blob: 76bf734c741e237196c554f8874af2636f0dbab2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- PoolAllocate.h - Pool allocation pass -------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This transform changes programs so that disjoint data structures are
// allocated out of different pools of memory, increasing locality. This header
// file exposes information about the pool allocation itself so that follow-on
// passes may extend or use the pool allocation for analysis.
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CallSite.h"
#include "Support/EquivalenceClasses.h"
#include "Support/VectorExtras.h"
#include "Support/hash_set"
#include <set>
namespace llvm {
class CompleteBUDataStructures;
class DSNode;
class DSGraph;
class Type;
class AllocaInst;
namespace PA {
/// FuncInfo - Represent the pool allocation information for one function in
/// the program. Note that many functions must actually be cloned in order
/// for pool allocation to add arguments to the function signature. In this
/// case, the Clone and NewToOldValueMap information identify how the clone
/// maps to the original function...
struct FuncInfo {
FuncInfo() : Clone(0) {}
/// MarkedNodes - The set of nodes which are not locally pool allocatable in
/// the current function.
hash_set<DSNode*> MarkedNodes;
/// Clone - The cloned version of the function, if applicable.
Function *Clone;
/// ArgNodes - The list of DSNodes which have pools passed in as arguments.
std::vector<DSNode*> ArgNodes;
/// PoolDescriptors - The Value* (either an argument or an alloca) which
/// defines the pool descriptor for this DSNode. Pools are mapped one to
/// one with nodes in the DSGraph, so this contains a pointer to the node it
/// corresponds to. In addition, the pool is initialized by calling the
/// "poolinit" library function with a chunk of memory allocated with an
/// alloca instruction. This entry contains a pointer to that alloca if the
/// pool is locally allocated or the argument it is passed in through if
/// not.
/// Note: Does not include pool arguments that are passed in because of
/// indirect function calls that are not used in the function.
std::map<DSNode*, Value*> PoolDescriptors;
/// NewToOldValueMap - When and if a function needs to be cloned, this map
/// contains a mapping from all of the values in the new function back to
/// the values they correspond to in the old function.
std::map<Value*, const Value*> NewToOldValueMap;
struct EquivClassInfo {
// FuncsInClass - This is a list of all of the functions in this equiv
// class.
std::vector<Function*> FuncsInClass;
// G - The DSGraph which contains a union of all of the nodes in this
// equivalence class.
DSGraph *G;
// ECGraphToPrivateMap - This map, given a DSNode in the ECI DSGraph and a
// function, will tell you which DS node in the function DS graph this node
// corresponds to (or null if none).
std::map<std::pair<Function*,DSNode*>, DSNode*> ECGraphToPrivateMap;
// ArgNodes - The list of DSNodes which require arguments to be passed in
// for all members of this equivalence class.
std::vector<DSNode*> ArgNodes;
EquivClassInfo() : G(0) {}
/// PoolAllocate - The main pool allocation pass
class PoolAllocate : public Pass {
Module *CurModule;
CompleteBUDataStructures *BU;
std::map<Function*, PA::FuncInfo> FunctionInfo;
// Equivalence class where functions that can potentially be called via the
// same function pointer are in the same class.
EquivalenceClasses<Function*> FuncECs;
// Each equivalence class leader has an EquivClassInfo object. This map holds
// them.
typedef std::map<Function*, PA::EquivClassInfo> ECInfoForLeadersMapTy;
ECInfoForLeadersMapTy ECInfoForLeadersMap;
/// OneCalledFunction - For each indirect function call, we keep track of one
/// target of the call. This is used to find the equivalence class called by
/// a call site.
std::map<Instruction*, Function *> OneCalledFunction;
Function *PoolInit, *PoolDestroy, *PoolAlloc, *PoolAllocArray, *PoolFree;
static const Type *PoolDescPtrTy;
const PA::EquivClassInfo &getECIForIndirectCallSite(CallSite CS);
/// GlobalNodes - For each node (with an H marker) in the globals graph, this
/// map contains the global variable that holds the pool descriptor for the
/// node.
std::map<DSNode*, GlobalVariable*> GlobalNodes;
bool run(Module &M);
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const;
CompleteBUDataStructures &getBUDataStructures() const { return *BU; }
//Dinakar to get function info for all (cloned functions)
PA::FuncInfo *getFunctionInfo(Function *F) {
//If it is cloned or not check it out
if (FunctionInfo.count(F))
return &FunctionInfo[F];
else {
//Probably cloned
std::map<Function *, PA::FuncInfo>::iterator fI = FunctionInfo.begin(),
fE = FunctionInfo.end();
for (; fI != fE; ++fI)
if (fI->second.Clone == F)
return &fI->second;
return 0;
PA::FuncInfo *getFuncInfo(Function &F) {
std::map<Function*, PA::FuncInfo>::iterator I = FunctionInfo.find(&F);
return I != FunctionInfo.end() ? &I->second : 0;
Module *getCurModule() { return CurModule; }
/// AddPoolPrototypes - Add prototypes for the pool functions to the
/// specified module and update the Pool* instance variables to point to
/// them.
void AddPoolPrototypes();
/// BuildIndirectFunctionSets - Iterate over the module looking for indirect
/// calls to functions
void BuildIndirectFunctionSets(Module &M);
/// SetupGlobalPools - Create global pools for all DSNodes in the globals
/// graph which contain heap objects. If a global variable points to a piece
/// of memory allocated from the heap, this pool gets a global lifetime.
/// This method returns true if correct pool allocation of the module cannot
/// be performed because there is no main function for the module and there
/// are global pools.
bool SetupGlobalPools(Module &M);
void FindFunctionPoolArgs(Function &F);
/// MakeFunctionClone - If the specified function needs to be modified for
/// pool allocation support, make a clone of it, adding additional arguments
/// as neccesary, and return it. If not, just return null.
Function *MakeFunctionClone(Function &F);
/// ProcessFunctionBody - Rewrite the body of a transformed function to use
/// pool allocation where appropriate.
void ProcessFunctionBody(Function &Old, Function &New);
/// CreatePools - This inserts alloca instruction in the function for all
/// pools specified in the NodesToPA list. This adds an entry to the
/// PoolDescriptors map for each DSNode.
void CreatePools(Function &F, const std::vector<DSNode*> &NodesToPA,
std::map<DSNode*, Value*> &PoolDescriptors);
void TransformBody(DSGraph &g, PA::FuncInfo &fi,
std::set<std::pair<AllocaInst*, Instruction*> > &poolUses,
std::set<std::pair<AllocaInst*, CallInst*> > &poolFrees,
Function &F);
/// InitializeAndDestroyPools - This inserts calls to poolinit and pooldestroy
/// into the function to initialize and destroy the pools in the NodesToPA
/// list.
void InitializeAndDestroyPools(Function &F,
const std::vector<DSNode*> &NodesToPA,
std::map<DSNode*, Value*> &PoolDescriptors,
std::set<std::pair<AllocaInst*, Instruction*> > &PoolUses,
std::set<std::pair<AllocaInst*, CallInst*> > &PoolFrees);
void CalculateLivePoolFreeBlocks(std::set<BasicBlock*> &LiveBlocks,Value *PD);