeClassName); // As string in case if typeClassName is not static.
py::cpp_function initCf(
[superClass, isaFunction, captureTypeName](py::object self,
py::object otherType) {
MlirType rawType = py::cast<MlirType>(otherType);
if (!isaFunction(rawType)) {
auto origRepr = py::repr(otherType).cast<std::string>();
throw std::invalid_argument((llvm::Twine("Cannot cast type to ") +
captureTypeName + " (from " +
origRepr + ")")
superClass.attr("__init__")(self, otherType);
py::arg("cast_from_type"), py::is_method(py::none()),
"Casts the passed type to this specific sub-type.");
thisClass.attr("__init__") = initCf;
// 'isinstance' method.
[isaFunction](MlirType other) { return isaFunction(other); },
} // namespace adaptors
} // namespace python
} // namespace mlir