blob: be0a1194067a6977df1e29fe326025c45d9866fc [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- TVSnapshotList.cpp - List of snapshots class for llvm-tv -*- C++ -*--=//
// Encapsulates a list of snapshots and the directory they are in.
#include "TVSnapshotList.h"
#include <dirent.h>
//Each time this function is called the directory is rescanned
//for any new snapshots
bool TVSnapshotList::refreshList() {
// re-load the list of snapshots
const char *directoryName = mySnapshotDirName.c_str();
DIR *d = opendir(directoryName);
if (!d)
return false;
while (struct dirent *de = readdir (d))
if (memcmp(de->d_name, ".", 2) && memcmp(de->d_name, "..", 3))
addSnapshot(mySnapshotDirName + "/" + de->d_name);
closedir (d);
return true;
//Sort the snapshot list
void TVSnapshotList::sortList() {
sort (mySnapshotList.begin (), mySnapshotList.end ());
//Add a snapshot to our vector of snapshots
void TVSnapshotList::addSnapshot(std::string snapshotName) {