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//===- AliasAnalysis.h - Alias Analysis in MLIR -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This header file defines utilities and analyses for performing alias queries
// and related memory queries in MLIR.
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
namespace mlir {
// AliasResult
/// The possible results of an alias query.
class AliasResult {
enum Kind {
/// The two locations do not alias at all.
/// This value is arranged to convert to false, while all other values
/// convert to true. This allows a boolean context to convert the result to
/// a binary flag indicating whether there is the possibility of aliasing.
NoAlias = 0,
/// The two locations may or may not alias. This is the least precise
/// result.
/// The two locations alias, but only due to a partial overlap.
/// The two locations precisely alias each other.
AliasResult(Kind kind) : kind(kind) {}
bool operator==(const AliasResult &other) const { return kind == other.kind; }
bool operator!=(const AliasResult &other) const { return !(*this == other); }
/// Allow conversion to bool to signal if there is an aliasing or not.
explicit operator bool() const { return kind != NoAlias; }
/// Merge this alias result with `other` and return a new result that
/// represents the conservative merge of both results. If the results
/// represent a known alias, the stronger alias is chosen (i.e.
/// Partial+Must=Must). If the two results are conflicting, MayAlias is
/// returned.
AliasResult merge(AliasResult other) const;
/// Returns if this result is a partial alias.
bool isNo() const { return kind == NoAlias; }
/// Returns if this result is a may alias.
bool isMay() const { return kind == MayAlias; }
/// Returns if this result is a must alias.
bool isMust() const { return kind == MustAlias; }
/// Returns if this result is a partial alias.
bool isPartial() const { return kind == PartialAlias; }
/// Print this alias result to the provided output stream.
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
/// The internal kind of the result.
Kind kind;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, const AliasResult &result) {
return os;
// ModRefResult
/// The possible results of whether a memory access modifies or references
/// a memory location. The possible results are: no access at all, a
/// modification, a reference, or both a modification and a reference.
class LLVM_NODISCARD ModRefResult {
/// Note: This is a simplified version of the ModRefResult in
/// `llvm/Analysis/AliasAnalysis.h`, and namely removes the `Must` concept. If
/// this becomes useful/necessary we should add it here.
enum class Kind {
/// The access neither references nor modifies the value stored in memory.
NoModRef = 0,
/// The access may reference the value stored in memory.
Ref = 1,
/// The access may modify the value stored in memory.
Mod = 2,
/// The access may reference and may modify the value stored in memory.
ModRef = Ref | Mod,
bool operator==(const ModRefResult &rhs) const { return kind == rhs.kind; }
bool operator!=(const ModRefResult &rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
/// Return a new result that indicates that the memory access neither
/// references nor modifies the value stored in memory.
static ModRefResult getNoModRef() { return Kind::NoModRef; }
/// Return a new result that indicates that the memory access may reference
/// the value stored in memory.
static ModRefResult getRef() { return Kind::Ref; }
/// Return a new result that indicates that the memory access may modify the
/// value stored in memory.
static ModRefResult getMod() { return Kind::Mod; }
/// Return a new result that indicates that the memory access may reference
/// and may modify the value stored in memory.
static ModRefResult getModAndRef() { return Kind::ModRef; }
/// Returns if this result does not modify or reference memory.
LLVM_NODISCARD bool isNoModRef() const { return kind == Kind::NoModRef; }
/// Returns if this result modifies memory.
LLVM_NODISCARD bool isMod() const {
return static_cast<int>(kind) & static_cast<int>(Kind::Mod);
/// Returns if this result references memory.
LLVM_NODISCARD bool isRef() const {
return static_cast<int>(kind) & static_cast<int>(Kind::Ref);
/// Returns if this result modifies *or* references memory.
LLVM_NODISCARD bool isModOrRef() const { return kind != Kind::NoModRef; }
/// Returns if this result modifies *and* references memory.
LLVM_NODISCARD bool isModAndRef() const { return kind == Kind::ModRef; }
/// Merge this ModRef result with `other` and return the result.
ModRefResult merge(const ModRefResult &other) {
return ModRefResult(static_cast<Kind>(static_cast<int>(kind) |
/// Intersect this ModRef result with `other` and return the result.
ModRefResult intersect(const ModRefResult &other) {
return ModRefResult(static_cast<Kind>(static_cast<int>(kind) &
/// Print this ModRef result to the provided output stream.
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
ModRefResult(Kind kind) : kind(kind) {}
/// The internal kind of the result.
Kind kind;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, const ModRefResult &result) {
return os;
// AliasAnalysisTraits
namespace detail {
/// This class contains various internal trait classes used by the main
/// AliasAnalysis class below.
struct AliasAnalysisTraits {
/// This class represents the `Concept` of an alias analysis implementation.
/// It is the abstract base class used by the AliasAnalysis class for
/// querying into derived analysis implementations.
class Concept {
virtual ~Concept() {}
/// Given two values, return their aliasing behavior.
virtual AliasResult alias(Value lhs, Value rhs) = 0;
/// Return the modify-reference behavior of `op` on `location`.
virtual ModRefResult getModRef(Operation *op, Value location) = 0;
/// This class represents the `Model` of an alias analysis implementation
/// `ImplT`. A model is instantiated for each alias analysis implementation
/// to implement the `Concept` without the need for the derived
/// implementation to inherit from the `Concept` class.
template <typename ImplT> class Model final : public Concept {
explicit Model(ImplT &&impl) : impl(std::forward<ImplT>(impl)) {}
~Model() override = default;
/// Given two values, return their aliasing behavior.
AliasResult alias(Value lhs, Value rhs) final {
return impl.alias(lhs, rhs);
/// Return the modify-reference behavior of `op` on `location`.
ModRefResult getModRef(Operation *op, Value location) final {
return impl.getModRef(op, location);
ImplT impl;
} // end namespace detail
// AliasAnalysis
/// This class represents the main alias analysis interface in MLIR. It
/// functions as an aggregate of various different alias analysis
/// implementations. This aggregation allows for utilizing the strengths of
/// different alias analysis implementations that either target or have access
/// to different aliasing information. This is especially important for MLIR
/// given the scope of different types of memory models and aliasing behaviors.
/// For users of this analysis that want to perform aliasing queries, see the
/// `Alias Queries` section below for the available methods. For users of this
/// analysis that want to add a new alias analysis implementation to the
/// aggregate, see the `Alias Implementations` section below.
class AliasAnalysis {
using Concept = detail::AliasAnalysisTraits::Concept;
template <typename ImplT>
using Model = detail::AliasAnalysisTraits::Model<ImplT>;
AliasAnalysis(Operation *op);
// Alias Implementations
/// Add a new alias analysis implementation `AnalysisT` to this analysis
/// aggregate. This allows for users to access this implementation when
/// performing alias queries. Implementations added here must provide the
/// following:
/// * AnalysisT(AnalysisT &&)
/// * AliasResult alias(Value lhs, Value rhs)
/// - This method returns an `AliasResult` that corresponds to the
/// aliasing behavior between `lhs` and `rhs`. The conservative "I don't
/// know" result of this method should be MayAlias.
/// * ModRefResult getModRef(Operation *op, Value location)
/// - This method returns a `ModRefResult` that corresponds to the
/// modify-reference behavior of `op` on the given `location`. The
/// conservative "I don't know" result of this method should be ModRef.
template <typename AnalysisT>
void addAnalysisImplementation(AnalysisT &&analysis) {
// Alias Queries
/// Given two values, return their aliasing behavior.
AliasResult alias(Value lhs, Value rhs);
// ModRef Queries
/// Return the modify-reference behavior of `op` on `location`.
ModRefResult getModRef(Operation *op, Value location);
/// A set of internal alias analysis implementations.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<Concept>, 4> aliasImpls;
} // end namespace mlir