blob: 2364a8dae88c79685eed6720238212c26eeb99f5 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- SBCommandInterpreter.h ----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include <memory>
#include "lldb/API/SBDebugger.h"
#include "lldb/API/SBDefines.h"
namespace lldb {
class SBCommandInterpreter {
enum {
eBroadcastBitThreadShouldExit = (1 << 0),
eBroadcastBitResetPrompt = (1 << 1),
eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived = (1 << 2), // User entered quit
eBroadcastBitAsynchronousOutputData = (1 << 3),
eBroadcastBitAsynchronousErrorData = (1 << 4)
SBCommandInterpreter(const lldb::SBCommandInterpreter &rhs);
const lldb::SBCommandInterpreter &
operator=(const lldb::SBCommandInterpreter &rhs);
static const char *
GetArgumentTypeAsCString(const lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type);
static const char *
GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString(const lldb::CommandArgumentType arg_type);
static bool EventIsCommandInterpreterEvent(const lldb::SBEvent &event);
explicit operator bool() const;
bool IsValid() const;
bool CommandExists(const char *cmd);
bool AliasExists(const char *cmd);
lldb::SBBroadcaster GetBroadcaster();
static const char *GetBroadcasterClass();
bool HasCommands();
bool HasAliases();
bool HasAliasOptions();
lldb::SBProcess GetProcess();
lldb::SBDebugger GetDebugger();
lldb::SBCommand AddMultiwordCommand(const char *name, const char *help);
/// Add a new command to the lldb::CommandInterpreter.
/// The new command won't support autorepeat. If you need this functionality,
/// use the override of this function that accepts the \a auto_repeat_command
/// parameter.
/// \param[in] name
/// The name of the command.
/// \param[in] impl
/// The handler of this command.
/// \param[in] help
/// The general description to show as part of the help message of this
/// command.
/// \return
/// A lldb::SBCommand representing the newly created command.
lldb::SBCommand AddCommand(const char *name,
lldb::SBCommandPluginInterface *impl,
const char *help);
/// Add a new command to the lldb::CommandInterpreter.
/// The new command won't support autorepeat. If you need this functionality,
/// use the override of this function that accepts the \a auto_repeat_command
/// parameter.
/// \param[in] name
/// The name of the command.
/// \param[in] impl
/// The handler of this command.
/// \param[in] help
/// The general description to show as part of the help message of this
/// command.
/// \param[in] syntax
/// The syntax to show as part of the help message of this command. This
/// could include a description of the different arguments and flags this
/// command accepts.
/// \return
/// A lldb::SBCommand representing the newly created command.
lldb::SBCommand AddCommand(const char *name,
lldb::SBCommandPluginInterface *impl,
const char *help, const char *syntax);
/// Add a new command to the lldb::CommandInterpreter.
/// \param[in] name
/// The name of the command.
/// \param[in] impl
/// The handler of this command.
/// \param[in] help
/// The general description to show as part of the help message of this
/// command.
/// \param[in] syntax
/// The syntax to show as part of the help message of this command. This
/// could include a description of the different arguments and flags this
/// command accepts.
/// \param[in] auto_repeat_command
/// Autorepeating is triggered when the user presses Enter successively
/// after executing a command. If \b nullptr is provided, the previous
/// exact command will be repeated. If \b "" is provided, autorepeating
/// is disabled. Otherwise, the provided string is used as a repeat
/// command.
/// \return
/// A lldb::SBCommand representing the newly created command.
lldb::SBCommand AddCommand(const char *name,
lldb::SBCommandPluginInterface *impl,
const char *help, const char *syntax,
const char *auto_repeat_command);
void SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &result);
void SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &result,
bool is_repl);
SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &result);
lldb::ReturnStatus HandleCommand(const char *command_line,
lldb::SBCommandReturnObject &result,
bool add_to_history = false);
lldb::ReturnStatus HandleCommand(const char *command_line,
SBExecutionContext &exe_ctx,
SBCommandReturnObject &result,
bool add_to_history = false);
void HandleCommandsFromFile(lldb::SBFileSpec &file,
lldb::SBExecutionContext &override_context,
lldb::SBCommandInterpreterRunOptions &options,
lldb::SBCommandReturnObject result);
// The pointer based interface is not useful in SWIG, since the cursor &
// last_char arguments are string pointers INTO current_line and you can't do
// that in a scripting language interface in general...
// In either case, the way this works is that the you give it a line and
// cursor position in the line. The function will return the number of
// completions. The matches list will contain number_of_completions + 1
// elements. The first element is the common substring after the cursor
// position for all the matches. The rest of the elements are the matches.
// The first element is useful if you are emulating the common shell behavior
// where the tab completes to the string that is common among all the
// matches, then you should first check if the first element is non-empty,
// and if so just insert it and move the cursor to the end of the insertion.
// The next tab will return an empty common substring, and a list of choices
// (if any), at which point you should display the choices and let the user
// type further to disambiguate.
int HandleCompletion(const char *current_line, const char *cursor,
const char *last_char, int match_start_point,
int max_return_elements, lldb::SBStringList &matches);
int HandleCompletion(const char *current_line, uint32_t cursor_pos,
int match_start_point, int max_return_elements,
lldb::SBStringList &matches);
// Same as HandleCompletion, but also fills out `descriptions` with
// descriptions for each match.
int HandleCompletionWithDescriptions(
const char *current_line, const char *cursor, const char *last_char,
int match_start_point, int max_return_elements,
lldb::SBStringList &matches, lldb::SBStringList &descriptions);
int HandleCompletionWithDescriptions(const char *current_line,
uint32_t cursor_pos,
int match_start_point,
int max_return_elements,
lldb::SBStringList &matches,
lldb::SBStringList &descriptions);
bool WasInterrupted() const;
// Catch commands before they execute by registering a callback that will get
// called when the command gets executed. This allows GUI or command line
// interfaces to intercept a command and stop it from happening
bool SetCommandOverrideCallback(const char *command_name,
lldb::CommandOverrideCallback callback,
void *baton);
lldb_private::CommandInterpreter *interpreter_ptr =
nullptr); // Access using SBDebugger::GetCommandInterpreter();
/// Return true if the command interpreter is the active IO handler.
/// This indicates that any input coming into the debugger handles will
/// go to the command interpreter and will result in LLDB command line
/// commands being executed.
bool IsActive();
/// Get the string that needs to be written to the debugger stdin file
/// handle when a control character is typed.
/// Some GUI programs will intercept "control + char" sequences and want
/// to have them do what normally would happen when using a real
/// terminal, so this function allows GUI programs to emulate this
/// functionality.
/// \param[in] ch
/// The character that was typed along with the control key
/// \return
/// The string that should be written into the file handle that is
/// feeding the input stream for the debugger, or nullptr if there is
/// no string for this control key.
const char *GetIOHandlerControlSequence(char ch);
bool GetPromptOnQuit();
void SetPromptOnQuit(bool b);
/// Sets whether the command interpreter should allow custom exit codes
/// for the 'quit' command.
void AllowExitCodeOnQuit(bool allow);
/// Returns true if the user has called the 'quit' command with a custom exit
/// code.
bool HasCustomQuitExitCode();
/// Returns the exit code that the user has specified when running the
/// 'quit' command. Returns 0 if the user hasn't called 'quit' at all or
/// without a custom exit code.
int GetQuitStatus();
/// Resolve the command just as HandleCommand would, expanding abbreviations
/// and aliases. If successful, result->GetOutput has the full expansion.
void ResolveCommand(const char *command_line, SBCommandReturnObject &result);
lldb_private::CommandInterpreter &ref();
lldb_private::CommandInterpreter *get();
void reset(lldb_private::CommandInterpreter *);
friend class SBDebugger;
lldb_private::CommandInterpreter *m_opaque_ptr;
class SBCommandPluginInterface {
virtual ~SBCommandPluginInterface() = default;
virtual bool DoExecute(lldb::SBDebugger /*debugger*/, char ** /*command*/,
lldb::SBCommandReturnObject & /*result*/) {
return false;
class SBCommand {
explicit operator bool() const;
bool IsValid();
const char *GetName();
const char *GetHelp();
const char *GetHelpLong();
void SetHelp(const char *);
void SetHelpLong(const char *);
uint32_t GetFlags();
void SetFlags(uint32_t flags);
lldb::SBCommand AddMultiwordCommand(const char *name,
const char *help = nullptr);
/// Add a new subcommand to the lldb::SBCommand.
/// The new command won't support autorepeat. If you need this functionality,
/// use the override of this function that accepts the \a auto_repeat
/// parameter.
/// \param[in] name
/// The name of the command.
/// \param[in] impl
/// The handler of this command.
/// \param[in] help
/// The general description to show as part of the help message of this
/// command.
/// \return
/// A lldb::SBCommand representing the newly created command.
lldb::SBCommand AddCommand(const char *name,
lldb::SBCommandPluginInterface *impl,
const char *help = nullptr);
/// Add a new subcommand to the lldb::SBCommand.
/// The new command won't support autorepeat. If you need this functionality,
/// use the override of this function that accepts the \a auto_repeat_command
/// parameter.
/// \param[in] name
/// The name of the command.
/// \param[in] impl
/// The handler of this command.
/// \param[in] help
/// The general description to show as part of the help message of this
/// command.
/// \param[in] syntax
/// The syntax to show as part of the help message of this command. This
/// could include a description of the different arguments and flags this
/// command accepts.
/// \return
/// A lldb::SBCommand representing the newly created command.
lldb::SBCommand AddCommand(const char *name,
lldb::SBCommandPluginInterface *impl,
const char *help, const char *syntax);
/// Add a new subcommand to the lldb::SBCommand.
/// The new command won't support autorepeat. If you need this functionality,
/// use the override of this function that accepts the \a auto_repeat_command
/// parameter.
/// \param[in] name
/// The name of the command.
/// \param[in] impl
/// The handler of this command.
/// \param[in] help
/// The general description to show as part of the help message of this
/// command.
/// \param[in] syntax
/// The syntax to show as part of the help message of this command. This
/// could include a description of the different arguments and flags this
/// command accepts.
/// \param[in] auto_repeat_command
/// Autorepeating is triggered when the user presses Enter successively
/// after executing a command. If \b nullptr is provided, the previous
/// exact command will be repeated. If \b "" is provided, autorepeating
/// is disabled. Otherwise, the provided string is used as a repeat
/// command.
/// \return
/// A lldb::SBCommand representing the newly created command.
lldb::SBCommand AddCommand(const char *name,
lldb::SBCommandPluginInterface *impl,
const char *help, const char *syntax,
const char *auto_repeat_command);
friend class SBDebugger;
friend class SBCommandInterpreter;
SBCommand(lldb::CommandObjectSP cmd_sp);
lldb::CommandObjectSP m_opaque_sp;
} // namespace lldb