blob: a54feaec981de247ddc6dd08fe19c7f1f67b4488 [file] [log] [blame]
! RUN: %python %S/ %s %flang -fopenmp
! 2.15.3 Data-Sharing Attribute Clauses
! default Clause
subroutine default_none()
integer a(3)
A = 1
B = 2
!$omp parallel default(none) private(c)
!ERROR: The DEFAULT(NONE) clause requires that 'a' must be listed in a data-sharing attribute clause
A(1:2) = 3
!ERROR: The DEFAULT(NONE) clause requires that 'b' must be listed in a data-sharing attribute clause
B = 4
C = 5
!$omp end parallel
end subroutine default_none
program mm
call default_none()
!TODO: private, firstprivate, shared