blob: e5c842cd1e301005ea3479b2f26bcedb89ac077b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: llvm-tblgen -gen-register-info -I %p/../../include -I %p/Common %s | FileCheck %s
// Test to check the bare minimum pressure sets.
// At least one register pressure set is required for the target.
// Allowed the pset only for D_32 regclass and ignored it for all
// other classes including the tuples.
include "llvm/Target/"
class MyClass<int size, list<ValueType> types, dag registers>
: RegisterClass<"MyTarget", types, size, registers> {
let Size = size;
def sub0 : SubRegIndex<32>;
def sub1 : SubRegIndex<32, 32>;
let Namespace = "MyTarget" in {
def D : Register<"d">;
foreach Index = 0-7 in {
def S#Index : Register <"s"#Index>;
// Should generate psets for D_32
def D_32 : MyClass<32, [i32], (add D)>;
let GeneratePressureSet = 0 in {
def S_32 : MyClass<32, [i32], (sequence "S%u", 0, 7)>;
def SD_32 : MyClass<32, [i32], (add S_32, D_32)>;
def S_64 : RegisterTuples<[sub0, sub1],
[(decimate (shl S_32, 0), 1),
(decimate (shl S_32, 1), 1)
def SReg_64 : MyClass<64, [i64], (add S_64)> {
let GeneratePressureSet = 0;
def MyTarget : Target;
// CHECK-LABEL: // Register pressure sets enum.
// CHECK-NEXT: namespace MyTarget {
// CHECK-NEXT: enum RegisterPressureSets {
// CHECK-NEXT: D_32 = 0,
// NAMESPACE-NEXT: } // end namespace TestNamespace
// CHECK-LABEL: getRegPressureSetName(unsigned Idx) const {
// CHECK-NEXT: static const char *const PressureNameTable[] = {
// CHECK-NEXT: "D_32",
// CHECK-NEXT: return PressureNameTable[Idx];
// CHECK: unsigned MyTargetGenRegisterInfo::
// CHECK-NEXT: getRegPressureSetLimit(const MachineFunction &MF, unsigned Idx) const {
// CHECK-NEXT: static const uint8_t PressureLimitTable[] = {
// CHECK-NEXT: {{[0-9]+}}, // 0: D_32
// CHECK-NEXT: return PressureLimitTable[Idx];
// CHECK: static const int RCSetsTable[] = {
// CHECK-NEXT: /* 0 */ 0, -1,