blob: 1591f66b4293db03491f77b7ad0ba013190a985a [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Target.h ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef liblldb_Target_h_
#define liblldb_Target_h_
// C Includes
// C++ Includes
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
#include "lldb/lldb-include.h"
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointList.h"
#include "lldb/Breakpoint/BreakpointLocationCollection.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Broadcaster.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Event.h"
#include "lldb/Core/ModuleList.h"
#include "lldb/Core/UserSettingsController.h"
#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContext.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ABI.h"
#include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContextScope.h"
#include "lldb/Target/PathMappingList.h"
#include "lldb/Target/SectionLoadList.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBTarget.h"
namespace lldb_private {
// TargetInstanceSettings
class TargetInstanceSettings : public InstanceSettings
TargetInstanceSettings (UserSettingsController &owner, bool live_instance = true, const char *name = NULL);
TargetInstanceSettings (const TargetInstanceSettings &rhs);
~TargetInstanceSettings ();
operator= (const TargetInstanceSettings &rhs);
UpdateInstanceSettingsVariable (const ConstString &var_name,
const char *index_value,
const char *value,
const ConstString &instance_name,
const SettingEntry &entry,
lldb::VarSetOperationType op,
Error &err,
bool pending);
GetInstanceSettingsValue (const SettingEntry &entry,
const ConstString &var_name,
StringList &value,
Error *err);
GetExecutionLevel () const
return m_execution_level;
SetExecutionLevel (lldb::ExecutionLevel execution_level)
m_execution_level = execution_level;
GetExecutionMode () const
return m_execution_mode;
SetExecutionMode (lldb::ExecutionMode execution_mode)
m_execution_mode = execution_mode;
GetExecutionOSType () const
return m_execution_os_type;
SetExecutionOSType (lldb::ExecutionOSType execution_os_type)
m_execution_os_type = execution_os_type;
CopyInstanceSettings (const lldb::InstanceSettingsSP &new_settings,
bool pending);
const ConstString
CreateInstanceName ();
std::string m_expr_prefix_path;
std::string m_expr_prefix_contents;
lldb::ExecutionLevel m_execution_level;
lldb::ExecutionMode m_execution_mode;
lldb::ExecutionOSType m_execution_os_type;
// Target
class Target :
public Broadcaster,
public ExecutionContextScope,
public TargetInstanceSettings
friend class TargetList;
/// Broadcaster event bits definitions.
eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged = (1 << 0),
eBroadcastBitModulesLoaded = (1 << 1),
eBroadcastBitModulesUnloaded = (1 << 2)
static void
Initialize ();
static void
Terminate ();
static lldb::UserSettingsControllerSP &
GetSettingsController ();
static ArchSpec
GetDefaultArchitecture ();
static void
SetDefaultArchitecture (const ArchSpec &arch);
UpdateInstanceName ();
GetSharedModule (const FileSpec& file_spec,
const ArchSpec& arch,
const lldb_private::UUID *uuid = NULL,
const ConstString *object_name = NULL,
off_t object_offset = 0,
Error *error_ptr = NULL);
/// Construct with optional file and arch.
/// This member is private. Clients must use
/// TargetList::CreateTarget(const FileSpec*, const ArchSpec*)
/// so all targets can be tracked from the central target list.
/// @see TargetList::CreateTarget(const FileSpec*, const ArchSpec*)
Target(Debugger &debugger);
Mutex &
GetAPIMutex ()
return m_mutex;
DeleteCurrentProcess ();
/// Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
/// Dump a description of the contents of this object to the
/// supplied stream \a s. The dumped content will be only what has
/// been loaded or parsed up to this point at which this function
/// is called, so this is a good way to see what has been parsed
/// in a target.
/// @param[in] s
/// The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
Dump (Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level);
const lldb::ProcessSP &
CreateProcess (Listener &listener, const char *plugin_name = NULL);
const lldb::ProcessSP &
GetProcessSP () const;
// This part handles the breakpoints.
BreakpointList &
GetBreakpointList(bool internal = false);
const BreakpointList &
GetBreakpointList(bool internal = false) const;
GetLastCreatedBreakpoint ()
return m_last_created_breakpoint;
GetBreakpointByID (lldb::break_id_t break_id);
// Use this to create a file and line breakpoint to a given module or all module it is NULL
CreateBreakpoint (const FileSpec *containingModule,
const FileSpec &file,
uint32_t line_no,
bool check_inlines,
bool internal = false);
// Use this to create a breakpoint from a load address
CreateBreakpoint (lldb::addr_t load_addr,
bool internal = false);
// Use this to create Address breakpoints:
CreateBreakpoint (Address &addr,
bool internal = false);
// Use this to create a function breakpoint by regexp in containingModule, or all modules if it is NULL
CreateBreakpoint (FileSpec *containingModule,
RegularExpression &func_regexp,
bool internal = false);
// Use this to create a function breakpoint by name in containingModule, or all modules if it is NULL
CreateBreakpoint (FileSpec *containingModule,
const char *func_name,
uint32_t func_name_type_mask,
bool internal = false);
// Use this to create a general breakpoint:
CreateBreakpoint (lldb::SearchFilterSP &filter_sp,
lldb::BreakpointResolverSP &resolver_sp,
bool internal = false);
RemoveAllBreakpoints (bool internal_also = false);
DisableAllBreakpoints (bool internal_also = false);
EnableAllBreakpoints (bool internal_also = false);
DisableBreakpointByID (lldb::break_id_t break_id);
EnableBreakpointByID (lldb::break_id_t break_id);
RemoveBreakpointByID (lldb::break_id_t break_id);
ModulesDidLoad (ModuleList &module_list);
ModulesDidUnload (ModuleList &module_list);
ModuleAdded (lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);
ModuleUpdated (lldb::ModuleSP &old_module_sp, lldb::ModuleSP &new_module_sp);
/// Gets the module for the main executable.
/// Each process has a notion of a main executable that is the file
/// that will be executed or attached to. Executable files can have
/// dependent modules that are discovered from the object files, or
/// discovered at runtime as things are dynamically loaded.
/// @return
/// The shared pointer to the executable module which can
/// contains a NULL Module object if no executable has been
/// set.
/// @see DynamicLoader
/// @see ObjectFile::GetDependentModules (FileSpecList&)
/// @see Process::SetExecutableModule(lldb::ModuleSP&)
GetExecutableModule ();
/// Set the main executable module.
/// Each process has a notion of a main executable that is the file
/// that will be executed or attached to. Executable files can have
/// dependent modules that are discovered from the object files, or
/// discovered at runtime as things are dynamically loaded.
/// Setting the executable causes any of the current dependant
/// image information to be cleared and replaced with the static
/// dependent image information found by calling
/// ObjectFile::GetDependentModules (FileSpecList&) on the main
/// executable and any modules on which it depends. Calling
/// Process::GetImages() will return the newly found images that
/// were obtained from all of the object files.
/// @param[in] module_sp
/// A shared pointer reference to the module that will become
/// the main executable for this process.
/// @param[in] get_dependent_files
/// If \b true then ask the object files to track down any
/// known dependent files.
/// @see ObjectFile::GetDependentModules (FileSpecList&)
/// @see Process::GetImages()
SetExecutableModule (lldb::ModuleSP& module_sp, bool get_dependent_files);
/// Get accessor for the images for this process.
/// Each process has a notion of a main executable that is the file
/// that will be executed or attached to. Executable files can have
/// dependent modules that are discovered from the object files, or
/// discovered at runtime as things are dynamically loaded. After
/// a main executable has been set, the images will contain a list
/// of all the files that the executable depends upon as far as the
/// object files know. These images will usually contain valid file
/// virtual addresses only. When the process is launched or attached
/// to, the DynamicLoader plug-in will discover where these images
/// were loaded in memory and will resolve the load virtual
/// addresses is each image, and also in images that are loaded by
/// code.
/// @return
/// A list of Module objects in a module list.
GetImages ()
return m_images;
const ModuleList&
GetImages () const
return m_images;
ArchSpec &
GetArchitecture ()
return m_arch_spec;
const ArchSpec &
GetArchitecture () const
return m_arch_spec;
/// Set the architecture for this target.
/// If the current target has no Images read in, then this just sets the architecture, which will
/// be used to select the architecture of the ExecutableModule when that is set.
/// If the current target has an ExecutableModule, then calling SetArchitecture with a different
/// architecture from the currently selected one will reset the ExecutableModule to that slice
/// of the file backing the ExecutableModule. If the file backing the ExecutableModule does not
/// contain a fork of this architecture, then this code will return false, and the architecture
/// won't be changed.
/// If the input arch_spec is the same as the already set architecture, this is a no-op.
/// @param[in] arch_spec
/// The new architecture.
/// @return
/// \b true if the architecture was successfully set, \bfalse otherwise.
SetArchitecture (const ArchSpec &arch_spec);
Debugger &
GetDebugger ()
return m_debugger;
ReadMemoryFromFileCache (const Address& addr,
void *dst,
size_t dst_len,
Error &error);
// Reading memory through the target allows us to skip going to the process
// for reading memory if possible and it allows us to try and read from
// any constant sections in our object files on disk. If you always want
// live program memory, read straight from the process. If you possibly
// want to read from const sections in object files, read from the target.
// This version of ReadMemory will try and read memory from the process
// if the process is alive. The order is:
// 1 - if (prefer_file_cache == true) then read from object file cache
// 2 - if there is a valid process, try and read from its memory
// 3 - if (prefer_file_cache == false) then read from object file cache
ReadMemory (const Address& addr,
bool prefer_file_cache,
void *dst,
size_t dst_len,
Error &error);
return m_section_load_list;
const SectionLoadList&
GetSectionLoadList() const
return m_section_load_list;
static Target *
GetTargetFromContexts (const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx_ptr,
const SymbolContext *sc_ptr);
// lldb::ExecutionContextScope pure virtual functions
virtual Target *
CalculateTarget ();
virtual Process *
CalculateProcess ();
virtual Thread *
CalculateThread ();
virtual StackFrame *
CalculateStackFrame ();
virtual void
CalculateExecutionContext (ExecutionContext &exe_ctx);
PathMappingList &
GetImageSearchPathList ();
ClangASTContext *
const char *
GetExpressionPrefixContentsAsCString ();
// Since expressions results can persist beyond the lifetime of a process,
// and the const expression results are available after a process is gone,
// we provide a way for expressions to be evaluated from the Target itself.
// If an expression is going to be run, then it should have a frame filled
// in in th execution context.
EvaluateExpression (const char *expression,
StackFrame *frame,
bool unwind_on_error,
bool keep_in_memory,
lldb::ValueObjectSP &result_valobj_sp);
ClangPersistentVariables &
return m_persistent_variables;
// Target::SettingsController
class SettingsController : public UserSettingsController
SettingsController ();
~SettingsController ();
SetGlobalVariable (const ConstString &var_name,
const char *index_value,
const char *value,
const SettingEntry &entry,
const lldb::VarSetOperationType op,
GetGlobalVariable (const ConstString &var_name,
StringList &value,
Error &err);
static SettingEntry global_settings_table[];
static SettingEntry instance_settings_table[];
ArchSpec &
GetArchitecture ()
return m_default_architecture;
CreateInstanceSettings (const char *instance_name);
// Class-wide settings.
ArchSpec m_default_architecture;
DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN (SettingsController);
friend class lldb::SBTarget;
// Member variables.
Debugger & m_debugger;
Mutex m_mutex; ///< An API mutex that is used by the lldb::SB* classes make the SB interface thread safe
ArchSpec m_arch_spec;
ModuleList m_images; ///< The list of images for this process (shared libraries and anything dynamically loaded).
SectionLoadList m_section_load_list;
BreakpointList m_breakpoint_list;
BreakpointList m_internal_breakpoint_list;
lldb::BreakpointSP m_last_created_breakpoint;
// We want to tightly control the process destruction process so
// we can correctly tear down everything that we need to, so the only
// class that knows about the process lifespan is this target class.
lldb::ProcessSP m_process_sp;
lldb::SearchFilterSP m_search_filter_sp;
PathMappingList m_image_search_paths;
std::auto_ptr<ClangASTContext> m_scratch_ast_context_ap;
ClangPersistentVariables m_persistent_variables; ///< These are the persistent variables associated with this process for the expression parser.
// Methods.
GetSearchFilterForModule (const FileSpec *containingModule);
static void
ImageSearchPathsChanged (const PathMappingList &path_list,
void *baton);
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // liblldb_Target_h_