blob: ed657bcd4e5fe5ee94da8f19371a38d3bf8fd80d [file] [log] [blame]
//===---------- Jnjvm.h - Java virtual machine description ---------------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include <vector>
#include "types.h"
#include "mvm/Allocator.h"
#include "mvm/VirtualMachine.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/Cond.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/Locks.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/ObjectLocks.h"
#include "JnjvmConfig.h"
#include "JNIReferences.h"
#include "LockedMap.h"
namespace mvm {
class MutatorThread;
namespace j3 {
class ArrayObject;
class Classpath;
class CommonClass;
class JavaField;
class JavaMethod;
class JavaObject;
class JavaString;
class JavaThread;
class JavaVirtualTable;
class JnjvmBootstrapLoader;
class JnjvmClassLoader;
class ReferenceThread;
class UserClass;
class UserClassArray;
class UserClassPrimitive;
class UserCommonClass;
class ClArgumentsInfo {
int argc;
char** argv;
uint32 appArgumentsPos;
char* className;
char* jarFile;
std::vector< std::pair<char*, char*> > agents;
void readArgs(Jnjvm *vm);
void extractClassFromJar(Jnjvm* vm, int argc, char** argv, int i);
void javaAgent(char* cur);
void printInformation();
void nyi();
void printVersion();
/// Jnjvm - A JVM. Each execution of a program allocates a Jnjvm.
class Jnjvm : public mvm::VirtualMachine {
friend class JnjvmClassLoader;
/// throwable - The java/lang/Throwable class. In an isolate
/// environment, generated code references this field.
UserClass* throwable;
virtual size_t getObjectSize(mvm::gc* obj);
virtual const char* getObjectTypeName(mvm::gc* obj);
/// CreateError - Creates a Java object of the specified exception class
/// and calling its <init> function.
JavaObject* CreateError(UserClass* cl, JavaMethod* meth, const char* str);
JavaObject* CreateError(UserClass* cl, JavaMethod* meth, JavaString* str);
/// error - Throws an exception in the execution of a JVM for the thread
/// that calls this functions. This is used internally by Jnjvm to control
/// which pair class/method are used.
void error(UserClass* cl, JavaMethod* meth, JavaString*);
/// errorWithExcp - Throws an exception whose cause is the Java object excp.
void errorWithExcp(UserClass* cl, JavaMethod* meth, const JavaObject* excp);
/// loadAppClassLoader - Loads the application class loader, so that VMKit
/// knowns which loader has to load the main class.
JnjvmClassLoader* loadAppClassLoader();
/// executeClass - Executes in the given JVM this main class with the given
/// Java args.
void executeClass(const char* className, ArrayObject* args);
/// executePremain - Executes the premain class for the java/lang/instrument
/// feature.
void executePremain(const char* className, JavaString* args,
JavaObject* instrumenter);
/// mainJavaStart - Starts the execution of the application in a Java thread.
static void mainJavaStart(mvm::Thread* thread);
/// tracer - Traces instances of this class.
virtual void tracer(uintptr_t closure);
/// dirSeparator - Directory separator for file paths, e.g. '\' for windows,
/// '/' for Unix.
static const char* dirSeparator;
/// envSeparator - Paths separator for environment variables, e.g. ':'.
static const char* envSeparator;
/// Magic - The magic number at the beginning of each .class file. 0xcafebabe.
static const unsigned int Magic;
/// bootstraLoader - Bootstrap loader for base classes of this virtual
/// machine.
JnjvmBootstrapLoader* bootstrapLoader;
/// upcalls - Upcalls to call Java methods and access Java fields.
Classpath* upcalls;
/// lockSystem - The lock system to allocate and manage Java locks.
mvm::LockSystem lockSystem;
/// argumentsInfo - The command line arguments given to the vm
ClArgumentsInfo argumentsInfo;
/// jniEnv - The JNI environment of this JVM.
void* jniEnv;
/// javavmEnv - The Java VM environment of this JVM.
const void* javavmEnv;
/// postProperties - Properties set at runtime and in command line.
std::vector< std::pair<char*, char*> > postProperties;
/// classpath - The CLASSPATH value, or the paths given in command line.
const char* classpath;
/// globalRefs - Global references that JNI wants to protect.
JNIGlobalReferences globalRefs;
/// globalRefsLock - Lock for adding a new global reference.
mvm::LockNormal globalRefsLock;
/// appClassLoader - The bootstrap class loader.
JnjvmClassLoader* appClassLoader;
/// hashStr - Hash map of java/lang/String objects allocated by this JVM.
StringMap hashStr;
mvm::VirtualTable* VMClassLoader__VT;
void initialiseInternalVTs();
/// CreateExceptions - These are the runtime exceptions thrown by Java code
/// compiled by VMKit.
JavaObject* CreateNullPointerException();
JavaObject* CreateOutOfMemoryError();
JavaObject* CreateIndexOutOfBoundsException(sint32 entry);
JavaObject* CreateNegativeArraySizeException();
JavaObject* CreateClassCastException(JavaObject* obj, UserCommonClass* cl);
JavaObject* CreateArithmeticException();
JavaObject* CreateStackOverflowError();
JavaObject* CreateLinkageError(const char* msg);
JavaObject* CreateArrayStoreException(JavaVirtualTable* VT);
JavaObject* CreateUnsatisfiedLinkError(JavaMethod* meth);
/// Exceptions - These are the only exceptions VMKit will make.
void arrayStoreException();
void indexOutOfBounds(const JavaObject* obj, sint32 entry);
void negativeArraySizeException(int size);
void nullPointerException();
void illegalAccessException(const char* msg);
void illegalMonitorStateException(const JavaObject* obj);
void interruptedException(const JavaObject* obj);
void initializerError(const JavaObject* excp);
void invocationTargetException(const JavaObject* obj);
void outOfMemoryError();
void noClassDefFoundError(JavaObject* obj);
void instantiationException(UserCommonClass* cl);
void instantiationError(UserCommonClass* cl);
void illegalArgumentException(const char* msg);
void classCastException(JavaObject* obj, UserCommonClass* cl);
void noSuchFieldError(CommonClass* cl, const UTF8* name);
void noSuchMethodError(CommonClass* cl, const UTF8* name);
void abstractMethodError(CommonClass* cl, const UTF8* name);
void noClassDefFoundError(const UTF8* name);
void classNotFoundException(JavaString* str);
void noClassDefFoundError(UserClass* cl, const UTF8* name);
void classFormatError(const char* str);
/// asciizToStr - Constructs a java/lang/String object from the given asciiz.
JavaString* asciizToStr(const char* asciiz);
/// UTF8ToStr - Constructs a java/lang/String object from the given UTF8.
JavaString* constructString(const ArrayUInt16* array);
/// UTF8ToStr - Constructs a java/lang/String object from the given internal
/// UTF8, thus duplicating the UTF8.
JavaString* internalUTF8ToStr(const UTF8* utf8);
/// asciizToUTF8 - Constructs an UTF8 out of the asciiz.
ArrayUInt16* asciizToArray(const char* asciiz);
/// finalizeObject - invoke the finalizer of a java object
virtual void finalizeObject(mvm::gc* obj);
/// getReferentPtr - return the referent of a reference
virtual mvm::gc** getReferent(mvm::gc* ref);
/// setReferentPtr - set the referent of a reference
virtual void setReferent(mvm::gc* ref, mvm::gc* val);
/// enqueueReference - enqueue the reference
virtual bool enqueueReference(mvm::gc* _obj);
/// ~Jnjvm - Destroy the JVM.
/// addProperty - Adds a new property in the postProperties map.
void addProperty(char* key, char* value);
/// setClasspath - Sets the application classpath for the JVM.
void setClasspath(char* cp) {
classpath = cp;
/// Jnjvm - Allocates a new JVM.
Jnjvm(mvm::BumpPtrAllocator& Alloc, mvm::VMKit* vmkit, JavaCompiler* Comp, bool dlLoad);
/// runApplicationImpl - function executed in a thread after a call to runApplication
virtual void runApplicationImpl(int argc, char** argv);
/// buildVMThreadData - allocate a java thread for the underlying mutator. Called when the java thread is a foreign thread.
virtual mvm::VMThreadData* buildVMThreadData(mvm::Thread* mut);
/// loadBootstrap - Bootstraps the JVM, getting the class loader, initializing
/// bootstrap classes (e.g. java/lang/Class, java/lang/Exception) and
/// mapping the initial thread.
void loadBootstrap();
// asjavaException - convert from gc to JavaObject. Will be used to identify the points
// where we must test the original vm of the exception
static JavaObject* asJavaException(mvm::gc* o) { llvm_gcroot(o, 0); return (JavaObject*)o; }
} // end namespace j3