blob: 411ba7d56a3a0055a4995a7e10b4061a310428fd [file] [log] [blame]
#include <llvm/Java/jni.h>
/* For now we cast a java/lang/Class reference to a class record. When
* we get proper java/lang/Class representation this will be a field
* access. */
#define GET_CLASS_RECORD(clazz) ((struct llvm_java_class_record*) clazz)
#define GET_CLASS(classRecord) ((jclass) classRecord)
const JNIEnv llvm_java_JNIEnv;
struct llvm_java_object_base;
struct llvm_java_object_header;
struct llvm_java_class_record;
struct llvm_java_typeinfo;
struct llvm_java_object_header {
/* gc info, hash info, locking */
int dummy;
struct llvm_java_object_base {
struct llvm_java_object_header header;
struct llvm_java_class_record* classRecord;
struct llvm_java_typeinfo {
/* The name of this class */
const char* name;
/* The number of super classes to java.lang.Object. */
jint depth;
/* The super class records up to java.lang.Object. */
struct llvm_java_class_record** superclasses;
/* If an interface its interface index, otherwise the last interface
* index implemented by this class. */
jint interfaceIndex;
/* The interface class records this class implements. */
struct llvm_java_class_record** interfaces;
/* The component class record if this is an array class, null
* otherwise. */
struct llvm_java_class_record* component;
/* If an array the size of its elements, otherwise 0 for classes, -1
* for interfaces and -2 for primitive classes. */
jint elementSize;
/* A null terminated array of strings describing the member fields
* of this class. A field description is the concatenation of its
* name with its descriptor. */
const char** fieldDescriptors;
/* An array of offsets to fields. This is indexed the same way as
* the field descriptor array. */
unsigned* fieldOffsets;
/* A null terminated array of strings describing the static fields
* of this class. A field description is the concatenation of its
* name with its descriptor. */
const char** staticFieldDescriptors;
/* An array of pointers to static fields. This is indexed the
* same way as the static field descriptor array. */
void** staticFields;
/* A null terminated array of strings describing the dynamic methods
of this class. A method descriptor is the concatenation of its
name with its descriptor. */
const char** methodDescriptors;
/* An array of pointers to bridge functions. This is indexed the
* same way as the dynamic method descriptor array. */
void** methodBridges;
/* A null terminated array of strings describing the static methods
of this class. A method descriptor is the concatenation of its
name with its descriptor. */
const char** staticMethodDescriptors;
/* An array of pointers to bridge functions. This is indexed the
* same way as the static method descriptor array. */
void** staticMethodBridges;
struct llvm_java_class_record {
struct llvm_java_typeinfo typeinfo;
struct llvm_java_##TYPE##array { \
struct llvm_java_object_base object_base; \
jint length; \
j##TYPE data[0]; \
#include "types.def"
struct llvm_java_class_record* llvm_java_find_class_record(const char* name);
struct llvm_java_class_record* llvm_java_get_class_record(jobject obj);
void llvm_java_set_class_record(jobject obj, struct llvm_java_class_record* cr);
jboolean llvm_java_is_instance_of(jobject obj,
struct llvm_java_class_record* cr);
struct llvm_java_class_record* llvm_java_get_superclass_record(
struct llvm_java_class_record* cr);
jboolean llvm_java_is_assignable_from(struct llvm_java_class_record* cr,
struct llvm_java_class_record* from);
jint llvm_java_throw(jthrowable obj);