Creating llvmgcc42-2105.2 from llvmgcc42-2105.1.

llvm-svn: 69691

SVN tag also included these previous commits:

Author: Bill Wendling <>
Date: Fri Apr 10 18:52:48 2009 +0000

    Create llvmgcc42-2105.1 from llvmgcc42-2105. No changes, just bumping up the
    subversion number.
    llvm-svn: 68812

Author: Bill Wendling <>
Date: Fri Apr 03 18:01:57 2009 +0000

    Creating llvmgcc42-2105 from Dib branch.
    llvm-svn: 68393
--- Merging (from foreign repository) r68152 into '.':
U    gcc/llvm-convert.cpp
U    gcc/llvm-debug.cpp
U    gcc/llvm-debug.h

Fix nondeterminism in whether line numbers got
generated near the beginning of a function.  Now
they do, an improvement.  This allows checking
in 67884 finally:

Enable debug info at -O.  I've fixed a lot of
bugs where -g affects optimization recently; there
are currently no such cases in the llvm testsuite or
a substantial amount of other code on Darwin, which
seems sufficient to turn it on.  Woot.  I make
no claims about the quality of the generated debug

Any cases where you see -g affecting optimization can
now usefully be reported as bugs.  TEST=ipodbgopt should
test this in the llvm testsuite.

llvm-svn: 68154
3 files changed
tree: 16e84717bd8b5510521f6e432b9f0acedeaf89d9
  1. llvm-gcc-4.2/