blob: d0dda7cbfe6b19638992b7a38c7111c5e734174c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: llvm-tblgen %s | FileCheck %s
// XFAIL: vg_leak
// Check that !cond works well with bit conditional values.
class A<bit b = true> {
int a = !cond(b: 5, true : 6);
bit c = !cond(b: false, true : true);
bits<1> d = !cond(b: 0, true : 1);
// CHECK: def X
// CHECK: a = 6
// CHECK: c = 1
// CHECK: d = { 1 }
// CHECK: def Y
// CHECK: a = 5
// CHECK: c = 0
// CHECK: d = { 0 }
def X : A<false>;
def Y : A;