blob: a6a025ab997892eb0d57e4d0bc58271f0ff21ac7 [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
import lldb
import lldbutil
def stop_if_called_from_a():
# lldb.debugger_unique_id stores the id of the debugger associated with us.
dbg = lldb.SBDebugger.FindDebuggerWithID(lldb.debugger_unique_id)
# Perform synchronous interaction with the debugger.
old_async = dbg.GetAsync()
# Retrieve the target, process, and the only thread.
target = dbg.GetSelectedTarget()
process = target.GetProcess()
thread = process.GetThreadAtIndex(0)
# We check the call frames in order to stop only when the immediate caller
# of the leaf function c() is a(). If it's not the right caller, we ask the
# command interpreter to continue execution.
print >> sys.stdout, "Checking call frames..."
should_stop = True
if thread.GetNumFrames() >= 2:
funcs = lldbutil.get_function_names(thread)
print >> sys.stdout, funcs[0], "called from", funcs[1]
if (funcs[0] == 'c' and funcs[1] == 'a'):
should_stop = True
should_stop = False
return should_stop