blob: fb1ee6b724deab069f322d42dd865568cd74fdab [file] [log] [blame]
//===- - Interface for tiling operations *- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains an interface to allow operations to generate a tiled
// implementation of themselves.
include "mlir/IR/"
def TilingInterface : OpInterface<"TilingInterface"> {
let description = [{
Interface for allowing operations to expose information needed to
tile them (similar to LinalgOp, but without having access to
indexing maps)
let cppNamespace = "::mlir";
let methods = [
Returns a list of operands into which the result of the
tiled implementation is written into. With `tensor`
operands, this will be used as the initial tensor into which
the tiled results are inserted into. With `memref` operands,
this will be the operand into which the result of the tiled
operation is written into.
/*args=*/(ins "OpBuilder &":$b),
/*defaultImplementation=*/"return ValueRange{};"
Returns a list of `StringRef`s that describe the number of
loops and the iterator types of the operation. The list is
expected to use
from MLIR Structured Op Utils.
Returns a list of ranges that describe the loop bounds and
step for the loops of the operation.
/*args=*/(ins "OpBuilder &":$b)
Method to generate the tiled implementation of an operation.
The iteration space of the operation is returned by
`getLoopBounds`. The caller provides the information of the
tile within this iteration space whose implementation the
caller needs.
- `dest` are the Value into which the result of the tiled
operation is to be inserted into. The type of the `dest`
Values is same as the types returned by
`getDestinationOperands` method.
- `offsets` provides the offset of the tile within the
iteration space
- `sizes` provides the size of the tile.
The method returns the operation that is the tiled
/*retType=*/"Operation *",
"OpBuilder &":$b,
"ValueRange ":$dest,
"ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> ":$offsets,
"ArrayRef<OpFoldResult> ":$sizes),
return nullptr;