blob: 5180149ff14c84797bec6dd05cead3883d7249d1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Core/SymbolTable.h - Main Symbol Table -----------------------------===//
// The LLVM Linker
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "lld/Core/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
namespace lld {
class Atom;
class DefinedAtom;
class UndefinedAtom;
class SharedLibraryAtom;
class AbsoluteAtom;
class Platform;
/// The SymbolTable class is responsible for coalescing atoms.
/// All atoms coalescable by-name or by-content should be added.
/// The method replacement() can be used to find the replacement atom
/// if an atom has been coalesced away.
class SymbolTable {
SymbolTable(Platform& plat);
/// @brief add atom to symbol table
void add(const DefinedAtom &);
/// @brief add atom to symbol table
void add(const UndefinedAtom &);
/// @brief add atom to symbol table
void add(const SharedLibraryAtom &);
/// @brief add atom to symbol table
void add(const AbsoluteAtom &);
/// @brief checks if name is in symbol table and if so atom is not
/// UndefinedAtom
bool isDefined(StringRef sym);
/// @brief returns atom in symbol table for specified name (or nullptr)
const Atom *findByName(StringRef sym);
/// @brief returns vector of remaining UndefinedAtoms
void undefines(std::vector<const Atom *>&);
/// @brief count of by-name entries in symbol table
unsigned int size();
/// @brief if atom has been coalesced away, return replacement, else return atom
const Atom *replacement(const Atom *);
typedef llvm::DenseMap<const Atom *, const Atom *> AtomToAtom;
struct StringRefMappingInfo {
static StringRef getEmptyKey() { return StringRef(); }
static StringRef getTombstoneKey() { return StringRef(" ", 0); }
static unsigned getHashValue(StringRef const val) {
return llvm::HashString(val); }
static bool isEqual(StringRef const lhs,
StringRef const rhs) { return lhs.equals(rhs); }
typedef llvm::DenseMap<StringRef, const Atom *,
StringRefMappingInfo> NameToAtom;
struct AtomMappingInfo {
static const DefinedAtom * getEmptyKey() { return nullptr; }
static const DefinedAtom * getTombstoneKey() { return (DefinedAtom*)(-1); }
static unsigned getHashValue(const DefinedAtom * const Val);
static bool isEqual(const DefinedAtom * const LHS,
const DefinedAtom * const RHS);
typedef llvm::DenseSet<const DefinedAtom*, AtomMappingInfo> AtomContentSet;
void addByName(const Atom &);
void addByContent(const DefinedAtom &);
Platform& _platform;
AtomToAtom _replacedAtoms;
NameToAtom _nameTable;
AtomContentSet _contentTable;
} // namespace lld