blob: c668df03c4745899461907167d03f084ccbf2331 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Dialect.h - IR Dialect Description -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the 'dialect' abstraction.
#include "mlir/IR/OperationSupport.h"
#include "mlir/Support/TypeID.h"
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
namespace mlir {
class DialectAsmParser;
class DialectAsmPrinter;
class DialectInterface;
class OpBuilder;
class Type;
using DialectAllocatorFunction = std::function<Dialect *(MLIRContext *)>;
using DialectAllocatorFunctionRef = function_ref<Dialect *(MLIRContext *)>;
using DialectInterfaceAllocatorFunction =
std::function<std::unique_ptr<DialectInterface>(Dialect *)>;
using ObjectInterfaceAllocatorFunction = std::function<void(MLIRContext *)>;
/// Dialects are groups of MLIR operations, types and attributes, as well as
/// behavior associated with the entire group. For example, hooks into other
/// systems for constant folding, interfaces, default named types for asm
/// printing, etc.
/// Instances of the dialect object are loaded in a specific MLIRContext.
class Dialect {
/// Type for a callback provided by the dialect to parse a custom operation.
/// This is used for the dialect to provide an alternative way to parse custom
/// operations, including unregistered ones.
using ParseOpHook =
function_ref<ParseResult(OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &result)>;
virtual ~Dialect();
/// Utility function that returns if the given string is a valid dialect
/// namespace.
static bool isValidNamespace(StringRef str);
MLIRContext *getContext() const { return context; }
StringRef getNamespace() const { return name; }
/// Returns the unique identifier that corresponds to this dialect.
TypeID getTypeID() const { return dialectID; }
/// Returns true if this dialect allows for unregistered operations, i.e.
/// operations prefixed with the dialect namespace but not registered with
/// addOperation.
bool allowsUnknownOperations() const { return unknownOpsAllowed; }
/// Return true if this dialect allows for unregistered types, i.e., types
/// prefixed with the dialect namespace but not registered with addType.
/// These are represented with OpaqueType.
bool allowsUnknownTypes() const { return unknownTypesAllowed; }
/// Register dialect-wide canonicalization patterns. This method should only
/// be used to register canonicalization patterns that do not conceptually
/// belong to any single operation in the dialect. (In that case, use the op's
/// canonicalizer.) E.g., canonicalization patterns for op interfaces should
/// be registered here.
virtual void getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &results) const {}
/// Registered hook to materialize a single constant operation from a given
/// attribute value with the desired resultant type. This method should use
/// the provided builder to create the operation without changing the
/// insertion position. The generated operation is expected to be constant
/// like, i.e. single result, zero operands, non side-effecting, etc. On
/// success, this hook should return the value generated to represent the
/// constant value. Otherwise, it should return null on failure.
virtual Operation *materializeConstant(OpBuilder &builder, Attribute value,
Type type, Location loc) {
return nullptr;
// Parsing Hooks
/// Parse an attribute registered to this dialect. If 'type' is nonnull, it
/// refers to the expected type of the attribute.
virtual Attribute parseAttribute(DialectAsmParser &parser, Type type) const;
/// Print an attribute registered to this dialect. Note: The type of the
/// attribute need not be printed by this method as it is always printed by
/// the caller.
virtual void printAttribute(Attribute, DialectAsmPrinter &) const {
llvm_unreachable("dialect has no registered attribute printing hook");
/// Parse a type registered to this dialect.
virtual Type parseType(DialectAsmParser &parser) const;
/// Print a type registered to this dialect.
virtual void printType(Type, DialectAsmPrinter &) const {
llvm_unreachable("dialect has no registered type printing hook");
/// Return the hook to parse an operation registered to this dialect, if any.
/// By default this will lookup for registered operations and return the
/// `parse()` method registered on the RegisteredOperationName. Dialects can
/// override this behavior and handle unregistered operations as well.
virtual Optional<ParseOpHook> getParseOperationHook(StringRef opName) const;
/// Print an operation registered to this dialect.
/// This hook is invoked for registered operation which don't override the
/// `print()` method to define their own custom assembly.
virtual llvm::unique_function<void(Operation *, OpAsmPrinter &printer)>
getOperationPrinter(Operation *op) const;
// Verification Hooks
/// Verify an attribute from this dialect on the argument at 'argIndex' for
/// the region at 'regionIndex' on the given operation. Returns failure if
/// the verification failed, success otherwise. This hook may optionally be
/// invoked from any operation containing a region.
virtual LogicalResult verifyRegionArgAttribute(Operation *,
unsigned regionIndex,
unsigned argIndex,
/// Verify an attribute from this dialect on the result at 'resultIndex' for
/// the region at 'regionIndex' on the given operation. Returns failure if
/// the verification failed, success otherwise. This hook may optionally be
/// invoked from any operation containing a region.
virtual LogicalResult verifyRegionResultAttribute(Operation *,
unsigned regionIndex,
unsigned resultIndex,
/// Verify an attribute from this dialect on the given operation. Returns
/// failure if the verification failed, success otherwise.
virtual LogicalResult verifyOperationAttribute(Operation *, NamedAttribute) {
return success();
// Interfaces
/// Lookup an interface for the given ID if one is registered, otherwise
/// nullptr.
const DialectInterface *getRegisteredInterface(TypeID interfaceID) {
auto it = registeredInterfaces.find(interfaceID);
return it != registeredInterfaces.end() ? it->getSecond().get() : nullptr;
template <typename InterfaceT> const InterfaceT *getRegisteredInterface() {
return static_cast<const InterfaceT *>(
/// Lookup an op interface for the given ID if one is registered, otherwise
/// nullptr.
virtual void *getRegisteredInterfaceForOp(TypeID interfaceID,
OperationName opName) {
return nullptr;
template <typename InterfaceT>
typename InterfaceT::Concept *
getRegisteredInterfaceForOp(OperationName opName) {
return static_cast<typename InterfaceT::Concept *>(
getRegisteredInterfaceForOp(InterfaceT::getInterfaceID(), opName));
/// The constructor takes a unique namespace for this dialect as well as the
/// context to bind to.
/// Note: The namespace must not contain '.' characters.
/// Note: All operations belonging to this dialect must have names starting
/// with the namespace followed by '.'.
/// Example:
/// - "tf" for the TensorFlow ops like "tf.add".
Dialect(StringRef name, MLIRContext *context, TypeID id);
/// This method is used by derived classes to add their operations to the set.
template <typename... Args> void addOperations() {
0, (RegisteredOperationName::insert<Args>(*this), 0)...};
/// Register a set of type classes with this dialect.
template <typename... Args> void addTypes() {
(void)std::initializer_list<int>{0, (addType<Args>(), 0)...};
/// Register a type instance with this dialect.
/// The use of this method is in general discouraged in favor of
/// 'addTypes<CustomType>()'.
void addType(TypeID typeID, AbstractType &&typeInfo);
/// Register a set of attribute classes with this dialect.
template <typename... Args> void addAttributes() {
(void)std::initializer_list<int>{0, (addAttribute<Args>(), 0)...};
/// Enable support for unregistered operations.
void allowUnknownOperations(bool allow = true) { unknownOpsAllowed = allow; }
/// Enable support for unregistered types.
void allowUnknownTypes(bool allow = true) { unknownTypesAllowed = allow; }
/// Register a dialect interface with this dialect instance.
void addInterface(std::unique_ptr<DialectInterface> interface);
/// Register a set of dialect interfaces with this dialect instance.
template <typename... Args> void addInterfaces() {
0, (addInterface(std::make_unique<Args>(this)), 0)...};
Dialect(const Dialect &) = delete;
void operator=(Dialect &) = delete;
/// Register an attribute instance with this dialect.
template <typename T> void addAttribute() {
// Add this attribute to the dialect and register it with the uniquer.
addAttribute(T::getTypeID(), AbstractAttribute::get<T>(*this));
void addAttribute(TypeID typeID, AbstractAttribute &&attrInfo);
/// Register a type instance with this dialect.
template <typename T> void addType() {
// Add this type to the dialect and register it with the uniquer.
addType(T::getTypeID(), AbstractType::get<T>(*this));
/// The namespace of this dialect.
StringRef name;
/// The unique identifier of the derived Op class, this is used in the context
/// to allow registering multiple times the same dialect.
TypeID dialectID;
/// This is the context that owns this Dialect object.
MLIRContext *context;
/// Flag that specifies whether this dialect supports unregistered operations,
/// i.e. operations prefixed with the dialect namespace but not registered
/// with addOperation.
bool unknownOpsAllowed = false;
/// Flag that specifies whether this dialect allows unregistered types, i.e.
/// types prefixed with the dialect namespace but not registered with addType.
/// These types are represented with OpaqueType.
bool unknownTypesAllowed = false;
/// A collection of registered dialect interfaces.
DenseMap<TypeID, std::unique_ptr<DialectInterface>> registeredInterfaces;
friend class DialectRegistry;
friend void registerDialect();
friend class MLIRContext;
/// The DialectRegistry maps a dialect namespace to a constructor for the
/// matching dialect.
/// This allows for decoupling the list of dialects "available" from the
/// dialects loaded in the Context. The parser in particular will lazily load
/// dialects in the Context as operations are encountered.
class DialectRegistry {
/// Lists of interfaces that need to be registered when the dialect is loaded.
struct DelayedInterfaces {
/// Dialect interfaces.
SmallVector<std::pair<TypeID, DialectInterfaceAllocatorFunction>, 2>
/// Attribute/Operation/Type interfaces.
SmallVector<std::tuple<TypeID, TypeID, ObjectInterfaceAllocatorFunction>, 2>
using MapTy =
std::map<std::string, std::pair<TypeID, DialectAllocatorFunction>>;
using InterfaceMapTy = DenseMap<TypeID, DelayedInterfaces>;
explicit DialectRegistry();
template <typename ConcreteDialect> void insert() {
static_cast<DialectAllocatorFunction>(([](MLIRContext *ctx) {
// Just allocate the dialect, the context
// takes ownership of it.
return ctx->getOrLoadDialect<ConcreteDialect>();
template <typename ConcreteDialect, typename OtherDialect,
typename... MoreDialects>
void insert() {
insert<OtherDialect, MoreDialects...>();
/// Add a new dialect constructor to the registry. The constructor must be
/// calling MLIRContext::getOrLoadDialect in order for the context to take
/// ownership of the dialect and for delayed interface registration to happen.
void insert(TypeID typeID, StringRef name, DialectAllocatorFunction ctor);
/// Return an allocation function for constructing the dialect identified by
/// its namespace, or nullptr if the namespace is not in this registry.
DialectAllocatorFunctionRef getDialectAllocator(StringRef name) const;
// Register all dialects available in the current registry with the registry
// in the provided context.
void appendTo(DialectRegistry &destination) const {
for (const auto &nameAndRegistrationIt : registry)
destination.interfaces.insert(interfaces.begin(), interfaces.end());
/// Return the names of dialects known to this registry.
auto getDialectNames() const {
return llvm::map_range(
[](const MapTy::value_type &item) -> StringRef { return item.first; });
/// Add an interface constructed with the given allocation function to the
/// dialect provided as template parameter. The dialect must be present in
/// the registry.
template <typename DialectTy>
void addDialectInterface(TypeID interfaceTypeID,
DialectInterfaceAllocatorFunction allocator) {
addDialectInterface(DialectTy::getDialectNamespace(), interfaceTypeID,
/// Add an interface to the dialect, both provided as template parameter. The
/// dialect must be present in the registry.
template <typename DialectTy, typename InterfaceTy>
void addDialectInterface() {
InterfaceTy::getInterfaceID(), [](Dialect *dialect) {
return std::make_unique<InterfaceTy>(dialect);
/// Add an external op interface model for an op that belongs to a dialect,
/// both provided as template parameters. The dialect must be present in the
/// registry.
template <typename OpTy, typename ModelTy> void addOpInterface() {
StringRef opName = OpTy::getOperationName();
StringRef dialectName = opName.split('.').first;
addObjectInterface(dialectName, TypeID::get<OpTy>(),
[](MLIRContext *context) {
OpTy::template attachInterface<ModelTy>(*context);
/// Add an external attribute interface model for an attribute type `AttrTy`
/// that is going to belong to `DialectTy`. The dialect must be present in the
/// registry.
template <typename DialectTy, typename AttrTy, typename ModelTy>
void addAttrInterface() {
addStorageUserInterface<AttrTy, ModelTy>(DialectTy::getDialectNamespace());
/// Add an external type interface model for an type class `TypeTy` that is
/// going to belong to `DialectTy`. The dialect must be present in the
/// registry.
template <typename DialectTy, typename TypeTy, typename ModelTy>
void addTypeInterface() {
addStorageUserInterface<TypeTy, ModelTy>(DialectTy::getDialectNamespace());
/// Register any interfaces required for the given dialect (based on its
/// TypeID). Users are not expected to call this directly.
void registerDelayedInterfaces(Dialect *dialect) const;
/// Add an interface constructed with the given allocation function to the
/// dialect identified by its namespace.
void addDialectInterface(StringRef dialectName, TypeID interfaceTypeID,
DialectInterfaceAllocatorFunction allocator);
/// Add an attribute/operation/type interface constructible with the given
/// allocation function to the dialect identified by its namespace.
void addObjectInterface(StringRef dialectName, TypeID objectID,
TypeID interfaceTypeID,
ObjectInterfaceAllocatorFunction allocator);
/// Add an external model for an attribute/type interface to the dialect
/// identified by its namespace.
template <typename ObjectTy, typename ModelTy>
void addStorageUserInterface(StringRef dialectName) {
addObjectInterface(dialectName, TypeID::get<ObjectTy>(),
[](MLIRContext *context) {
ObjectTy::template attachInterface<ModelTy>(*context);
MapTy registry;
InterfaceMapTy interfaces;
} // namespace mlir
namespace llvm {
/// Provide isa functionality for Dialects.
template <typename T> struct isa_impl<T, ::mlir::Dialect> {
static inline bool doit(const ::mlir::Dialect &dialect) {
return mlir::TypeID::get<T>() == dialect.getTypeID();
} // namespace llvm