blob: d7b3fc66813c60feb9ab254b288d972055b43bed [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -march=mips < %s -debug 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MIPS
; RUN: llc -march=mips -relocation-model=pic -mattr=+xgot < %s \
; RUN: -debug 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MIPS-XGOT
; RUN: llc -march=mips -mattr=+micromips < %s -debug 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MM
; RUN: llc -march=mips -relocation-model=pic -mattr=+xgot,+micromips < %s \
; RUN: -debug 2>&1 | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MM-XGOT
; REQUIRES: asserts
; Tests that the correct ISA is selected for computing a global address.
@x = global i32 0
@a = global i32 1
declare i32 @y(ptr, i32)
define i32 @z() {
%0 = load i32, ptr @a, align 4
%1 = call i32 @y(ptr @x, i32 %0)
ret i32 %1
; MIPS-LABEL: ===== Instruction selection ends:
; MIPS: t[[A:[0-9]+]]: i32 = LUi TargetGlobalAddress:i32<ptr @x> 0 [TF=4]
; MIPS: t{{.*}}: i32 = ADDiu t[[A]], TargetGlobalAddress:i32<ptr @x> 0 [TF=5]
; MIPS-XGOT-LABEL: ===== Instruction selection ends:
; MIPS-XGOT: t[[B:[0-9]+]]: i32 = LUi TargetGlobalAddress:i32<ptr @x> 0 [TF=20]
; MIPS-XGOT: t[[C:[0-9]+]]: i32 = ADDu t[[B]], Register:i32 %0
; MIPS-XGOT: t{{.*}}: i32,ch = LW<Mem:(load (s32) from got)> t[[C]], TargetGlobalAddress:i32<ptr @x> 0 [TF=21], t{{.*}}
; MM-LABEL: ===== Instruction selection ends:
; MM: t[[A:[0-9]+]]: i32 = LUi_MM TargetGlobalAddress:i32<ptr @x> 0 [TF=4]
; MM: t{{.*}}: i32 = ADDiu_MM t[[A]], TargetGlobalAddress:i32<ptr @x> 0 [TF=5]
; MM-XGOT-LABEL: ===== Instruction selection ends:
; MM-XGOT: t[[B:[0-9]+]]: i32 = LUi_MM TargetGlobalAddress:i32<ptr @x> 0 [TF=20]
; MM-XGOT: t[[C:[0-9]+]]: i32 = ADDU16_MM t[[B]], Register:i32 %0
; MM-XGOT: t{{.*}}: i32,ch = LW_MM<Mem:(load (s32) from got)> t[[C]], TargetGlobalAddress:i32<ptr @x> 0 [TF=21], t0