blob: 01429250c503f1260f340841fb02b9b0108b66fc [file] [log] [blame]
//===-------- JavaClass.h - Java class representation -------------------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "types.h"
#include "mvm/Allocator.h"
#include "mvm/MethodInfo.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/Cond.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/Locks.h"
#include "JavaAccess.h"
#include "JavaObject.h"
#include "JnjvmClassLoader.h"
#include "JnjvmConfig.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <set>
namespace j3 {
class ArrayObject;
class ArrayUInt8;
class ArrayUInt16;
class Class;
class ClassArray;
class ClassBytes;
class JavaArray;
class JavaConstantPool;
class JavaField;
class JavaMethod;
class JavaObject;
class JavaVirtualTable;
class Reader;
class Signdef;
class Typedef;
/// JavaState - List of states a Java class can have. A class is ready to be
/// used (i.e allocating instances of the class, calling methods of the class
/// and accessing static fields of the class) when it is in the ready state.
#define loaded 0 /// The .class file has been found.
#define resolving 1 /// The .class file is being resolved.
#define resolved 2 /// The class has been resolved.
#define vmjc 3 /// The class is defined in a shared library.
#define inClinit 4 /// The class is cliniting.
#define ready 5 /// The class is ready to be used.
#define erroneous 6 /// The class is in an erroneous state.
class AnnotationReader {
Reader& reader;
Class* cl;
uint16 AnnotationNameIndex;
AnnotationReader(Reader& R, Class* C) : reader(R), cl(C),
AnnotationNameIndex(0) {}
void readAnnotation();
void readElementValue();
/// Attribut - This class represents JVM attributes to Java class, methods and
/// fields located in the .class file.
class Attribut : public mvm::PermanentObject {
/// name - The name of the attribut. These are specified in the JVM book.
/// Experimental attributes exist, but the JnJVM does nor parse them.
const UTF8* name;
/// start - The offset in the class of this attribut.
uint32 start;
/// nbb - The size of the attribut.
uint32 nbb;
/// Attribut - Create an attribut at the given length and offset.
Attribut(const UTF8* name, uint32 length, uint32 offset);
Attribut() {}
/// codeAttribut - The "Code" JVM attribut. This is a method attribut for
/// finding the bytecode of a method in the .class file.
static const UTF8* codeAttribut;
/// annotationsAttribut - The "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations" JVM attribut.
/// This is a method attribut for getting the runtime annotations.
static const UTF8* annotationsAttribut;
/// exceptionsAttribut - The "Exceptions" attribut. This is a method
/// attribut for finding the exception table of a method in the .class
/// file.
static const UTF8* exceptionsAttribut;
/// constantAttribut - The "ConstantValue" attribut. This is a field attribut
/// when the field has a static constant value.
static const UTF8* constantAttribut;
/// lineNumberTableAttribut - The "LineNumberTable" attribut. This is used
/// for corresponding JVM bytecode to source line in the .java file.
static const UTF8* lineNumberTableAttribut;
/// innerClassAttribut - The "InnerClasses" attribut. This is a class attribut
/// for knowing the inner/outer informations of a Java class.
static const UTF8* innerClassesAttribut;
/// sourceFileAttribut - The "SourceFile" attribut. This is a class attribut
/// and gives the correspondance between a class and the name of its Java
/// file.
static const UTF8* sourceFileAttribut;
/// TaskClassMirror - The isolate specific class information: the initialization
/// state and the static instance. In a non-isolate environment, there is only
/// one instance of a TaskClassMirror per Class.
class TaskClassMirror {
/// status - The state.
uint8 status;
/// initialized - Is the class initialized?
bool initialized;
/// staticInstance - Memory that holds the static variables of the class.
void* staticInstance;
/// CommonClass - This class is the root class of all Java classes. It is
/// GC-allocated because CommonClasses have to be traceable. A java/lang/Class
/// object that stays in memory has a reference to the class. Same for
/// super or interfaces.
class CommonClass : public mvm::PermanentObject {
// If you want to add new fields or modify the types of fields, you must also
// change their LLVM representation in LLVMRuntime/runtime-*.ll, and their
// offsets in JnjvmModule.cpp.
/// delegatees - The java/lang/Class delegatee.
JavaObject* delegatee[NR_ISOLATES];
/// access - {public, private, protected}.
uint16 access;
/// interfaces - The interfaces this class implements.
Class** interfaces;
uint16 nbInterfaces;
/// name - The name of the class.
const UTF8* name;
/// super - The parent of this class.
Class * super;
/// classLoader - The Jnjvm class loader that loaded the class.
JnjvmClassLoader* classLoader;
/// virtualVT - The virtual table of instances of this class.
JavaVirtualTable* virtualVT;
// End field declaration.
bool isSecondaryClass() {
return virtualVT->offset == JavaVirtualTable::getCacheIndex();
// Assessor methods.
uint32 getAccess() const { return access; }
Class** getInterfaces() const { return interfaces; }
const UTF8* getName() const { return name; }
Class* getSuper() const { return super; }
/// isArray - Is the class an array class?
bool isArray() const {
return j3::isArray(access);
/// isPrimitive - Is the class a primitive class?
bool isPrimitive() const {
return j3::isPrimitive(access);
/// isInterface - Is the class an interface?
bool isInterface() const {
return j3::isInterface(access);
/// isClass - Is the class a real, instantiable class?
bool isClass() const {
return j3::isClass(access);
/// asClass - Returns the class as a user-defined class
/// if it is not a primitive or an array.
UserClass* asClass() {
if (isClass()) return (UserClass*)this;
return 0;
/// asClass - Returns the class as a user-defined class
/// if it is not a primitive or an array.
const UserClass* asClass() const {
if (isClass()) return (const UserClass*)this;
return 0;
/// asPrimitiveClass - Returns the class if it's a primitive class.
UserClassPrimitive* asPrimitiveClass() {
if (isPrimitive()) return (UserClassPrimitive*)this;
return 0;
const UserClassPrimitive* asPrimitiveClass() const {
if (isPrimitive()) return (const UserClassPrimitive*)this;
return 0;
/// asArrayClass - Returns the class if it's an array class.
UserClassArray* asArrayClass() {
if (isArray()) return (UserClassArray*)this;
return 0;
const UserClassArray* asArrayClass() const {
if (isArray()) return (const UserClassArray*)this;
return 0;
/// tracer - The tracer of this GC-allocated class.
void tracer(uintptr_t closure);
/// inheritName - Does this class in its class hierarchy inherits
/// the given name? Equality is on the name. This function does not take
/// into account array classes.
bool inheritName(const uint16* buf, uint32 len);
/// isOfTypeName - Does this class inherits the given name? Equality is on
/// the name. This function takes into account array classes.
bool isOfTypeName(const UTF8* Tname);
/// isAssignableFrom - Is this class assignable from the given class? The
/// classes may be of any type.
bool isAssignableFrom(CommonClass* cl);
/// getClassDelegatee - Return the java/lang/Class representation of this
/// class.
JavaObject* getClassDelegatee(JavaObject* pd = NULL);
/// getClassDelegateePtr - Return a pointer on the java/lang/Class
/// representation of this class. Used for JNI.
JavaObject* const* getClassDelegateePtr(JavaObject* pd = NULL);
/// CommonClass - Create a class with th given name.
CommonClass(JnjvmClassLoader* loader, const UTF8* name);
/// ~CommonClass - Free memory used by this class, and remove it from
/// metadata.
/// setInterfaces - Set the interfaces of the class.
void setInterfaces(Class** I) {
interfaces = I;
/// toPrimitive - Returns the primitive class which represents
/// this class, ie void for java/lang/Void.
UserClassPrimitive* toPrimitive() const;
/// getInternal - Return the class.
CommonClass* getInternal() {
return this;
/// setDelegatee - Set the java/lang/Class object of this class.
JavaObject* setDelegatee(JavaObject* val);
/// getDelegatee - Get the java/lang/Class object representing this class.
JavaObject* getDelegatee() const {
return delegatee[0];
/// getDelegatee - Get a pointer on the java/lang/Class object
/// representing this class.
JavaObject* const* getDelegateePtr() const {
return delegatee;
/// resolvedImplClass - Return the internal representation of the
/// java.lang.Class object. The class must be resolved.
static UserCommonClass* resolvedImplClass(JavaObject* delegatee,
bool doClinit);
void* operator new(size_t sz, mvm::BumpPtrAllocator& allocator) {
return GC_MALLOC(sz);
/// ClassPrimitive - This class represents internal classes for primitive
/// types, e.g. java/lang/Integer.TYPE.
class ClassPrimitive : public CommonClass {
/// logSize - The log size of this class, eg 2 for int.
uint32 logSize;
/// ClassPrimitive - Constructs a primitive class. Only called at boot
/// time.
ClassPrimitive(JnjvmClassLoader* loader, const UTF8* name, uint32 nb);
/// byteIdToPrimitive - Get the primitive class from its byte representation,
/// ie int for I.
static UserClassPrimitive* byteIdToPrimitive(char id, Classpath* upcalls);
/// Class - This class is the representation of Java regular classes (i.e not
/// array or primitive). Theses classes have a constant pool.
class Class : public CommonClass {
/// virtualSize - The size of instances of this class.
uint32 virtualSize;
/// aligment - Alignment of instances of this class.
uint32 alignment;
/// IsolateInfo - Per isolate informations for static instances and
/// initialization state.
TaskClassMirror IsolateInfo[NR_ISOLATES];
/// virtualFields - List of all the virtual fields defined in this class.
/// This does not contain non-redefined super fields.
JavaField* virtualFields;
/// nbVirtualFields - The number of virtual fields.
uint16 nbVirtualFields;
/// staticFields - List of all the static fields defined in this class.
JavaField* staticFields;
/// nbStaticFields - The number of static fields.
uint16 nbStaticFields;
/// virtualMethods - List of all the virtual methods defined by this class.
/// This does not contain non-redefined super methods.
JavaMethod* virtualMethods;
/// nbVirtualMethods - The number of virtual methods.
uint16 nbVirtualMethods;
/// staticMethods - List of all the static methods defined by this class.
JavaMethod* staticMethods;
/// nbStaticMethods - The number of static methods.
uint16 nbStaticMethods;
/// ownerClass - Who is initializing this class.
mvm::Thread* ownerClass;
/// bytes - The .class file of this class.
ClassBytes* bytes;
/// ctpInfo - The constant pool info of this class.
JavaConstantPool* ctpInfo;
/// attributs - JVM attributes of this class.
Attribut* attributs;
/// nbAttributs - The number of attributes.
uint16 nbAttributs;
/// innerClasses - The inner classes of this class.
Class** innerClasses;
/// nbInnerClasses - The number of inner classes.
uint16 nbInnerClasses;
/// outerClass - The outer class, if this class is an inner class.
Class* outerClass;
/// innerAccess - The access of this class, if this class is an inner class.
uint16 innerAccess;
/// innerOuterResolved - Is the inner/outer resolution done?
bool innerOuterResolved;
/// isAnonymous - Is the class an anonymous class?
bool isAnonymous;
/// virtualTableSize - The size of the virtual table of this class.
uint32 virtualTableSize;
/// staticSize - The size of the static instance of this class.
uint32 staticSize;
/// getVirtualSize - Get the virtual size of instances of this class.
uint32 getVirtualSize() const { return virtualSize; }
/// getVirtualVT - Get the virtual VT of instances of this class.
JavaVirtualTable* getVirtualVT() const { return virtualVT; }
/// getOwnerClass - Get the thread that is currently initializing the class.
mvm::Thread* getOwnerClass() const {
return ownerClass;
/// setOwnerClass - Set the thread that is currently initializing the class.
void setOwnerClass(mvm::Thread* th) {
ownerClass = th;
/// getOuterClass - Get the class that contains the definition of this class.
Class* getOuterClass() const {
return outerClass;
/// getInnterClasses - Get the classes that this class defines.
Class** getInnerClasses() const {
return innerClasses;
/// lookupMethodDontThrow - Lookup a method in the method map of this class.
/// Do not throw if the method is not found.
JavaMethod* lookupMethodDontThrow(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type,
bool isStatic, bool recurse, Class** cl);
/// lookupInterfaceMethodDontThrow - Lookup a method in the interfaces of
/// this class.
/// Do not throw if the method is not found.
JavaMethod* lookupInterfaceMethodDontThrow(const UTF8* name,
const UTF8* type);
/// lookupSpecialMethodDontThrow - Lookup a method following the
/// invokespecial specification.
/// Do not throw if the method is not found.
JavaMethod* lookupSpecialMethodDontThrow(const UTF8* name,
const UTF8* type,
Class* current);
/// lookupMethod - Lookup a method and throw an exception if not found.
JavaMethod* lookupMethod(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type, bool isStatic,
bool recurse, Class** cl);
/// lookupInterfaceMethodDontThrow - Lookup a method in the interfaces of
/// this class.
/// Throws a MethodNotFoundError if the method can not ne found.
JavaMethod* lookupInterfaceMethod(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type);
/// lookupFieldDontThrow - Lookup a field in the field map of this class. Do
/// not throw if the field is not found.
JavaField* lookupFieldDontThrow(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type,
bool isStatic, bool recurse,
Class** definingClass);
/// lookupField - Lookup a field and throw an exception if not found.
JavaField* lookupField(const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type, bool isStatic,
bool recurse, Class** definingClass);
/// Assessor methods.
JavaField* getStaticFields() const { return staticFields; }
JavaField* getVirtualFields() const { return virtualFields; }
JavaMethod* getStaticMethods() const { return staticMethods; }
JavaMethod* getVirtualMethods() const { return virtualMethods; }
/// setInnerAccess - Set the access flags of this inner class.
void setInnerAccess(uint16 access) {
innerAccess = access;
/// getStaticSize - Get the size of the static instance.
uint32 getStaticSize() const {
return staticSize;
/// doNew - Allocates a Java object whose class is this class.
JavaObject* doNew();
/// tracer - Tracer function of instances of Class.
void tracer(uintptr_t closure);
/// lookupAttribut - Look up a JVM attribut of this class.
Attribut* lookupAttribut(const UTF8* key);
/// allocateStaticInstance - Allocate the static instance of this class.
void* allocateStaticInstance();
/// Class - Create a class in the given virtual machine and with the given
/// name.
Class(JnjvmClassLoader* loader, const UTF8* name, ClassBytes* bytes);
/// readParents - Reads the parents, i.e. super and interfaces, of the class.
void readParents(Reader& reader);
/// loadExceptions - Loads and resolves the exception classes used in catch
/// clauses of methods defined in this class.
void loadExceptions();
/// readAttributs - Reads the attributs of the class.
Attribut* readAttributs(Reader& reader, uint16& size);
/// readFields - Reads the fields of the class.
void readFields(Reader& reader);
/// readMethods - Reads the methods of the class.
void readMethods(Reader& reader);
/// readClass - Reads the class.
void readClass();
/// getConstantPool - Get the constant pool of the class.
JavaConstantPool* getConstantPool() const {
return ctpInfo;
/// getBytes - Get the bytes of the class file.
ClassBytes* getBytes() const {
return bytes;
/// resolveInnerOuterClasses - Resolve the inner/outer information.
void resolveInnerOuterClasses();
/// resolveClass - If the class has not been resolved yet, resolve it.
void resolveClass();
void resolveParents();
/// initialiseClass - If the class has not been initialized yet,
/// initialize it.
void initialiseClass();
/// acquire - Acquire this class lock.
void acquire();
/// release - Release this class lock.
void release();
/// waitClass - Wait for the class to be loaded/initialized/resolved.
void waitClass();
/// broadcastClass - Unblock threads that were waiting on the class being
/// loaded/initialized/resolved.
void broadcastClass();
/// getCurrentTaskClassMirror - Get the class task mirror of the executing
/// isolate.
TaskClassMirror& getCurrentTaskClassMirror() {
return IsolateInfo[0];
/// isReadyForCompilation - Can this class be inlined when JITing?
bool isReadyForCompilation() {
return isReady();
/// setResolved - Set the status of the class as resolved.
void setResolved() {
getCurrentTaskClassMirror().status = resolved;
/// setErroneous - Set the class as erroneous.
void setErroneous() {
getCurrentTaskClassMirror().status = erroneous;
/// setIsResolving - The class file is being resolved.
void setIsResolving() {
getCurrentTaskClassMirror().status = resolving;
/// getStaticInstance - Get the memory that holds static variables.
void* getStaticInstance() {
return getCurrentTaskClassMirror().staticInstance;
/// setStaticInstance - Set the memory that holds static variables.
void setStaticInstance(void* val) {
getCurrentTaskClassMirror().staticInstance = val;
/// getInitializationState - Get the state of the class.
uint8 getInitializationState() {
return getCurrentTaskClassMirror().status;
/// setInitializationState - Set the state of the class.
void setInitializationState(uint8 st) {
TaskClassMirror& TCM = getCurrentTaskClassMirror();
TCM.status = st;
if (st == ready) TCM.initialized = true;
/// isReady - Has this class been initialized?
bool isReady() {
return getCurrentTaskClassMirror().status == ready;
/// isInitializing - Is the class currently being initialized?
bool isInitializing() {
return getCurrentTaskClassMirror().status >= inClinit;
/// isResolved - Has this class been resolved?
bool isResolved() {
uint8 stat = getCurrentTaskClassMirror().status;
return (stat >= resolved && stat != erroneous);
/// isErroneous - Is the class in an erroneous state.
bool isErroneous() {
return getCurrentTaskClassMirror().status == erroneous;
/// isResolving - Is the class currently being resolved?
bool isResolving() {
return getCurrentTaskClassMirror().status == resolving;
/// isNativeOverloaded - Is the method overloaded with a native function?
bool isNativeOverloaded(JavaMethod* meth);
/// needsInitialisationCheck - Does the method need an initialisation check?
bool needsInitialisationCheck();
/// fillIMT - Fill the vector with vectors of methods with the same IMT
/// index.
void fillIMT(std::set<JavaMethod*>* meths);
/// makeVT - Create the virtual table of this class.
void makeVT();
/// ClassArray - This class represents Java array classes.
class ClassArray : public CommonClass {
/// _baseClass - The base class of the array.
CommonClass* _baseClass;
/// baseClass - Get the base class of this array class.
CommonClass* baseClass() const {
return _baseClass;
/// doNew - Allocate a new array in the given vm.
JavaObject* doNew(sint32 n);
/// ClassArray - Construct a Java array class with the given name.
ClassArray(JnjvmClassLoader* loader, const UTF8* name,
UserCommonClass* baseClass);
/// SuperArray - The super of class arrays. Namely java/lang/Object.
static Class* SuperArray;
/// InterfacesArray - The list of interfaces for array classes.
static Class** InterfacesArray;
/// initialiseVT - Initialise the primitive and reference array VT.
/// super is the java/lang/Object class.
static void initialiseVT(Class* javaLangObject);
class CodeLineInfo : public mvm::PermanentObject {
uintptr_t address;
uint16 bytecodeIndex;
// TODO: Use these fields when inlining.
JavaMethod* executingMethod;
// The code where the inlined method starts.
CodeLineInfo* inlineLocation;
/// JavaMethod - This class represents Java methods.
class JavaMethod : public mvm::PermanentObject {
/// _signature - The signature of this method. Null if not resolved.
Signdef* _signature;
enum Type {
/// constructMethod - Create a new method.
void initialise(Class* cl, const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type, uint16 access);
/// compiledPtr - Return a pointer to the compiled code of this Java method,
/// compiling it if necessary.
void* compiledPtr();
/// setNative - Set the method as native.
void setNative();
/// JavaMethod - Delete the method as well as the cache enveloppes and
/// attributes of the method.
/// access - Java access type of this method (e.g. private, public...).
uint16 access;
/// attributs - List of Java attributs of this method.
Attribut* attributs;
/// nbAttributs - The number of attributes.
uint16 nbAttributs;
/// classDef - The Java class where the method is defined.
Class* classDef;
/// name - The name of the method.
const UTF8* name;
/// type - The UTF8 signature of the method.
const UTF8* type;
/// canBeInlined - Can the method be inlined?
bool canBeInlined;
/// code - Pointer to the compiled code of this method.
void* code;
/// codeInfo - Array of CodeLineInfo objects.
CodeLineInfo* codeInfo;
/// codeInfoLength - Number of entries in the codeInfo field.
uint16 codeInfoLength;
/// offset - The index of the method in the virtual table.
uint32 offset;
/// lookupAttribut - Look up an attribut in the method's attributs. Returns
/// null if the attribut is not found.
Attribut* lookupAttribut(const UTF8* key);
/// lookupLineNumber - Find the line number based on the given instruction
/// pointer.
uint16 lookupLineNumber(uintptr_t ip);
/// lookupCtpIndex - Lookup the constant pool index pointed by the opcode
/// related to the given instruction pointer.
uint16 lookupCtpIndex(uintptr_t ip);
/// lookupCodeLineInfo - Lookup the code line info related to the given
/// instruction pointer.
CodeLineInfo* lookupCodeLineInfo(uintptr_t ip);
/// getSignature - Get the signature of thes method, resolving it if
/// necessary.
Signdef* getSignature() {
_signature = classDef->classLoader->constructSign(type);
return _signature;
/// toString - Return an array of chars, suitable for creating a string.
ArrayUInt16* toString() const;
/// jniConsFromMeth - Construct the JNI name of this method as if
/// there is no other function in the class with the same name.
void jniConsFromMeth(char* buf) const {
jniConsFromMeth(buf, classDef->name, name, type, isSynthetic(access));
/// jniConsFromMethOverloaded - Construct the JNI name of this method
/// as if its name is overloaded in the class.
void jniConsFromMethOverloaded(char* buf) const {
jniConsFromMethOverloaded(buf, classDef->name, name, type,
/// jniConsFromMeth - Construct the non-overloaded JNI name with
/// the given name and type.
static void jniConsFromMeth(char* buf, const UTF8* clName, const UTF8* name,
const UTF8* sign, bool synthetic);
/// jniConsFromMethOverloaded - Construct the overloaded JNI name with
/// the given name and type.
static void jniConsFromMethOverloaded(char* buf, const UTF8* clName,
const UTF8* name, const UTF8* sign,
bool synthetic);
/// getParameterTypes - Get the java.lang.Class of the parameters of
/// the method, with the given class loader.
ArrayObject* getParameterTypes(JnjvmClassLoader* loader);
/// getExceptionTypes - Get the java.lang.Class of the exceptions of the
/// method, with the given class loader.
ArrayObject* getExceptionTypes(JnjvmClassLoader* loader);
/// getReturnType - Get the java.lang.Class of the result of the method,
/// with the given class loader.
JavaObject* getReturnType(JnjvmClassLoader* loader);
// Upcalls from JnJVM code to Java code.
/// This class of methods takes a variable argument list.
uint32 invokeIntSpecialAP(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
float invokeFloatSpecialAP(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
double invokeDoubleSpecialAP(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj,
va_list ap) __attribute__ ((noinline));
sint64 invokeLongSpecialAP(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
JavaObject* invokeJavaObjectSpecialAP(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj,
va_list ap) __attribute__ ((noinline));
uint32 invokeIntVirtualAP(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
float invokeFloatVirtualAP(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
double invokeDoubleVirtualAP(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj,
va_list ap) __attribute__ ((noinline));
sint64 invokeLongVirtualAP(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
JavaObject* invokeJavaObjectVirtualAP(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj,
va_list ap) __attribute__ ((noinline));
uint32 invokeIntStaticAP(UserClass*, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
float invokeFloatStaticAP(UserClass*, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
double invokeDoubleStaticAP(UserClass*, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
sint64 invokeLongStaticAP(UserClass*, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
JavaObject* invokeJavaObjectStaticAP(UserClass*, va_list ap)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
/// This class of methods takes a buffer which contain the arguments of the
/// call.
uint32 invokeIntSpecialBuf(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
float invokeFloatSpecialBuf(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
double invokeDoubleSpecialBuf(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj,
void* buf) __attribute__ ((noinline));
sint64 invokeLongSpecialBuf(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
JavaObject* invokeJavaObjectSpecialBuf(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj,
void* buf) __attribute__ ((noinline));
uint32 invokeIntVirtualBuf(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
float invokeFloatVirtualBuf(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
double invokeDoubleVirtualBuf(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj,
void* buf) __attribute__ ((noinline));
sint64 invokeLongVirtualBuf(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
JavaObject* invokeJavaObjectVirtualBuf(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj,
void* buf) __attribute__ ((noinline));
uint32 invokeIntStaticBuf(UserClass*, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
float invokeFloatStaticBuf(UserClass*, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
double invokeDoubleStaticBuf(UserClass*, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
sint64 invokeLongStaticBuf(UserClass*, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
JavaObject* invokeJavaObjectStaticBuf(UserClass*, void* buf)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
/// This class of methods is variadic.
uint32 invokeIntSpecial(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
float invokeFloatSpecial(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
double invokeDoubleSpecial(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
sint64 invokeLongSpecial(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
JavaObject* invokeJavaObjectSpecial(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj,
...) __attribute__ ((noinline));
uint32 invokeIntVirtual(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
float invokeFloatVirtual(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
double invokeDoubleVirtual(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
sint64 invokeLongVirtual(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
JavaObject* invokeJavaObjectVirtual(UserClass*, JavaObject* obj,
...) __attribute__ ((noinline));
uint32 invokeIntStatic(UserClass*, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
float invokeFloatStatic(UserClass*, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
double invokeDoubleStatic(UserClass*, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
sint64 invokeLongStatic(UserClass*, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
JavaObject* invokeJavaObjectStatic(UserClass*, ...)
__attribute__ ((noinline));
#define JNI_NAME_PRE "Java_"
#define JNI_NAME_PRE_LEN 5
/// JavaField - This class represents a Java field.
class JavaField : public mvm::PermanentObject {
/// _signature - The signature of the field. Null if not resolved.
Typedef* _signature;
/// InitField - Set an initial value to the field.
void InitStaticField(uint64 val);
void InitStaticField(JavaObject* val);
void InitStaticField(double val);
void InitStaticField(float val);
void InitNullStaticField();
/// constructField - Create a new field.
void initialise(Class* cl, const UTF8* name, const UTF8* type, uint16 access);
/// ~JavaField - Destroy the field as well as its attributes.
/// access - The Java access type of this field (e.g. public, private).
uint16 access;
/// name - The name of the field.
const UTF8* name;
/// type - The UTF8 type name of the field.
const UTF8* type;
/// attributs - List of Java attributs for this field.
Attribut* attributs;
/// nbAttributs - The number of attributes.
uint16 nbAttributs;
/// classDef - The class where the field is defined.
Class* classDef;
/// ptrOffset - The offset of the field when the object containing
/// the field is casted to an array of bytes.
uint32 ptrOffset;
/// num - The index of the field in the field list.
uint16 num;
/// getSignature - Get the signature of this field, resolving it if
/// necessary.
Typedef* getSignature() {
_signature = classDef->classLoader->constructType(type);
return _signature;
/// InitStaticField - Init the value of the field in the given object. This is
/// used for static fields which have a default value.
void InitStaticField();
/// lookupAttribut - Look up the attribut in the field's list of attributs.
Attribut* lookupAttribut(const UTF8* key);
JavaObject** getStaticObjectFieldPtr() {
return (JavaObject**)((uint64)classDef->getStaticInstance() + ptrOffset);
JavaObject** getInstanceObjectFieldPtr(JavaObject* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
return (JavaObject**)((uint64)obj + ptrOffset);
/// getStatic*Field - Get a static field.
TYPE getStatic##TYPE_NAME##Field() { \
assert(classDef->isResolved()); \
void* ptr = (void*)((uint64)classDef->getStaticInstance() + ptrOffset); \
return ((TYPE*)ptr)[0]; \
/// setStatic*Field - Set a field of an object.
void setStatic##TYPE_NAME##Field(TYPE val) { \
assert(classDef->isResolved()); \
void* ptr = (void*)((uint64)classDef->getStaticInstance() + ptrOffset); \
((TYPE*)ptr)[0] = val; \
/// getInstance*Field - Get an instance field.
TYPE getInstance##TYPE_NAME##Field(JavaObject* obj) { \
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0); \
assert(classDef->isResolved()); \
void* ptr = (void*)((uint64)obj + ptrOffset); \
return ((TYPE*)ptr)[0]; \
/// setInstance*Field - Set an instance field.
void setInstance##TYPE_NAME##Field(JavaObject* obj, TYPE val) { \
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0); \
assert(classDef->isResolved()); \
void* ptr = (void*)((uint64)obj + ptrOffset); \
((TYPE*)ptr)[0] = val; \
MK_ASSESSORS(float, Float);
MK_ASSESSORS(double, Double);
MK_ASSESSORS(uint8, Int8);
MK_ASSESSORS(uint16, Int16);
MK_ASSESSORS(uint32, Int32);
MK_ASSESSORS(sint64, Long);
JavaObject* getStaticObjectField() {
void* ptr = (void*)((uint64)classDef->getStaticInstance() + ptrOffset);
return ((JavaObject**)ptr)[0];
void setStaticObjectField(JavaObject* val) {
llvm_gcroot(val, 0);
if (val != NULL) assert(val->getVirtualTable());
void* ptr = (void*)((uint64)classDef->getStaticInstance() + ptrOffset);
((JavaObject**)ptr)[0] = val;
JavaObject* getInstanceObjectField(JavaObject* obj) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
void* ptr = (void*)((uint64)obj + ptrOffset);
return ((JavaObject**)ptr)[0];
void setInstanceObjectField(JavaObject* obj, JavaObject* val) {
llvm_gcroot(obj, 0);
llvm_gcroot(val, 0);
if (val != NULL) assert(val->getVirtualTable());
void* ptr = (void*)((uint64)obj + ptrOffset);
((JavaObject**)ptr)[0] = val;
bool isReference() {
uint16 val = type->elements[0];
return (val == '[' || val == 'L');
} // end namespace j3