blob: f6996fcd1bcb6751e73ac5e873fc45bd1e375eb8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Target.h - target specific details -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Coding style:
#include "flang/Optimizer/Support/KindMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace fir {
namespace details {
/// Extra information about how to marshal an argument or return value that
/// modifies a signature per a particular ABI's calling convention.
/// Note: llvm::Attribute is not used directly, because its use depends on an
/// LLVMContext.
class Attributes {
Attributes(unsigned short alignment = 0, bool byval = false,
bool sret = false, bool append = false)
: alignment{alignment}, byval{byval}, sret{sret}, append{append} {}
unsigned getAlignment() const { return alignment; }
bool hasAlignment() const { return alignment != 0; }
bool isByVal() const { return byval; }
bool isSRet() const { return sret; }
bool isAppend() const { return append; }
unsigned short alignment{};
bool byval : 1;
bool sret : 1;
bool append : 1;
} // namespace details
/// Some details of how to represent certain features depend on the target and
/// ABI that is being used. These specifics are captured here and guide the
/// lowering of FIR to LLVM-IR dialect.
class CodeGenSpecifics {
using Attributes = details::Attributes;
using Marshalling = std::vector<std::tuple<mlir::Type, Attributes>>;
static std::unique_ptr<CodeGenSpecifics>
get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctx, llvm::Triple &&trp, KindMapping &&kindMap);
CodeGenSpecifics(mlir::MLIRContext *ctx, llvm::Triple &&trp,
KindMapping &&kindMap)
: context{*ctx}, triple{std::move(trp)}, kindMap{std::move(kindMap)} {}
CodeGenSpecifics() = delete;
virtual ~CodeGenSpecifics() {}
/// Type presentation of a `complex<ele>` type value in memory.
virtual mlir::Type complexMemoryType(mlir::Type eleTy) const = 0;
/// Type representation of a `complex<eleTy>` type argument when passed by
/// value. An argument value may need to be passed as a (safe) reference
/// argument.
virtual Marshalling complexArgumentType(mlir::Type eleTy) const = 0;
/// Type representation of a `complex<eleTy>` type return value. Such a return
/// value may need to be converted to a hidden reference argument.
virtual Marshalling complexReturnType(mlir::Type eleTy) const = 0;
/// Type presentation of a `boxchar<n>` type value in memory.
virtual mlir::Type boxcharMemoryType(mlir::Type eleTy) const = 0;
/// Type representation of a `boxchar<n>` type argument when passed by value.
/// An argument value may need to be passed as a (safe) reference argument.
/// A function that returns a `boxchar<n>` type value must already have
/// converted that return value to a parameter decorated with the 'sret'
/// Attribute (
/// This requirement is in keeping with Fortran semantics, which require the
/// caller to allocate the space for the return CHARACTER value and pass
/// a pointer and the length of that space (a boxchar) to the called function.
virtual Marshalling boxcharArgumentType(mlir::Type eleTy,
bool sret = false) const = 0;
mlir::MLIRContext &context;
llvm::Triple triple;
KindMapping kindMap;
} // namespace fir