| // RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fsyntax-only -fobjc-arc -fblocks %s |
| |
| #define SWIFT_NAME(name) __attribute__((__swift_name__(name))) |
| #define SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME(name) __attribute__((__swift_async_name__(name))) |
| |
| typedef struct { |
| float x, y, z; |
| } Point3D; |
| |
| __attribute__((__swift_name__("PType"))) |
| @protocol P |
| @end |
| |
| __attribute__((__swift_name__("IClass"))) |
| @interface I<P> |
| - (instancetype)init SWIFT_NAME("init()"); |
| - (instancetype)initWithValue:(int)value SWIFT_NAME("iWithValue(_:)"); |
| |
| + (void)refresh SWIFT_NAME("refresh()"); |
| |
| - (instancetype)i SWIFT_NAME("i()"); |
| |
| - (I *)iWithValue:(int)value SWIFT_NAME("i(value:)"); |
| - (I *)iWithValue:(int)value value:(int)value2 SWIFT_NAME("i(value:extra:)"); |
| - (I *)iWithValueConvertingValue:(int)value value:(int)value2 SWIFT_NAME("i(_:extra:)"); |
| |
| + (I *)iWithOtheValue:(int)value SWIFT_NAME("init"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute argument must be a string literal specifying a Swift function name}} |
| |
| + (I *)iWithAnotherValue:(int)value SWIFT_NAME("i()"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{too few parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_name__' attribute (expected 1; got 0)}} |
| |
| + (I *)iWithYetAnotherValue:(int)value SWIFT_NAME("i(value:extra:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{too many parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_name__' attribute (expected 1; got 2}} |
| |
| + (I *)iAndReturnErrorCode:(int *)errorCode SWIFT_NAME("i()"); // no-warning |
| + (I *)iWithValue:(int)value andReturnErrorCode:(int *)errorCode SWIFT_NAME("i(value:)"); // no-warning |
| |
| + (I *)iFromErrorCode:(const int *)errorCode SWIFT_NAME("i()"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{too few parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_name__' attribute (expected 1; got 0)}} |
| |
| + (I *)iWithPointerA:(int *)value andReturnErrorCode:(int *)errorCode SWIFT_NAME("i()"); // no-warning |
| + (I *)iWithPointerB:(int *)value andReturnErrorCode:(int *)errorCode SWIFT_NAME("i(pointer:)"); // no-warning |
| + (I *)iWithPointerC:(int *)value andReturnErrorCode:(int *)errorCode SWIFT_NAME("i(pointer:errorCode:)"); // no-warning |
| |
| + (I *)iWithOtherI:(I *)other SWIFT_NAME("i()"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{too few parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_name__' attribute (expected 1; got 0)}} |
| |
| + (instancetype)specialI SWIFT_NAME("init(options:)"); |
| + (instancetype)specialJ SWIFT_NAME("init(options:extra:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{too many parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_name__' attribute (expected 0; got 2)}} |
| + (instancetype)specialK SWIFT_NAME("init(_:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{too many parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_name__' attribute (expected 0; got 1)}} |
| + (instancetype)specialL SWIFT_NAME("i(options:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{too many parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_name__' attribute (expected 0; got 1)}} |
| |
| + (instancetype)trailingParen SWIFT_NAME("foo("); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute argument must be a string literal specifying a Swift function name}} |
| + (instancetype)trailingColon SWIFT_NAME("foo:"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute argument must be a string literal specifying a Swift function name}} |
| + (instancetype)initialIgnore:(int)value SWIFT_NAME("_(value:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute has invalid identifier for the base name}} |
| + (instancetype)middleOmitted:(int)value SWIFT_NAME("i(:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute has invalid identifier for the parameter name}} |
| |
| @property(strong) id someProp SWIFT_NAME("prop"); |
| @end |
| |
| enum SWIFT_NAME("E") E { |
| value1, |
| value2, |
| value3 SWIFT_NAME("three"), |
| value4 SWIFT_NAME("four()"), // expected-warning {{'__swift_name__' attribute has invalid identifier for the base name}} |
| }; |
| |
| struct SWIFT_NAME("TStruct") SStruct { |
| int i, j, k SWIFT_NAME("kay"); |
| }; |
| |
| int i SWIFT_NAME("g_i"); |
| |
| void f0(int i) SWIFT_NAME("f_0"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute argument must be a string literal specifying a Swift function name}} |
| |
| void f1(int i) SWIFT_NAME("f_1()"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{too few parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_name__' attribute (expected 1; got 0)}} |
| |
| void f2(int i) SWIFT_NAME("f_2(a:b:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{too many parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_name__' attribute (expected 1; got 2)}} |
| |
| void f3(int x, int y) SWIFT_NAME("fWithX(_:y:)"); |
| void f4(int x, int *error) SWIFT_NAME("fWithX(_:)"); |
| |
| typedef int int_t SWIFT_NAME("IntType"); |
| |
| struct Point3D createPoint3D(float x, float y, float z) SWIFT_NAME("Point3D.init(x:y:z:)"); |
| struct Point3D rotatePoint3D(Point3D point, float radians) SWIFT_NAME("Point3D.rotate(self:radians:)"); |
| struct Point3D badRotatePoint3D(Point3D point, float radians) SWIFT_NAME("Point3D.rotate(radians:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{too few parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_name__' attribute (expected 2; got 1)}} |
| |
| extern struct Point3D identityPoint SWIFT_NAME("Point3D.identity"); |
| |
| float Point3DGetMagnitude(Point3D point) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.magnitude(self:)"); |
| float Point3DGetMagnitudeAndSomethingElse(Point3D point, float f) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.magnitude(self:f:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute for getter must not have any parameters besides 'self:'}} |
| |
| float Point3DGetRadius(Point3D point) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.radius(self:)"); |
| void Point3DSetRadius(Point3D point, float radius) SWIFT_NAME("setter:Point3D.radius(self:newValue:)"); |
| |
| float Point3DPreGetRadius(Point3D point) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.preRadius(self:)"); |
| void Point3DPreSetRadius(float radius, Point3D point) SWIFT_NAME("setter:Point3D.preRadius(newValue:self:)"); |
| |
| void Point3DSetRadiusAndSomethingElse(Point3D point, float radius, float f) SWIFT_NAME("setter:Point3D.radius(self:newValue:f:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute for setter must have one parameter for new value}} |
| |
| float Point3DGetComponent(Point3D point, unsigned index) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.subscript(self:_:)"); |
| float Point3DSetComponent(Point3D point, unsigned index, float value) SWIFT_NAME("setter:Point3D.subscript(self:_:newValue:)"); |
| |
| float Point3DGetMatrixComponent(Point3D point, unsigned x, unsigned y) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.subscript(self:x:y:)"); |
| void Point3DSetMatrixComponent(Point3D point, unsigned x, float value, unsigned y) SWIFT_NAME("setter:Point3D.subscript(self:x:newValue:y:)"); |
| |
| float Point3DSetWithoutNewValue(Point3D point, unsigned x, unsigned y) SWIFT_NAME("setter:Point3D.subscript(self:x:y:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute for 'subscript' setter must have a 'newValue:' parameter}} |
| |
| float Point3DSubscriptButNotGetterSetter(Point3D point, unsigned x) SWIFT_NAME("Point3D.subscript(self:_:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute for 'subscript' must be a getter or setter}} |
| |
| void Point3DSubscriptSetterTwoNewValues(Point3D point, unsigned x, float a, float b) SWIFT_NAME("setter:Point3D.subscript(self:_:newValue:newValue:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute for 'subscript' setter cannot have multiple 'newValue:' parameters}} |
| |
| float Point3DSubscriptGetterNewValue(Point3D point, unsigned x, float a, float b) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.subscript(self:_:newValue:newValue:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute for 'subscript' getter cannot have a 'newValue:' parameter}} |
| |
| void Point3DMethodWithNewValue(Point3D point, float newValue) SWIFT_NAME("Point3D.method(self:newValue:)"); |
| void Point3DMethodWithNewValues(Point3D point, float newValue, float newValueB) SWIFT_NAME("Point3D.method(self:newValue:newValue:)"); |
| |
| float Point3DStaticSubscript(unsigned x) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.subscript(_:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute for 'subscript' must have a 'self:' parameter}} |
| |
| float Point3DStaticSubscriptNoArgs(void) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.subscript()"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute for 'subscript' must have at least one parameter}} |
| |
| float Point3DPreGetComponent(Point3D point, unsigned index) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.subscript(self:_:)"); |
| |
| Point3D getCurrentPoint3D(void) SWIFT_NAME("getter:currentPoint3D()"); |
| |
| void setCurrentPoint3D(Point3D point) SWIFT_NAME("setter:currentPoint3D(newValue:)"); |
| |
| Point3D getLastPoint3D(void) SWIFT_NAME("getter:lastPoint3D()"); |
| |
| void setLastPoint3D(Point3D point) SWIFT_NAME("setter:lastPoint3D(newValue:)"); |
| |
| Point3D getZeroPoint(void) SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.zero()"); |
| void setZeroPoint(Point3D point) SWIFT_NAME("setter:Point3D.zero(newValue:)"); |
| Point3D getZeroPointNoPrototype() SWIFT_NAME("getter:Point3D.zeroNoPrototype()"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute only applies to non-K&R-style functions}} |
| |
| Point3D badGetter1(int x) SWIFT_NAME("getter:bad1(_:)"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute for getter must not have any parameters besides 'self:'}} |
| |
| void badSetter1(void) SWIFT_NAME("getter:bad1())"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute argument must be a string literal specifying a Swift function name}} |
| |
| Point3D badGetter2(Point3D point) SWIFT_NAME("getter:bad2(_:))"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute argument must be a string literal specifying a Swift function name}} |
| |
| void badSetter2(Point3D point) SWIFT_NAME("setter:bad2(self:))"); |
| // expected-warning@-1 {{'__swift_name__' attribute argument must be a string literal specifying a Swift function name}} |
| |
| void g(int i) SWIFT_NAME("function(int:)"); |
| // expected-note@-1 {{conflicting attribute is here}} |
| |
| // expected-error@+1 {{'swift_name' and 'swift_name' attributes are not compatible}} |
| void g(int i) SWIFT_NAME("function(_:)") { |
| } |
| |
| typedef int (^CallbackTy)(void); |
| |
| @interface AsyncI<P> |
| |
| - (void)doSomethingWithCallback:(CallbackTy)callback SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME("doSomething()"); |
| - (void)doSomethingX:(int)x withCallback:(CallbackTy)callback SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME("doSomething(x:)"); |
| |
| // expected-warning@+1 {{too many parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_async_name__' attribute (expected 1; got 2)}} |
| - (void)doSomethingY:(int)x withCallback:(CallbackTy)callback SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME("doSomething(x:y:)"); |
| |
| // expected-warning@+1 {{too few parameters in the signature specified by the '__swift_async_name__' attribute (expected 1; got 0)}} |
| - (void)doSomethingZ:(int)x withCallback:(CallbackTy)callback SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME("doSomething()"); |
| |
| // expected-warning@+1 {{'__swift_async_name__' attribute cannot be applied to a method with no parameters}} |
| - (void)doSomethingNone SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME("doSomething()"); |
| |
| // expected-error@+1 {{'__swift_async_name__' attribute takes one argument}} |
| - (void)brokenAttr __attribute__((__swift_async_name__("brokenAttr", 2))); |
| |
| @end |
| |
| void asyncFunc(CallbackTy callback) SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME("asyncFunc()"); |
| |
| // expected-warning@+1 {{'__swift_async_name__' attribute cannot be applied to a function with no parameters}} |
| void asyncNoParams(void) SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME("asyncNoParams()"); |
| |
| // expected-error@+1 {{'__swift_async_name__' attribute only applies to Objective-C methods and functions}} |
| @protocol NoAsync @end |