Creating llvmgcc42-2115 branch

llvm-svn: 74124
--- Merging r74056 into '.':
U    gcc/llvm-convert.cpp

Fix an array over-read problem that would sometimes manifest as a crash (when overreading
a string would point to invalid data.  The issue here is that TREE_STRING_LENGTH returns
the length in bytes of a string, not in characters.  This is different for a wide string.

In cases when this didn't crash, this bug would not manifest as a codegen problem, because
the code right below the overread would trim the length of the generated vector to the 
right length.

This fixes rdar://6961178

llvm-svn: 74061
1 file changed
tree: e2695faa3ef2c64022871eecd997df0937082604
  1. llvm-gcc-4.2/