blob: b987d361c3b0f24fdf1fee3b51e2c5c3bfc618fa [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- OperandStack.h - Java operand stack ---------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file contains the abstraction of a Java operand stack. We
// model the java operand stack as a stack of LLVM allocas.
#include "Resolver.h"
#include <llvm/Value.h>
#include <llvm/Instruction.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class AllocaInst;
class Instruction;
class Value;
} // namespace llvm
namespace llvm { namespace Java {
class OperandStack {
const Resolver* resolver_;
unsigned currentDepth_;
typedef std::map<const Type*, AllocaInst*> SlotMap;
std::vector<SlotMap> stack_;
explicit OperandStack(const Resolver* resolver, unsigned maxDepth)
: resolver_(resolver),
stack_(maxDepth) { }
unsigned getDepth() const { return currentDepth_; }
void setDepth(unsigned newDepth) {
assert(newDepth < stack_.size() &&
"Cannot set depth greater than the max depth!");
currentDepth_ = newDepth;
/// @brief - Pushes the value \c value on the virtual operand
/// stack and appends any instructions to implement this to \c
/// insertAtEnd BasicBlock
void push(Value* value, BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
/// @brief - Pops a value of type \c type from the virtual operand
/// stack and appends any instructions to implement this to \c
/// insertAtEnd BasicBlock
Value* pop(const Type* type, BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
void do_pop(BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
void do_pop2(BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
void do_dup(BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
void do_dup_x1(BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
void do_dup_x2(BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
void do_dup2(BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
void do_dup2_x1(BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
void do_dup2_x2(BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
void do_swap(BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
AllocaInst* getOrCreateSlot(SlotMap& slotMap,
const Type* type,
BasicBlock* bb);
void copySlots(const SlotMap& src, SlotMap& dst, BasicBlock* insertAtEnd);
} } // namespace llvm::Java