blob: 73b7d84ee54c36b27a163727c1daad0939cd527c [file] [log] [blame]
// General notes
VMKit is the composition of three libraries:
1) MVM: mostly a garbage collector
2) JnJVM: a Java Virtual Machine implemented with MVM and LLVM
3) N3: a CLI implementation with MVM and LLVM
JnJVM and N3 use GCC's unwinding library (
These are the options you should pass to the ./configure script
--with-llvmsrc: the source directory of LLVM
--with-llvmobj: the object directory of LLVM
--with-gnu-classpath-libs: GNU classpath libraries
--with-gnu-classpath-glibj: GNU classpath
--with-pnet-local-prefix: the local build of PNET
--with-pnetlib: PNET's mscorlib.dll
There's also [experimental]:
--with-gc: user either boehm or single-mmap
--with-mono: Mono's mscorlib.dll
Running make on the root tree will produce the following "tools":
1) Debug|Release/bin/jnjvm: running the JnJVM like any other JVM.
2) Debug|Release/bin/n3-pnetlib: running N3 like CLR.
2) Debug|Release/bin/vmkit: shell-like vm launcher.
2) Debug|Release/bin/vmjc: ahead of time compiler for .class files.
JnJVM and N3 have their own README notes.