blob: 969bb957483404218e177152bbbbcf067f5e686e [file] [log] [blame]
//===- BuiltinAttributes.h - MLIR Builtin Attribute Classes -----*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributeInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/IR/SubElementInterfaces.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include <complex>
namespace mlir {
class AffineMap;
class BoolAttr;
class DenseIntElementsAttr;
class FlatSymbolRefAttr;
class FunctionType;
class IntegerSet;
class IntegerType;
class Location;
class Operation;
class ShapedType;
// Elements Attributes
namespace detail {
/// Pair of raw pointer and a boolean flag of whether the pointer holds a splat,
using DenseIterPtrAndSplat = std::pair<const char *, bool>;
/// Impl iterator for indexed DenseElementsAttr iterators that records a data
/// pointer and data index that is adjusted for the case of a splat attribute.
template <typename ConcreteT, typename T, typename PointerT = T *,
typename ReferenceT = T &>
class DenseElementIndexedIteratorImpl
: public llvm::indexed_accessor_iterator<ConcreteT, DenseIterPtrAndSplat, T,
PointerT, ReferenceT> {
DenseElementIndexedIteratorImpl(const char *data, bool isSplat,
size_t dataIndex)
: llvm::indexed_accessor_iterator<ConcreteT, DenseIterPtrAndSplat, T,
PointerT, ReferenceT>({data, isSplat},
dataIndex) {}
/// Return the current index for this iterator, adjusted for the case of a
/// splat.
ptrdiff_t getDataIndex() const {
bool isSplat = this->base.second;
return isSplat ? 0 : this->index;
/// Return the data base pointer.
const char *getData() const { return this->base.first; }
/// Type trait detector that checks if a given type T is a complex type.
template <typename T> struct is_complex_t : public std::false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_complex_t<std::complex<T>> : public std::true_type {};
} // namespace detail
/// An attribute that represents a reference to a dense vector or tensor object.
class DenseElementsAttr : public Attribute {
using Attribute::Attribute;
/// Allow implicit conversion to ElementsAttr.
operator ElementsAttr() const {
return *this ? cast<ElementsAttr>() : nullptr;
/// Type trait used to check if the given type T is a potentially valid C++
/// floating point type that can be used to access the underlying element
/// types of a DenseElementsAttr.
// TODO: Use std::disjunction when C++17 is supported.
template <typename T> struct is_valid_cpp_fp_type {
/// The type is a valid floating point type if it is a builtin floating
/// point type, or is a potentially user defined floating point type. The
/// latter allows for supporting users that have custom types defined for
/// bfloat16/half/etc.
static constexpr bool value = llvm::is_one_of<T, float, double>::value ||
(std::numeric_limits<T>::is_specialized &&
/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(Attribute attr);
/// Constructs a dense elements attribute from an array of element values.
/// Each element attribute value is expected to be an element of 'type'.
/// 'type' must be a vector or tensor with static shape. If the element of
/// `type` is non-integer/index/float it is assumed to be a string type.
static DenseElementsAttr get(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<Attribute> values);
/// Constructs a dense integer elements attribute from an array of integer
/// or floating-point values. Each value is expected to be the same bitwidth
/// of the element type of 'type'. 'type' must be a vector or tensor with
/// static shape.
template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<
std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer ||
static DenseElementsAttr get(const ShapedType &type, ArrayRef<T> values) {
const char *data = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(;
return getRawIntOrFloat(
type, ArrayRef<char>(data, values.size() * sizeof(T)), sizeof(T),
std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer, std::numeric_limits<T>::is_signed);
/// Constructs a dense integer elements attribute from a single element.
template <typename T, typename = typename std::enable_if<
std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer ||
is_valid_cpp_fp_type<T>::value ||
static DenseElementsAttr get(const ShapedType &type, T value) {
return get(type, llvm::makeArrayRef(value));
/// Constructs a dense complex elements attribute from an array of complex
/// values. Each value is expected to be the same bitwidth of the element type
/// of 'type'. 'type' must be a vector or tensor with static shape.
template <typename T, typename ElementT = typename T::value_type,
typename = typename std::enable_if<
detail::is_complex_t<T>::value &&
(std::numeric_limits<ElementT>::is_integer ||
static DenseElementsAttr get(const ShapedType &type, ArrayRef<T> values) {
const char *data = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(;
return getRawComplex(type, ArrayRef<char>(data, values.size() * sizeof(T)),
sizeof(T), std::numeric_limits<ElementT>::is_integer,
/// Overload of the above 'get' method that is specialized for boolean values.
static DenseElementsAttr get(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<bool> values);
/// Overload of the above 'get' method that is specialized for StringRef
/// values.
static DenseElementsAttr get(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<StringRef> values);
/// Constructs a dense integer elements attribute from an array of APInt
/// values. Each APInt value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the
/// element type of 'type'. 'type' must be a vector or tensor with static
/// shape.
static DenseElementsAttr get(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<APInt> values);
/// Constructs a dense complex elements attribute from an array of APInt
/// values. Each APInt value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the
/// element type of 'type'. 'type' must be a vector or tensor with static
/// shape.
static DenseElementsAttr get(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<std::complex<APInt>> values);
/// Constructs a dense float elements attribute from an array of APFloat
/// values. Each APFloat value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the
/// element type of 'type'. 'type' must be a vector or tensor with static
/// shape.
static DenseElementsAttr get(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<APFloat> values);
/// Constructs a dense complex elements attribute from an array of APFloat
/// values. Each APFloat value is expected to have the same bitwidth as the
/// element type of 'type'. 'type' must be a vector or tensor with static
/// shape.
static DenseElementsAttr get(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<std::complex<APFloat>> values);
/// Construct a dense elements attribute for an initializer_list of values.
/// Each value is expected to be the same bitwidth of the element type of
/// 'type'. 'type' must be a vector or tensor with static shape.
template <typename T>
static DenseElementsAttr get(const ShapedType &type,
const std::initializer_list<T> &list) {
return get(type, ArrayRef<T>(list));
/// Construct a dense elements attribute from a raw buffer representing the
/// data for this attribute. Users are encouraged to use one of the
/// constructors above, which provide more safeties. However, this
/// constructor is useful for tools which may want to interop and can
/// follow the precise definition.
/// The format of the raw buffer is a densely packed array of values that
/// can be bitcast to the storage format of the element type specified.
/// Types that are not byte aligned will be:
/// - For bitwidth > 1: Rounded up to the next byte.
/// - For bitwidth = 1: Packed into 8bit bytes with bits corresponding to
/// the linear order of the shape type from MSB to LSB, padded to on the
/// right.
/// If `isSplatBuffer` is true, then the raw buffer should contain a
/// single element (or for the case of 1-bit, a single byte of 0 or 255),
/// which will be used to construct a splat.
static DenseElementsAttr getFromRawBuffer(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<char> rawBuffer,
bool isSplatBuffer);
/// Returns true if the given buffer is a valid raw buffer for the given type.
/// `detectedSplat` is set if the buffer is valid and represents a splat
/// buffer. The definition may be expanded over time, but currently, a
/// splat buffer is detected if:
/// - For >1bit: The buffer consists of a single element.
/// - For 1bit: The buffer consists of a single byte with value 0 or 255.
/// User code should be prepared for additional, conformant patterns to be
/// identified as splats in the future.
static bool isValidRawBuffer(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<char> rawBuffer,
bool &detectedSplat);
// Iterators
/// The iterator range over the given iterator type T.
template <typename IteratorT>
using iterator_range_impl = detail::ElementsAttrRange<IteratorT>;
/// The iterator for the given element type T.
template <typename T, typename AttrT = DenseElementsAttr>
using iterator = decltype(std::declval<AttrT>().template value_begin<T>());
/// The iterator range over the given element T.
template <typename T, typename AttrT = DenseElementsAttr>
using iterator_range =
decltype(std::declval<AttrT>().template getValues<T>());
/// A utility iterator that allows walking over the internal Attribute values
/// of a DenseElementsAttr.
class AttributeElementIterator
: public llvm::indexed_accessor_iterator<AttributeElementIterator,
const void *, Attribute,
Attribute, Attribute> {
/// Accesses the Attribute value at this iterator position.
Attribute operator*() const;
friend DenseElementsAttr;
/// Constructs a new iterator.
AttributeElementIterator(DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t index);
/// Iterator for walking raw element values of the specified type 'T', which
/// may be any c++ data type matching the stored representation: int32_t,
/// float, etc.
template <typename T>
class ElementIterator
: public detail::DenseElementIndexedIteratorImpl<ElementIterator<T>,
const T> {
/// Accesses the raw value at this iterator position.
const T &operator*() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const T *>(this->getData())[this->getDataIndex()];
friend DenseElementsAttr;
/// Constructs a new iterator.
ElementIterator(const char *data, bool isSplat, size_t dataIndex)
: detail::DenseElementIndexedIteratorImpl<ElementIterator<T>, const T>(
data, isSplat, dataIndex) {}
/// A utility iterator that allows walking over the internal bool values.
class BoolElementIterator
: public detail::DenseElementIndexedIteratorImpl<BoolElementIterator,
bool, bool, bool> {
/// Accesses the bool value at this iterator position.
bool operator*() const;
friend DenseElementsAttr;
/// Constructs a new iterator.
BoolElementIterator(DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t dataIndex);
/// A utility iterator that allows walking over the internal raw APInt values.
class IntElementIterator
: public detail::DenseElementIndexedIteratorImpl<IntElementIterator,
APInt, APInt, APInt> {
/// Accesses the raw APInt value at this iterator position.
APInt operator*() const;
friend DenseElementsAttr;
/// Constructs a new iterator.
IntElementIterator(DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t dataIndex);
/// The bitwidth of the element type.
size_t bitWidth;
/// A utility iterator that allows walking over the internal raw complex APInt
/// values.
class ComplexIntElementIterator
: public detail::DenseElementIndexedIteratorImpl<
ComplexIntElementIterator, std::complex<APInt>, std::complex<APInt>,
std::complex<APInt>> {
/// Accesses the raw std::complex<APInt> value at this iterator position.
std::complex<APInt> operator*() const;
friend DenseElementsAttr;
/// Constructs a new iterator.
ComplexIntElementIterator(DenseElementsAttr attr, size_t dataIndex);
/// The bitwidth of the element type.
size_t bitWidth;
/// Iterator for walking over APFloat values.
class FloatElementIterator final
: public llvm::mapped_iterator_base<FloatElementIterator,
IntElementIterator, APFloat> {
/// Map the element to the iterator result type.
APFloat mapElement(const APInt &value) const {
return APFloat(*smt, value);
friend DenseElementsAttr;
/// Initializes the float element iterator to the specified iterator.
FloatElementIterator(const llvm::fltSemantics &smt, IntElementIterator it)
: BaseT(it), smt(&smt) {}
/// The float semantics to use when constructing the APFloat.
const llvm::fltSemantics *smt;
/// Iterator for walking over complex APFloat values.
class ComplexFloatElementIterator final
: public llvm::mapped_iterator_base<ComplexFloatElementIterator,
std::complex<APFloat>> {
/// Map the element to the iterator result type.
std::complex<APFloat> mapElement(const std::complex<APInt> &value) const {
return {APFloat(*smt, value.real()), APFloat(*smt, value.imag())};
friend DenseElementsAttr;
/// Initializes the float element iterator to the specified iterator.
ComplexFloatElementIterator(const llvm::fltSemantics &smt,
ComplexIntElementIterator it)
: BaseT(it), smt(&smt) {}
/// The float semantics to use when constructing the APFloat.
const llvm::fltSemantics *smt;
// Value Querying
/// Returns true if this attribute corresponds to a splat, i.e. if all element
/// values are the same.
bool isSplat() const;
/// Return the splat value for this attribute. This asserts that the attribute
/// corresponds to a splat.
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<!std::is_base_of<Attribute, T>::value ||
std::is_same<Attribute, T>::value,
getSplatValue() const {
assert(isSplat() && "expected the attribute to be a splat");
return *value_begin<T>();
/// Return the splat value for derived attribute element types.
template <typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Attribute, T>::value &&
!std::is_same<Attribute, T>::value,
getSplatValue() const {
return getSplatValue<Attribute>().template cast<T>();
/// Return the held element values as a range of integer or floating-point
/// values.
template <typename T>
using IntFloatValueTemplateCheckT =
typename std::enable_if<(!std::is_same<T, bool>::value &&
std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer) ||
template <typename T, typename = IntFloatValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
iterator_range_impl<ElementIterator<T>> getValues() const {
assert(isValidIntOrFloat(sizeof(T), std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer,
const char *rawData = getRawData().data();
bool splat = isSplat();
return {Attribute::getType(), ElementIterator<T>(rawData, splat, 0),
ElementIterator<T>(rawData, splat, getNumElements())};
template <typename T, typename = IntFloatValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
ElementIterator<T> value_begin() const {
assert(isValidIntOrFloat(sizeof(T), std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer,
return ElementIterator<T>(getRawData().data(), isSplat(), 0);
template <typename T, typename = IntFloatValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
ElementIterator<T> value_end() const {
assert(isValidIntOrFloat(sizeof(T), std::numeric_limits<T>::is_integer,
return ElementIterator<T>(getRawData().data(), isSplat(), getNumElements());
/// Return the held element values as a range of std::complex.
template <typename T, typename ElementT>
using ComplexValueTemplateCheckT =
typename std::enable_if<detail::is_complex_t<T>::value &&
(std::numeric_limits<ElementT>::is_integer ||
template <typename T, typename ElementT = typename T::value_type,
typename = ComplexValueTemplateCheckT<T, ElementT>>
iterator_range_impl<ElementIterator<T>> getValues() const {
assert(isValidComplex(sizeof(T), std::numeric_limits<ElementT>::is_integer,
const char *rawData = getRawData().data();
bool splat = isSplat();
return {Attribute::getType(), ElementIterator<T>(rawData, splat, 0),
ElementIterator<T>(rawData, splat, getNumElements())};
template <typename T, typename ElementT = typename T::value_type,
typename = ComplexValueTemplateCheckT<T, ElementT>>
ElementIterator<T> value_begin() const {
assert(isValidComplex(sizeof(T), std::numeric_limits<ElementT>::is_integer,
return ElementIterator<T>(getRawData().data(), isSplat(), 0);
template <typename T, typename ElementT = typename T::value_type,
typename = ComplexValueTemplateCheckT<T, ElementT>>
ElementIterator<T> value_end() const {
assert(isValidComplex(sizeof(T), std::numeric_limits<ElementT>::is_integer,
return ElementIterator<T>(getRawData().data(), isSplat(), getNumElements());
/// Return the held element values as a range of StringRef.
template <typename T>
using StringRefValueTemplateCheckT =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, StringRef>::value>::type;
template <typename T, typename = StringRefValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
iterator_range_impl<ElementIterator<StringRef>> getValues() const {
auto stringRefs = getRawStringData();
const char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(;
bool splat = isSplat();
return {Attribute::getType(), ElementIterator<StringRef>(ptr, splat, 0),
ElementIterator<StringRef>(ptr, splat, getNumElements())};
template <typename T, typename = StringRefValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
ElementIterator<StringRef> value_begin() const {
const char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(getRawStringData().data());
return ElementIterator<StringRef>(ptr, isSplat(), 0);
template <typename T, typename = StringRefValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
ElementIterator<StringRef> value_end() const {
const char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(getRawStringData().data());
return ElementIterator<StringRef>(ptr, isSplat(), getNumElements());
/// Return the held element values as a range of Attributes.
template <typename T>
using AttributeValueTemplateCheckT =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, Attribute>::value>::type;
template <typename T, typename = AttributeValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
iterator_range_impl<AttributeElementIterator> getValues() const {
return {Attribute::getType(), value_begin<Attribute>(),
template <typename T, typename = AttributeValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
AttributeElementIterator value_begin() const {
return AttributeElementIterator(*this, 0);
template <typename T, typename = AttributeValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
AttributeElementIterator value_end() const {
return AttributeElementIterator(*this, getNumElements());
/// Return the held element values a range of T, where T is a derived
/// attribute type.
template <typename T>
using DerivedAttrValueTemplateCheckT =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_base_of<Attribute, T>::value &&
!std::is_same<Attribute, T>::value>::type;
template <typename T>
struct DerivedAttributeElementIterator
: public llvm::mapped_iterator_base<DerivedAttributeElementIterator<T>,
AttributeElementIterator, T> {
using llvm::mapped_iterator_base<DerivedAttributeElementIterator<T>,
/// Map the element to the iterator result type.
T mapElement(Attribute attr) const { return attr.cast<T>(); }
template <typename T, typename = DerivedAttrValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
iterator_range_impl<DerivedAttributeElementIterator<T>> getValues() const {
using DerivedIterT = DerivedAttributeElementIterator<T>;
return {Attribute::getType(), DerivedIterT(value_begin<Attribute>()),
template <typename T, typename = DerivedAttrValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
DerivedAttributeElementIterator<T> value_begin() const {
return {value_begin<Attribute>()};
template <typename T, typename = DerivedAttrValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
DerivedAttributeElementIterator<T> value_end() const {
return {value_end<Attribute>()};
/// Return the held element values as a range of bool. The element type of
/// this attribute must be of integer type of bitwidth 1.
template <typename T>
using BoolValueTemplateCheckT =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, bool>::value>::type;
template <typename T, typename = BoolValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
iterator_range_impl<BoolElementIterator> getValues() const {
assert(isValidBool() && "bool is not the value of this elements attribute");
return {Attribute::getType(), BoolElementIterator(*this, 0),
BoolElementIterator(*this, getNumElements())};
template <typename T, typename = BoolValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
BoolElementIterator value_begin() const {
assert(isValidBool() && "bool is not the value of this elements attribute");
return BoolElementIterator(*this, 0);
template <typename T, typename = BoolValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
BoolElementIterator value_end() const {
assert(isValidBool() && "bool is not the value of this elements attribute");
return BoolElementIterator(*this, getNumElements());
/// Return the held element values as a range of APInts. The element type of
/// this attribute must be of integer type.
template <typename T>
using APIntValueTemplateCheckT =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, APInt>::value>::type;
template <typename T, typename = APIntValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
iterator_range_impl<IntElementIterator> getValues() const {
assert(getElementType().isIntOrIndex() && "expected integral type");
return {Attribute::getType(), raw_int_begin(), raw_int_end()};
template <typename T, typename = APIntValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
IntElementIterator value_begin() const {
assert(getElementType().isIntOrIndex() && "expected integral type");
return raw_int_begin();
template <typename T, typename = APIntValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
IntElementIterator value_end() const {
assert(getElementType().isIntOrIndex() && "expected integral type");
return raw_int_end();
/// Return the held element values as a range of complex APInts. The element
/// type of this attribute must be a complex of integer type.
template <typename T>
using ComplexAPIntValueTemplateCheckT = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<T, std::complex<APInt>>::value>::type;
template <typename T, typename = ComplexAPIntValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
iterator_range_impl<ComplexIntElementIterator> getValues() const {
return getComplexIntValues();
template <typename T, typename = ComplexAPIntValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
ComplexIntElementIterator value_begin() const {
return complex_value_begin();
template <typename T, typename = ComplexAPIntValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
ComplexIntElementIterator value_end() const {
return complex_value_end();
/// Return the held element values as a range of APFloat. The element type of
/// this attribute must be of float type.
template <typename T>
using APFloatValueTemplateCheckT =
typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T, APFloat>::value>::type;
template <typename T, typename = APFloatValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
iterator_range_impl<FloatElementIterator> getValues() const {
return getFloatValues();
template <typename T, typename = APFloatValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
FloatElementIterator value_begin() const {
return float_value_begin();
template <typename T, typename = APFloatValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
FloatElementIterator value_end() const {
return float_value_end();
/// Return the held element values as a range of complex APFloat. The element
/// type of this attribute must be a complex of float type.
template <typename T>
using ComplexAPFloatValueTemplateCheckT = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<T, std::complex<APFloat>>::value>::type;
template <typename T, typename = ComplexAPFloatValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
iterator_range_impl<ComplexFloatElementIterator> getValues() const {
return getComplexFloatValues();
template <typename T, typename = ComplexAPFloatValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
ComplexFloatElementIterator value_begin() const {
return complex_float_value_begin();
template <typename T, typename = ComplexAPFloatValueTemplateCheckT<T>>
ComplexFloatElementIterator value_end() const {
return complex_float_value_end();
/// Return the raw storage data held by this attribute. Users should generally
/// not use this directly, as the internal storage format is not always in the
/// form the user might expect.
ArrayRef<char> getRawData() const;
/// Return the raw StringRef data held by this attribute.
ArrayRef<StringRef> getRawStringData() const;
/// Return the type of this ElementsAttr, guaranteed to be a vector or tensor
/// with static shape.
ShapedType getType() const;
/// Return the element type of this DenseElementsAttr.
Type getElementType() const;
/// Returns the number of elements held by this attribute.
int64_t getNumElements() const;
/// Returns the number of elements held by this attribute.
int64_t size() const { return getNumElements(); }
/// Returns if the number of elements held by this attribute is 0.
bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
// Mutation Utilities
/// Return a new DenseElementsAttr that has the same data as the current
/// attribute, but has been reshaped to 'newType'. The new type must have the
/// same total number of elements as well as element type.
DenseElementsAttr reshape(ShapedType newType);
/// Return a new DenseElementsAttr that has the same data as the current
/// attribute, but has bitcast elements to 'newElType'. The new type must have
/// the same bitwidth as the current element type.
DenseElementsAttr bitcast(Type newElType);
/// Generates a new DenseElementsAttr by mapping each int value to a new
/// underlying APInt. The new values can represent either an integer or float.
/// This underlying type must be an DenseIntElementsAttr.
DenseElementsAttr mapValues(Type newElementType,
function_ref<APInt(const APInt &)> mapping) const;
/// Generates a new DenseElementsAttr by mapping each float value to a new
/// underlying APInt. the new values can represent either an integer or float.
/// This underlying type must be an DenseFPElementsAttr.
mapValues(Type newElementType,
function_ref<APInt(const APFloat &)> mapping) const;
/// Iterators to various elements that require out-of-line definition. These
/// are hidden from the user to encourage consistent use of the
/// getValues/value_begin/value_end API.
IntElementIterator raw_int_begin() const {
return IntElementIterator(*this, 0);
IntElementIterator raw_int_end() const {
return IntElementIterator(*this, getNumElements());
iterator_range_impl<ComplexIntElementIterator> getComplexIntValues() const;
ComplexIntElementIterator complex_value_begin() const;
ComplexIntElementIterator complex_value_end() const;
iterator_range_impl<FloatElementIterator> getFloatValues() const;
FloatElementIterator float_value_begin() const;
FloatElementIterator float_value_end() const;
getComplexFloatValues() const;
ComplexFloatElementIterator complex_float_value_begin() const;
ComplexFloatElementIterator complex_float_value_end() const;
/// Overload of the raw 'get' method that asserts that the given type is of
/// complex type. This method is used to verify type invariants that the
/// templatized 'get' method cannot.
static DenseElementsAttr getRawComplex(ShapedType type, ArrayRef<char> data,
int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt,
bool isSigned);
/// Overload of the raw 'get' method that asserts that the given type is of
/// integer or floating-point type. This method is used to verify type
/// invariants that the templatized 'get' method cannot.
static DenseElementsAttr getRawIntOrFloat(ShapedType type,
ArrayRef<char> data,
int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt,
bool isSigned);
/// Check the information for a C++ data type, check if this type is valid for
/// the current attribute. This method is used to verify specific type
/// invariants that the templatized 'getValues' method cannot.
bool isValidBool() const { return getElementType().isInteger(1); }
bool isValidIntOrFloat(int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt, bool isSigned) const;
bool isValidComplex(int64_t dataEltSize, bool isInt, bool isSigned) const;
/// An attribute that represents a reference to a splat vector or tensor
/// constant, meaning all of the elements have the same value.
class SplatElementsAttr : public DenseElementsAttr {
using DenseElementsAttr::DenseElementsAttr;
/// Method for support type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(Attribute attr) {
auto denseAttr = attr.dyn_cast<DenseElementsAttr>();
return denseAttr && denseAttr.isSplat();
} // namespace mlir
// Tablegen Attribute Declarations
#include "mlir/IR/"
// C++ Attribute Declarations
namespace mlir {
// BoolAttr
/// Special case of IntegerAttr to represent boolean integers, i.e., signless i1
/// integers.
class BoolAttr : public Attribute {
using Attribute::Attribute;
using ValueType = bool;
static BoolAttr get(MLIRContext *context, bool value);
/// Enable conversion to IntegerAttr. This uses conversion vs. inheritance to
/// avoid bringing in all of IntegerAttrs methods.
operator IntegerAttr() const { return IntegerAttr(impl); }
/// Return the boolean value of this attribute.
bool getValue() const;
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(Attribute attr);
// FlatSymbolRefAttr
/// A symbol reference with a reference path containing a single element. This
/// is used to refer to an operation within the current symbol table.
class FlatSymbolRefAttr : public SymbolRefAttr {
using SymbolRefAttr::SymbolRefAttr;
using ValueType = StringRef;
/// Construct a symbol reference for the given value name.
static FlatSymbolRefAttr get(StringAttr value) {
return SymbolRefAttr::get(value);
static FlatSymbolRefAttr get(MLIRContext *ctx, StringRef value) {
return SymbolRefAttr::get(ctx, value);
/// Convenience getter for building a SymbolRefAttr based on an operation
/// that implements the SymbolTrait.
static FlatSymbolRefAttr get(Operation *symbol) {
return SymbolRefAttr::get(symbol);
/// Returns the name of the held symbol reference as a StringAttr.
StringAttr getAttr() const { return getRootReference(); }
/// Returns the name of the held symbol reference.
StringRef getValue() const { return getAttr().getValue(); }
/// Methods for support type inquiry through isa, cast, and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(Attribute attr) {
SymbolRefAttr refAttr = attr.dyn_cast<SymbolRefAttr>();
return refAttr && refAttr.getNestedReferences().empty();
using SymbolRefAttr::get;
using SymbolRefAttr::getNestedReferences;
// DenseFPElementsAttr
/// An attribute that represents a reference to a dense float vector or tensor
/// object. Each element is stored as a double.
class DenseFPElementsAttr : public DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr {
using iterator = DenseElementsAttr::FloatElementIterator;
using DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr;
/// Get an instance of a DenseFPElementsAttr with the given arguments. This
/// simply wraps the DenseElementsAttr::get calls.
template <typename Arg>
static DenseFPElementsAttr get(const ShapedType &type, Arg &&arg) {
return DenseElementsAttr::get(type, llvm::makeArrayRef(arg))
.template cast<DenseFPElementsAttr>();
template <typename T>
static DenseFPElementsAttr get(const ShapedType &type,
const std::initializer_list<T> &list) {
return DenseElementsAttr::get(type, list)
.template cast<DenseFPElementsAttr>();
/// Generates a new DenseElementsAttr by mapping each value attribute, and
/// constructing the DenseElementsAttr given the new element type.
mapValues(Type newElementType,
function_ref<APInt(const APFloat &)> mapping) const;
/// Iterator access to the float element values.
iterator begin() const { return float_value_begin(); }
iterator end() const { return float_value_end(); }
/// Method for supporting type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(Attribute attr);
// DenseIntElementsAttr
/// An attribute that represents a reference to a dense integer vector or tensor
/// object.
class DenseIntElementsAttr : public DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr {
/// DenseIntElementsAttr iterates on APInt, so we can use the raw element
/// iterator directly.
using iterator = DenseElementsAttr::IntElementIterator;
using DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr::DenseIntOrFPElementsAttr;
/// Get an instance of a DenseIntElementsAttr with the given arguments. This
/// simply wraps the DenseElementsAttr::get calls.
template <typename Arg>
static DenseIntElementsAttr get(const ShapedType &type, Arg &&arg) {
return DenseElementsAttr::get(type, llvm::makeArrayRef(arg))
.template cast<DenseIntElementsAttr>();
template <typename T>
static DenseIntElementsAttr get(const ShapedType &type,
const std::initializer_list<T> &list) {
return DenseElementsAttr::get(type, list)
.template cast<DenseIntElementsAttr>();
/// Generates a new DenseElementsAttr by mapping each value attribute, and
/// constructing the DenseElementsAttr given the new element type.
DenseElementsAttr mapValues(Type newElementType,
function_ref<APInt(const APInt &)> mapping) const;
/// Iterator access to the integer element values.
iterator begin() const { return raw_int_begin(); }
iterator end() const { return raw_int_end(); }
/// Method for supporting type inquiry through isa, cast and dyn_cast.
static bool classof(Attribute attr);
// SparseElementsAttr
template <typename T>
auto SparseElementsAttr::value_begin() const -> iterator<T> {
auto zeroValue = getZeroValue<T>();
auto valueIt = getValues().value_begin<T>();
const std::vector<ptrdiff_t> flatSparseIndices(getFlattenedSparseIndices());
std::function<T(ptrdiff_t)> mapFn =
zeroValue{std::move(zeroValue)}](ptrdiff_t index) {
// Try to map the current index to one of the sparse indices.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = flatSparseIndices.size(); i != e; ++i)
if (flatSparseIndices[i] == index)
return *std::next(valueIt, i);
// Otherwise, return the zero value.
return zeroValue;
return iterator<T>(llvm::seq<ptrdiff_t>(0, getNumElements()).begin(), mapFn);
// StringAttr
/// Define comparisons for StringAttr against nullptr and itself to avoid the
/// StringRef overloads from being chosen when not desirable.
inline bool operator==(StringAttr lhs, std::nullptr_t) { return !lhs; }
inline bool operator!=(StringAttr lhs, std::nullptr_t) {
return static_cast<bool>(lhs);
inline bool operator==(StringAttr lhs, StringAttr rhs) {
return (Attribute)lhs == (Attribute)rhs;
inline bool operator!=(StringAttr lhs, StringAttr rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
/// Allow direct comparison with StringRef.
inline bool operator==(StringAttr lhs, StringRef rhs) {
return lhs.getValue() == rhs;
inline bool operator!=(StringAttr lhs, StringRef rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
inline bool operator==(StringRef lhs, StringAttr rhs) {
return rhs.getValue() == lhs;
inline bool operator!=(StringRef lhs, StringAttr rhs) { return !(lhs == rhs); }
inline Type StringAttr::getType() const { return Attribute::getType(); }
} // end namespace mlir
// Attribute Utilities
namespace llvm {
template <>
struct DenseMapInfo<mlir::StringAttr> : public DenseMapInfo<mlir::Attribute> {
static mlir::StringAttr getEmptyKey() {
const void *pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<const void *>::getEmptyKey();
return mlir::StringAttr::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer);
static mlir::StringAttr getTombstoneKey() {
const void *pointer = llvm::DenseMapInfo<const void *>::getTombstoneKey();
return mlir::StringAttr::getFromOpaquePointer(pointer);
template <>
struct PointerLikeTypeTraits<mlir::StringAttr>
: public PointerLikeTypeTraits<mlir::Attribute> {
static inline mlir::StringAttr getFromVoidPointer(void *p) {
return mlir::StringAttr::getFromOpaquePointer(p);
template <>
struct PointerLikeTypeTraits<mlir::SymbolRefAttr>
: public PointerLikeTypeTraits<mlir::Attribute> {
static inline mlir::SymbolRefAttr getFromVoidPointer(void *ptr) {
return mlir::SymbolRefAttr::getFromOpaquePointer(ptr);
} // namespace llvm