blob: e5085d5863a0579f8c1c747784ed964acfce3887 [file] [log] [blame]
//===---------------- Threads.h - Micro-vm threads ------------------------===//
// The Micro Virtual Machine
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#ifndef MVM_THREAD_H
#define MVM_THREAD_H
#include <cassert>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "types.h"
namespace mvm {
class MethodInfo;
class VirtualMachine;
/// CircularBase - This class represents a circular list. Classes that extend
/// this class automatically place their instances in a circular list.
class CircularBase {
/// _next - The next object in the list.
CircularBase *_next;
/// _prev - The previous object in the list.
CircularBase *_prev;
/// ~CircularBase - Give the class a home.
virtual ~CircularBase() {}
/// next - Get the next object in the list.
inline CircularBase *next() { return _next; }
/// prev - Get the previous object in the list.
inline CircularBase *prev() { return _prev; }
/// next - Set the next object in the list.
inline void next(CircularBase *n) { _next = n; }
/// prev - Set the previous object in the list.
inline void prev(CircularBase *p) { _prev = p; }
/// CricularBase - Creates the object as a single element in the list.
inline CircularBase() { alone(); }
/// CircularBase - Creates the object and place it in the given list.
inline explicit CircularBase(CircularBase *p) { append(p); }
/// remove - Remove the object from its list.
inline void remove() {
_prev->_next = _next;
_next->_prev = _prev;
/// append - Add the object in the list.
inline void append(CircularBase *p) {
_prev = p;
_next = p->_next;
_next->_prev = this;
_prev->_next = this;
/// alone - Set the object as being part of a new empty list.
inline void alone() { _prev = _next = this; }
/// print - Print the list for debug purposes.
void print() {
CircularBase* temp = this;
do {
fprintf(stderr, "%p -> ", (void*)temp);
temp = temp->next();
} while (temp != this);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#if defined(__MACH__) && (defined(__PPC__) || defined(__ppc__))
#define FRAME_IP(fp) (fp[2])
#define FRAME_IP(fp) (fp[1])
// Apparently gcc for i386 and family considers __builtin_frame_address(0) to
// return the caller, not the current function.
#if defined(__i386__) || defined(i386) || defined(_M_IX86) || \
defined(__x86_64__) || defined(_M_AMD64)
#define FRAME_PTR() __builtin_frame_address(0)
#define FRAME_PTR() (((void**)__builtin_frame_address(0))[0])
class KnownFrame {
KnownFrame* previousFrame;
void* currentFP;
/// Thread - This class is the base of custom virtual machines' Thread classes.
/// It provides static functions to manage threads. An instance of this class
/// contains all thread-specific informations.
class Thread : public CircularBase {
/// yield - Yield the processor to another thread.
static void yield(void);
/// kill - Kill the thread with the given pid by sending it a signal.
static int kill(void* tid, int signo);
/// kill - Kill the given thread by sending it a signal.
int kill(int signo);
/// killForRendezvous - Kill the given thread for a rendezvous.
void killForRendezvous();
/// exit - Exit the current thread.
static void exit(int value);
/// start - Start the execution of a thread.
virtual int start(void (*fct)(mvm::Thread*));
uint64_t getThreadID() {
return (uint64_t)this;
/// IsolateID - The Isolate ID of the thread's VM.
size_t IsolateID;
/// MyVM - The VM attached to this Thread.
VirtualMachine* MyVM;
/// baseSP - The base stack pointer.
void* baseSP;
/// doYield - Flag to tell the thread to yield for GC reasons.
bool doYield;
/// inRV - Flag to tell that the thread is being part of a rendezvous.
bool inRV;
/// joinedRV - Flag to tell that the thread has joined a rendezvous.
bool joinedRV;
/// get - Get the thread specific data of the current thread.
static Thread* get() {
return (Thread*)((uintptr_t)__builtin_frame_address(0) & IDMask);
/// lastSP - If the thread is running native code that can not be
/// interrupted, lastSP is not null and contains the value of the
/// stack pointer before entering native.
void* lastSP;
/// internalThreadID - The implementation specific thread id.
void* internalThreadID;
/// internalThreadStart - The implementation sepcific thread starter
/// function.
static void internalThreadStart(mvm::Thread* th);
/// internalClearException - Clear any pending exception.
virtual void internalClearException() {}
/// joinRV - Join a rendezvous.
void joinRV();
/// tracer - Does nothing. Used for child classes which may defined
/// a tracer.
virtual void tracer() {}
void* getLastSP() { return lastSP; }
void setLastSP(void* V) { lastSP = V; }
void enterUncooperativeCode(unsigned level = 0) __attribute__ ((noinline)) {
if (isMvmThread()) {
if (!inRV) {
assert(!lastSP && "SP already set when entering uncooperative code");
void* temp = __builtin_frame_address(0);
while (level--) temp = ((void**)temp)[0];
lastSP = temp;
if (doYield) joinRV();
assert(lastSP && "No last SP when entering uncooperative code");
void enterUncooperativeCode(void* SP) {
if (isMvmThread()) {
if (!inRV) {
assert(!lastSP && "SP already set when entering uncooperative code");
lastSP = SP;
if (doYield) joinRV();
assert(lastSP && "No last SP when entering uncooperative code");
void leaveUncooperativeCode() {
if (isMvmThread()) {
if (!inRV) {
assert(lastSP && "No last SP when leaving uncooperative code");
// Check to see if a rendezvous has been set while being in native code.
if (doYield) joinRV();
// Clear lastSP. If a rendezvous happens there, the thread will join it
// in the next iteration and set lastSP.
lastSP = 0;
// A rendezvous has just been initiated, join it.
if (doYield) joinRV();
assert(!lastSP && "SP has a value after leaving uncooperative code");
void* waitOnSP() {
// First see if we can get lastSP directly.
void* sp = lastSP;
if (sp) return sp;
// Then loop a fixed number of iterations to get lastSP.
for (uint32 count = 0; count < 1000; ++count) {
sp = lastSP;
if (sp) return sp;
// Finally, yield until lastSP is not set.
while ((sp = lastSP) == NULL) mvm::Thread::yield();
assert(sp != NULL && "Still no sp");
return sp;
/// clearException - Clear any pending exception of the current thread.
void clearException() {
bool isMvmThread() {
if (!baseAddr) return false;
else return (((uintptr_t)this) & MvmThreadMask) == baseAddr;
/// baseAddr - The base address for all threads.
static uintptr_t baseAddr;
/// IDMask - Apply this mask to the stack pointer to get the Thread object.
static const uint64_t IDMask = 0x7FF00000;
/// MvmThreadMask - Apply this mask to verify that the current thread was
/// created by Mvm.
static const uint64_t MvmThreadMask = 0xF0000000;
/// OverflowMask - Apply this mask to implement overflow checks. For
/// efficiency, we lower the available size of the stack: it can never go
/// under 0xC0000
static const uint64_t StackOverflowMask = 0xC0000;
/// operator new - Allocate the Thread object as well as the stack for this
/// Thread. The thread object is inlined in the stack.
void* operator new(size_t sz);
/// operator delete - Free the stack so that another thread can use it.
void operator delete(void* obj);
/// routine - The function to invoke when the thread starts.
void (*routine)(mvm::Thread*);
#ifdef SERVICE
/// stoppingService - The service that is currently stopping.
VirtualMachine* stoppingService;
/// printBacktrace - Print the backtrace.
void printBacktrace();
/// getFrameContext - Fill the buffer with frames currently on the stack.
void getFrameContext(void** buffer);
/// getFrameContextLength - Get the length of the frame context.
uint32_t getFrameContextLength();
/// lastKnownFrame - The last frame that we know of, before resuming to JNI.
KnownFrame* lastKnownFrame;
void startKnownFrame(KnownFrame& F) __attribute__ ((noinline));
void endKnownFrame();
/// StackWalker - This class walks the stack of threads, returning a MethodInfo
/// object at each iteration.
class StackWalker {
void** addr;
void* ip;
KnownFrame* frame;
mvm::Thread* thread;
StackWalker(mvm::Thread* th) {
thread = th;
addr = mvm::Thread::get() == th ? (void**)FRAME_PTR() :
frame = th->lastKnownFrame;
assert(addr && "No address to start with");
void operator++();
void* operator*();
MethodInfo* get();
} // end namespace mvm
#endif // MVM_THREAD_H