Flang is LLVM's Fortran frontend that can be found here. It is often referred to as “LLVM Flang” to differentiate itself from “Classic Flang” - these are two separate and independent Fortran compilers. LLVM Flang is under active development. While it is capable of generating executables for a number of examples, some functionality is still missing. See GettingInvolved for tips on how to get in touch with us and to learn more about the current status.
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: ReleaseNotes
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: C++17 C++style DesignGuideline FortranForCProgrammers GettingInvolved GettingStarted ImplementingASemanticCheck PullRequestChecklist
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: Aliasing AliasingAnalysisFIR ArrayComposition AssumedRank BijectiveInternalNameUniquing Calls Character ComplexOperations ControlFlowGraph Directives DoConcurrent Extensions F202X FIRArrayOperations FIRLangRef FlangCommandLineReference FlangDriver FortranFeatureHistory FortranIR FortranLLVMTestSuite HighLevelFIR IORuntimeInternals InternalProcedureTrampolines Intrinsics IntrinsicTypes LabelResolution ModFiles OpenACC OpenMP-4.5-grammar.md OpenMP-semantics OptionComparison Overview ParameterizedDerivedTypes ParserCombinators Parsing PolymorphicEntities Preprocessing ProcedurePointer RuntimeDescriptor RuntimeTypeInfo Semantics f2018-grammar.md fstack-arrays
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