blob: b3f1b6638193e982b72f012b8acf644012c83536 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
class Enc_01d3d0 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vdd32{4-0};
class Enc_02553a : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ii;
let Inst{11-5} = Ii{6-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_03833b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_041d7b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <5> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{4-4};
let Inst{24-23} = n1{3-2};
let Inst{13-13} = n1{1-1};
let Inst{8-8} = n1{0-0};
class Enc_04c959 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{7-7} = Ii{0-0};
bits <6> II;
let Inst{11-8} = II{5-2};
let Inst{6-5} = II{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Ryy32;
let Inst{4-0} = Ryy32{4-0};
class Enc_0527db : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{7-4} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> Rx16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rx16{3-0};
class Enc_052c7d : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{4-1};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_08d755 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{12-5} = Ii{7-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_0aa344 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Gss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Gss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_0b2e5b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{7-5} = Ii{2-0};
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{20-16} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
class Enc_0b51ce : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <2> Qv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Qv4{1-0};
bits <5> Vs32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_0cb018 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Cs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Cs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_0d8870 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <12> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{11-10};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{9-9};
let Inst{7-0} = Ii{8-1};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
class Enc_0d8adb : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{12-5} = Ii{7-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_0e41fa : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vuu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vuu32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
class Enc_0ed752 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Cdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Cdd32{4-0};
class Enc_0f8bab : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <2> Qd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Qd4{1-0};
class Enc_0fa531 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <15> Ii;
let Inst{21-21} = Ii{14-14};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{13-13};
let Inst{11-1} = Ii{12-2};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
class Enc_10bc21 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{3-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_1178da : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{7-5} = Ii{2-0};
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{20-16} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vxx32{4-0};
class Enc_11a146 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{11-8} = Ii{3-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_12b6e9 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{11-8} = Ii{3-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_134437 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qs4;
let Inst{9-8} = Qs4{1-0};
bits <2> Qt4;
let Inst{23-22} = Qt4{1-0};
bits <2> Qd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Qd4{1-0};
class Enc_140c83 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <10> Ii;
let Inst{21-21} = Ii{9-9};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{8-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_143445 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <13> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{12-11};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{10-10};
let Inst{7-0} = Ii{9-2};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
class Enc_143a3c : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{13-8} = Ii{5-0};
bits <6> II;
let Inst{23-21} = II{5-3};
let Inst{7-5} = II{2-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rxx32{4-0};
class Enc_14640c : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <5> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{4-4};
let Inst{24-22} = n1{3-1};
let Inst{13-13} = n1{0-0};
class Enc_14d27a : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> II;
let Inst{12-8} = II{4-0};
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
class Enc_152467 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{8-5} = Ii{4-1};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_158beb : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qs4;
let Inst{6-5} = Qs4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vv32{4-0};
class Enc_163a3c : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ii;
let Inst{12-7} = Ii{6-1};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rt32{4-0};
class Enc_16c48b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vw32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vw32{4-0};
class Enc_178717 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <6> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{5-5};
let Inst{25-23} = n1{4-2};
let Inst{13-13} = n1{1-1};
let Inst{8-8} = n1{0-0};
class Enc_179b35 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_18c338 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{12-5} = Ii{7-0};
bits <8> II;
let Inst{22-16} = II{7-1};
let Inst{13-13} = II{0-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_1a9974 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{7-7} = Ii{0-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Ru32;
let Inst{12-8} = Ru32{4-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rtt32{4-0};
class Enc_1aa186 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rxx32{4-0};
class Enc_1aaec1 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <3> Os8;
let Inst{2-0} = Os8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_1b64fb : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <16> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{15-14};
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{13-9};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{8-8};
let Inst{7-0} = Ii{7-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
class Enc_1bd127 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <3> Rt8;
let Inst{18-16} = Rt8{2-0};
bits <5> Vdddd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vdddd32{4-0};
class Enc_1cf4ca : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{17-16} = Ii{5-4};
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{3-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
class Enc_1de724 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{3-3};
let Inst{24-22} = n1{2-0};
class Enc_1ef990 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Vs32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_1f19b5 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{9-5} = Ii{4-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_1f5ba6 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Rd16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rd16{3-0};
class Enc_1f5d8f : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Ryy32;
let Inst{4-0} = Ryy32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_211aaa : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{8-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_217147 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qv4;
let Inst{23-22} = Qv4{1-0};
class Enc_222336 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{8-5} = Ii{3-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_223005 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{5-2};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_226535 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{12-7} = Ii{7-2};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rt32{4-0};
class Enc_22c845 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <14> Ii;
let Inst{10-0} = Ii{13-3};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_2301d6 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{5-1};
let Inst{8-8} = Ii{0-0};
bits <2> Pt4;
let Inst{10-9} = Pt4{1-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_245865 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{23-19} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <3> Rt8;
let Inst{18-16} = Rt8{2-0};
bits <5> Vx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vx32{4-0};
class Enc_24a7dc : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{23-19} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <3> Rt8;
let Inst{18-16} = Rt8{2-0};
bits <5> Vdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vdd32{4-0};
class Enc_25bef0 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <16> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{15-14};
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{13-9};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{8-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_263841 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
class Enc_277737 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{22-21} = Ii{7-6};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{5-5};
let Inst{7-5} = Ii{4-2};
bits <5> Ru32;
let Inst{4-0} = Ru32{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_27b757 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{3-3};
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vs32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vs32{4-0};
class Enc_27fd0e : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{8-5} = Ii{5-2};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_284ebb : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ps4;
let Inst{17-16} = Ps4{1-0};
bits <2> Pt4;
let Inst{9-8} = Pt4{1-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_28a2dc : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{12-8} = Ii{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_28dcbb : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Vvv32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vvv32{4-0};
class Enc_2a3787 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <13> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{12-11};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{10-2};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_2a7b91 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{5-1};
let Inst{8-8} = Ii{0-0};
bits <2> Pt4;
let Inst{10-9} = Pt4{1-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_2ae154 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_2b3f60 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
bits <2> Px4;
let Inst{6-5} = Px4{1-0};
class Enc_2b518f : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <32> Ii;
let Inst{27-16} = Ii{31-20};
let Inst{13-0} = Ii{19-6};
class Enc_2bae10 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{3-1};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{7-4} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> Rd16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rd16{3-0};
class Enc_2d7491 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <13> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{12-11};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{10-2};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_2d829e : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <14> Ii;
let Inst{10-0} = Ii{13-3};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
class Enc_2df31d : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{9-4} = Ii{7-2};
bits <4> Rd16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rd16{3-0};
class Enc_2e1979 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{7-7} = Ii{0-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_2ea740 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{3-3};
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <2> Qv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Qv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vs32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vs32{4-0};
class Enc_2ebe3b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_2f2f04 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <1> Ii;
let Inst{5-5} = Ii{0-0};
bits <5> Vuu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vuu32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vdd32{4-0};
class Enc_2fbf3c : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{7-4} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> Rd16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rd16{3-0};
class Enc_310ba1 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vx32{4-0};
class Enc_311abd : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{12-8} = Ii{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_31aa6a : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{4-1};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_31db33 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qt4;
let Inst{6-5} = Qt4{1-0};
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{20-16} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
class Enc_322e1b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{22-21} = Ii{5-4};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{3-3};
let Inst{7-5} = Ii{2-0};
bits <6> II;
let Inst{23-23} = II{5-5};
let Inst{4-0} = II{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_323f2d : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> II;
let Inst{11-8} = II{5-2};
let Inst{6-5} = II{1-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
bits <5> Re32;
let Inst{20-16} = Re32{4-0};
class Enc_329361 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Pu4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pu4{1-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_33f8ba : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{12-8} = Ii{7-3};
let Inst{4-2} = Ii{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_3680c2 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ii;
let Inst{11-5} = Ii{6-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_3694bd : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <3> Ns8;
let Inst{18-16} = Ns8{2-0};
bits <5> n1;
let Inst{29-29} = n1{4-4};
let Inst{26-25} = n1{3-2};
let Inst{23-22} = n1{1-0};
class Enc_372c9d : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <3> Os8;
let Inst{2-0} = Os8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_395cc4 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{6-3};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_397f23 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{7-7};
let Inst{7-3} = Ii{6-2};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
class Enc_399e12 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{7-4} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <3> Rdd8;
let Inst{2-0} = Rdd8{2-0};
class Enc_3a2484 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{3-3};
let Inst{24-23} = n1{2-1};
let Inst{13-13} = n1{0-0};
class Enc_3a3d62 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_3b7631 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vdddd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vdddd32{4-0};
bits <3> Rx8;
let Inst{18-16} = Rx8{2-0};
class Enc_3d5b28 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_3d6d37 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qs4;
let Inst{6-5} = Qs4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Vvv32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vvv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vw32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vw32{4-0};
class Enc_3d920a : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{8-5} = Ii{5-2};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_3dac0b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qt4;
let Inst{6-5} = Qt4{1-0};
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{20-16} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vdd32{4-0};
class Enc_3e3989 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <6> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{5-5};
let Inst{25-22} = n1{4-1};
let Inst{8-8} = n1{0-0};
class Enc_3f97c8 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{5-2};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_3fc427 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{20-16} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vxx32{4-0};
class Enc_405228 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <3> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{2-2};
let Inst{24-23} = n1{1-0};
class Enc_412ff0 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Ru32;
let Inst{4-0} = Ru32{4-0};
bits <5> Rxx32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rxx32{4-0};
class Enc_420cf3 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{22-21} = Ii{5-4};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{3-3};
let Inst{7-5} = Ii{2-0};
bits <5> Ru32;
let Inst{4-0} = Ru32{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_437f33 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <2> Pu4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pu4{1-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_44215c : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{17-16} = Ii{5-4};
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{3-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
class Enc_44271f : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Gs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Gs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_44661f : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_448f7f : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{8-8};
let Inst{7-0} = Ii{7-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
class Enc_45364e : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{20-16} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
class Enc_454a26 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Pt4;
let Inst{9-8} = Pt4{1-0};
bits <2> Ps4;
let Inst{17-16} = Ps4{1-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_46c951 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{12-7} = Ii{5-0};
bits <5> II;
let Inst{4-0} = II{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
class Enc_47ee5e : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{7-7} = Ii{0-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Ru32;
let Inst{12-8} = Ru32{4-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{2-0} = Nt8{2-0};
class Enc_47ef61 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{7-5} = Ii{2-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_48b75f : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_4aca3a : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <3> Ns8;
let Inst{18-16} = Ns8{2-0};
bits <3> n1;
let Inst{29-29} = n1{2-2};
let Inst{26-25} = n1{1-0};
class Enc_4b39e4 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{7-5} = Ii{2-0};
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{20-16} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vdd32{4-0};
class Enc_4dc228 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <9> Ii;
let Inst{12-8} = Ii{8-4};
let Inst{4-3} = Ii{3-2};
bits <10> II;
let Inst{20-16} = II{9-5};
let Inst{7-5} = II{4-2};
let Inst{1-0} = II{1-0};
class Enc_4df4e9 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{8-8};
let Inst{7-0} = Ii{7-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
class Enc_4dff07 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Qv4{1-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Vs32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_4e4a80 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qs4;
let Inst{6-5} = Qs4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Vvv32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vvv32{4-0};
class Enc_4f4ed7 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <18> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{17-16};
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{15-11};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{10-2};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_4f677b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{7-7} = Ii{0-0};
bits <6> II;
let Inst{11-8} = II{5-2};
let Inst{6-5} = II{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_500cb0 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vxx32{4-0};
class Enc_509701 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <19> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{18-17};
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{16-12};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{11-3};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_50b5ac : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{17-16} = Ii{5-4};
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{3-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
class Enc_50e578 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_5138b3 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vx32{4-0};
class Enc_51436c : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <16> Ii;
let Inst{23-22} = Ii{15-14};
let Inst{13-0} = Ii{13-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_51635c : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ii;
let Inst{8-4} = Ii{6-2};
bits <4> Rd16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rd16{3-0};
class Enc_527412 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ps4;
let Inst{17-16} = Ps4{1-0};
bits <2> Pt4;
let Inst{9-8} = Pt4{1-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_52a5dd : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{3-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_53dca9 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{11-8} = Ii{5-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{7-4} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> Rd16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rd16{3-0};
class Enc_541f26 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <18> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{17-16};
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{15-11};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{10-10};
let Inst{7-0} = Ii{9-2};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
class Enc_55355c : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{7-7} = Ii{0-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Ru32;
let Inst{12-8} = Ru32{4-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rtt32{4-0};
class Enc_569cfe : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vx32{4-0};
class Enc_57a33e : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <9> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{8-8};
let Inst{7-3} = Ii{7-3};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
class Enc_585242 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{5-5};
let Inst{7-3} = Ii{4-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
class Enc_58a8bf : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_5a18b3 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <3> Ns8;
let Inst{18-16} = Ns8{2-0};
bits <5> n1;
let Inst{29-29} = n1{4-4};
let Inst{26-25} = n1{3-2};
let Inst{22-22} = n1{1-1};
let Inst{13-13} = n1{0-0};
class Enc_5ab2be : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_5bdd42 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ii;
let Inst{8-5} = Ii{6-3};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_5c124a : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <19> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{18-17};
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{16-12};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{11-11};
let Inst{7-0} = Ii{10-3};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
class Enc_5ccba9 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{12-7} = Ii{7-2};
bits <6> II;
let Inst{13-13} = II{5-5};
let Inst{4-0} = II{4-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
class Enc_5cd7e9 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <12> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{11-10};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{9-1};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Ryy32;
let Inst{4-0} = Ryy32{4-0};
class Enc_5d6c34 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{13-8} = Ii{5-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_5de85f : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <3> Ns8;
let Inst{18-16} = Ns8{2-0};
class Enc_5e2823 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_5e8512 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vxx32{4-0};
class Enc_5e87ce : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <16> Ii;
let Inst{23-22} = Ii{15-14};
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{13-9};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{8-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_5eac98 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{13-8} = Ii{5-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_607661 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{12-7} = Ii{5-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_6185fe : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{7-7} = Ii{0-0};
bits <6> II;
let Inst{11-8} = II{5-2};
let Inst{6-5} = II{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_61f0b0 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rxx32{4-0};
class Enc_621fba : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Gd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Gd32{4-0};
class Enc_625deb : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{3-1};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{7-4} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> Rt16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rt16{3-0};
class Enc_6339d5 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{7-7} = Ii{0-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Ru32;
let Inst{12-8} = Ru32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rt32{4-0};
class Enc_63eaeb : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{1-0} = Ii{1-0};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{7-4} = Rs16{3-0};
class Enc_6413b6 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <3> Ns8;
let Inst{18-16} = Ns8{2-0};
bits <5> n1;
let Inst{29-29} = n1{4-4};
let Inst{26-25} = n1{3-2};
let Inst{23-23} = n1{1-1};
let Inst{13-13} = n1{0-0};
class Enc_645d54 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{5-5} = Ii{0-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_65d691 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ps4;
let Inst{17-16} = Ps4{1-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_65f095 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{5-2};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_667b39 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Css32;
let Inst{20-16} = Css32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_668704 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <5> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{4-4};
let Inst{25-22} = n1{3-0};
class Enc_66bce1 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> Rd16;
let Inst{11-8} = Rd16{3-0};
class Enc_690862 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <13> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{12-11};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{10-10};
let Inst{7-0} = Ii{9-2};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
class Enc_691712 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_69d63b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <3> Ns8;
let Inst{18-16} = Ns8{2-0};
class Enc_6a5972 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> Rt16;
let Inst{11-8} = Rt16{3-0};
class Enc_6b197f : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{8-5} = Ii{3-0};
bits <5> Ryy32;
let Inst{4-0} = Ryy32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_6baed4 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_6c9440 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <10> Ii;
let Inst{21-21} = Ii{9-9};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{8-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_6c9ee0 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_6f70ca : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{8-4} = Ii{7-3};
class Enc_6f83e7 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qv4;
let Inst{23-22} = Qv4{1-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
class Enc_70b24b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{8-5} = Ii{5-2};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_70fb07 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{13-8} = Ii{5-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rxx32{4-0};
class Enc_71bb9b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{20-16} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vdd32{4-0};
class Enc_71f1b4 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{8-5} = Ii{5-2};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_7222b7 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <2> Qd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Qd4{1-0};
class Enc_724154 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> II;
let Inst{5-0} = II{5-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
bits <5> Re32;
let Inst{20-16} = Re32{4-0};
class Enc_729ff7 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{7-5} = Ii{2-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_733b27 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{8-5} = Ii{4-1};
bits <2> Pt4;
let Inst{10-9} = Pt4{1-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_736575 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{3-3};
let Inst{25-23} = n1{2-0};
class Enc_74aef2 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{8-5} = Ii{3-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Ryy32;
let Inst{4-0} = Ryy32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_74d4e5 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_770858 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ps4;
let Inst{6-5} = Ps4{1-0};
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
class Enc_784502 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <3> Os8;
let Inst{2-0} = Os8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_78cbf0 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <18> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{17-16};
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{15-11};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{10-10};
let Inst{7-0} = Ii{9-2};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
class Enc_78e566 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Pt4;
let Inst{9-8} = Pt4{1-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_79b8c8 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{5-2};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_7a0ea6 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Rd16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rd16{3-0};
bits <1> n1;
let Inst{9-9} = n1{0-0};
class Enc_7b523d : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{23-19} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <3> Rt8;
let Inst{18-16} = Rt8{2-0};
bits <5> Vxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vxx32{4-0};
class Enc_7b7ba8 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qu4;
let Inst{9-8} = Qu4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
class Enc_7d1542 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ss128;
let Inst{22-16} = Ss128{6-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_7e5a82 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{12-8} = Ii{4-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_7eaeb6 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{5-2};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_7eb485 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{6-6} = Ii{0-0};
bits <6> II;
let Inst{5-0} = II{5-0};
bits <5> Ru32;
let Inst{20-16} = Ru32{4-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
class Enc_7eee72 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_7f1a05 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ru32;
let Inst{4-0} = Ru32{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Ry32;
let Inst{12-8} = Ry32{4-0};
class Enc_7fa7f6 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> II;
let Inst{11-8} = II{5-2};
let Inst{6-5} = II{1-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
bits <5> Re32;
let Inst{20-16} = Re32{4-0};
class Enc_800e04 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <6> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{5-5};
let Inst{25-22} = n1{4-1};
let Inst{13-13} = n1{0-0};
class Enc_802dc0 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <1> Ii;
let Inst{8-8} = Ii{0-0};
bits <2> Qv4;
let Inst{23-22} = Qv4{1-0};
class Enc_81ac1d : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <24> Ii;
let Inst{24-16} = Ii{23-15};
let Inst{13-1} = Ii{14-2};
class Enc_8203bb : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{12-7} = Ii{5-0};
bits <8> II;
let Inst{13-13} = II{7-7};
let Inst{6-0} = II{6-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
class Enc_830e5d : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{12-5} = Ii{7-0};
bits <8> II;
let Inst{22-16} = II{7-1};
let Inst{13-13} = II{0-0};
bits <2> Pu4;
let Inst{24-23} = Pu4{1-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_831a7d : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rxx32{4-0};
bits <2> Pe4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pe4{1-0};
class Enc_83ee64 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{12-8} = Ii{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_84b2cd : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{12-7} = Ii{7-2};
bits <5> II;
let Inst{4-0} = II{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
class Enc_84bff1 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{7-7} = Ii{0-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_84d359 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{3-0} = Ii{3-0};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{7-4} = Rs16{3-0};
class Enc_85bf58 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{6-3};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_864a5a : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <9> Ii;
let Inst{12-8} = Ii{8-4};
let Inst{4-3} = Ii{3-2};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
class Enc_865390 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <3> Ii;
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Vs32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_86a14b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{7-3} = Ii{7-3};
bits <3> Rdd8;
let Inst{2-0} = Rdd8{2-0};
class Enc_87c142 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ii;
let Inst{8-4} = Ii{6-2};
bits <4> Rt16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rt16{3-0};
class Enc_88c16c : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rxx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rxx32{4-0};
class Enc_88d4d9 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Pu4;
let Inst{9-8} = Pu4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
class Enc_890909 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
bits <2> Pe4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pe4{1-0};
class Enc_895bd9 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Qu4;
let Inst{9-8} = Qu4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vx32{4-0};
class Enc_8b8927 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vv32{4-0};
class Enc_8b8d61 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> Ii;
let Inst{22-21} = Ii{5-4};
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{3-3};
let Inst{7-5} = Ii{2-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Ru32;
let Inst{4-0} = Ru32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_8bcba4 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <6> II;
let Inst{5-0} = II{5-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Re32;
let Inst{20-16} = Re32{4-0};
class Enc_8c2412 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ps4;
let Inst{6-5} = Ps4{1-0};
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{20-16} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <5> Vdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vdd32{4-0};
class Enc_8c6530 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <2> Pu4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pu4{1-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_8d8a30 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{3-3};
let Inst{10-8} = Ii{2-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{12-11} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vd32{4-0};
class Enc_8dbdfe : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <8> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{7-7};
let Inst{7-3} = Ii{6-2};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
class Enc_8dbe85 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_8dec2e : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{12-8} = Ii{4-0};
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_8df4be : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <17> Ii;
let Inst{26-25} = Ii{16-15};
let Inst{20-16} = Ii{14-10};
let Inst{13-5} = Ii{9-1};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_8e583a : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <11> Ii;
let Inst{21-20} = Ii{10-9};
let Inst{7-1} = Ii{8-2};
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{19-16} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <5> n1;
let Inst{28-28} = n1{4-4};
let Inst{25-23} = n1{3-1};
let Inst{13-13} = n1{0-0};
class Enc_8f7633 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <7> Sd128;
let Inst{6-0} = Sd128{6-0};
class Enc_90cd8b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rd32{4-0};
class Enc_91b9fe : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{4-1};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_927852 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rss32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rss32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_928ca1 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_935d9b : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{4-1};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_93af4c : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ii;
let Inst{10-4} = Ii{6-0};
bits <4> Rx16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rx16{3-0};
class Enc_95441f : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Vu32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vu32{4-0};
bits <5> Vv32;
let Inst{20-16} = Vv32{4-0};
bits <2> Qd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Qd4{1-0};
class Enc_96ce4f : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{3-0};
bits <1> Mu2;
let Inst{13-13} = Mu2{0-0};
bits <3> Nt8;
let Inst{10-8} = Nt8{2-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_97d666 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <4> Rs16;
let Inst{7-4} = Rs16{3-0};
bits <4> Rd16;
let Inst{3-0} = Rd16{3-0};
class Enc_989021 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Vy32;
let Inst{12-8} = Vy32{4-0};
bits <5> Vx32;
let Inst{4-0} = Vx32{4-0};
class Enc_98c0b8 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ii;
let Inst{13-13} = Ii{1-1};
let Inst{7-7} = Ii{0-0};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rdd32;
let Inst{4-0} = Rdd32{4-0};
class Enc_9a33d5 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <7> Ii;
let Inst{6-3} = Ii{6-3};
bits <2> Pv4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pv4{1-0};
bits <5> Rtt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rtt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rx32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rx32{4-0};
class Enc_9ac432 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Ps4;
let Inst{17-16} = Ps4{1-0};
bits <2> Pt4;
let Inst{9-8} = Pt4{1-0};
bits <2> Pu4;
let Inst{7-6} = Pu4{1-0};
bits <2> Pd4;
let Inst{1-0} = Pd4{1-0};
class Enc_9b0bc1 : OpcodeHexagon {
bits <2> Pu4;
let Inst{6-5} = Pu4{1-0};
bits <5> Rt32;
let Inst{12-8} = Rt32{4-0};
bits <5> Rs32;
let Inst{20-16} = Rs32{4-0};
bits <5> Rd32