blob: 79523598856dd4f981a3c3ed2bdeb8b9c627ebce [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-opt %s -sparsification="vectorization-strategy=2 vl=16" -for-loop-peeling -canonicalize | \
// RUN: FileCheck %s
#SparseVector = #sparse_tensor.encoding<{
dimLevelType = [ "compressed" ],
pointerBitWidth = 32,
indexBitWidth = 32
#trait_mul_s = {
indexing_maps = [
affine_map<(i) -> (i)>, // a
affine_map<(i) -> (i)>, // b
affine_map<(i) -> (i)> // x (out)
iterator_types = ["parallel"],
doc = "x(i) = a(i) * b(i)"
// CHECK-DAG: #[[$map0:.*]] = affine_map<()[s0, s1] -> (s0 + ((-s0 + s1) floordiv 16) * 16)>
// CHECK-DAG: #[[$map1:.*]] = affine_map<(d0)[s0] -> (-d0 + s0)>
// CHECK-LABEL: func @mul_s
// CHECK-DAG: %[[c0:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : index
// CHECK-DAG: %[[c1:.*]] = arith.constant 1 : index
// CHECK-DAG: %[[c16:.*]] = arith.constant 16 : index
// CHECK: %[[p:.*]] = memref.load %{{.*}}[%[[c0]]] : memref<?xi32>
// CHECK: %[[a:.*]] = arith.extui %[[p]] : i32 to i64
// CHECK: %[[q:.*]] = arith.index_cast %[[a]] : i64 to index
// CHECK: %[[r:.*]] = memref.load %{{.*}}[%[[c1]]] : memref<?xi32>
// CHECK: %[[b:.*]] = arith.extui %[[r]] : i32 to i64
// CHECK: %[[s:.*]] = arith.index_cast %[[b]] : i64 to index
// CHECK: %[[boundary:.*]] = affine.apply #[[$map0]]()[%[[q]], %[[s]]]
// CHECK: scf.for %[[i:.*]] = %[[q]] to %[[boundary]] step %[[c16]] {
// CHECK: %[[mask:.*]] = vector.constant_mask [16] : vector<16xi1>
// CHECK: %[[li:.*]] = vector.load %{{.*}}[%[[i]]] : memref<?xi32>, vector<16xi32>
// CHECK: %[[zi:.*]] = arith.extui %[[li]] : vector<16xi32> to vector<16xi64>
// CHECK: %[[la:.*]] = vector.load %{{.*}}[%[[i]]] : memref<?xf32>, vector<16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[lb:.*]] = vector.gather %{{.*}}[%[[c0]]] [%[[zi]]], %[[mask]], %{{.*}} : memref<1024xf32>, vector<16xi64>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32> into vector<16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[m:.*]] = arith.mulf %[[la]], %[[lb]] : vector<16xf32>
// CHECK: vector.scatter %{{.*}}[%[[c0]]] [%[[zi]]], %[[mask]], %[[m]] : memref<1024xf32>, vector<16xi64>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32>
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: scf.for %[[i2:.*]] = %[[boundary]] to %[[s]] step %[[c16]] {
// CHECK: %[[sub:.*]] = affine.apply #[[$map1]](%[[i2]])[%[[s]]]
// CHECK: %[[mask2:.*]] = vector.create_mask %[[sub]] : vector<16xi1>
// CHECK: %[[li2:.*]] = vector.maskedload %{{.*}}[%[[i2]]], %[[mask2]], %{{.*}} : memref<?xi32>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xi32> into vector<16xi32>
// CHECK: %[[zi2:.*]] = arith.extui %[[li2]] : vector<16xi32> to vector<16xi64>
// CHECK: %[[la2:.*]] = vector.maskedload %{{.*}}[%[[i2]]], %[[mask2]], %{{.*}} : memref<?xf32>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32> into vector<16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[lb2:.*]] = vector.gather %{{.*}}[%[[c0]]] [%[[zi2]]], %[[mask2]], %{{.*}} : memref<1024xf32>, vector<16xi64>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32> into vector<16xf32>
// CHECK: %[[m2:.*]] = arith.mulf %[[la2]], %[[lb2]] : vector<16xf32>
// CHECK: vector.scatter %{{.*}}[%[[c0]]] [%[[zi2]]], %[[mask2]], %[[m2]] : memref<1024xf32>, vector<16xi64>, vector<16xi1>, vector<16xf32>
// CHECK: }
// CHECK: return
func @mul_s(%arga: tensor<1024xf32, #SparseVector>, %argb: tensor<1024xf32>, %argx: tensor<1024xf32>) -> tensor<1024xf32> {
%0 = linalg.generic #trait_mul_s
ins(%arga, %argb: tensor<1024xf32, #SparseVector>, tensor<1024xf32>)
outs(%argx: tensor<1024xf32>) {
^bb(%a: f32, %b: f32, %x: f32):
%0 = arith.mulf %a, %b : f32
linalg.yield %0 : f32
} -> tensor<1024xf32>
return %0 : tensor<1024xf32>