blob: 20dc6b82f2b6d8f27171a3316a8797a6b5464570 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--------- VirtualMachine.h - Registering a VM ------------------------===//
// The VMKit project
// This file is distributed under the University of Pierre et Marie Curie
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "mvm/Allocator.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/CollectionRV.h"
#include "mvm/Threads/Locks.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <map>
namespace mvm {
/// VirtualMachine - This class is the root of virtual machine classes. It
/// defines what a VM should be.
class VirtualMachine : public mvm::PermanentObject {
friend class VMKit;
VirtualMachine(mvm::BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc) : allocator(Alloc) {}
VirtualMachine(mvm::BumpPtrAllocator &Alloc, mvm::VMKit* vmk);
virtual ~VirtualMachine();
/// allocator - Bump pointer allocator to allocate permanent memory
/// related to this VM.
mvm::BumpPtrAllocator& allocator;
/// vmkit - a pointer to vmkit that contains information on all the vms
mvm::VMKit* vmkit;
/// vmID - id of the vm
size_t vmID;
// (1) thread-related methods.
/// buildVMThreadData - allocate a java thread for the underlying mutator. Called when the java thread is a foreign thread.
virtual VMThreadData* buildVMThreadData(Thread* mut) { return new VMThreadData(this, mut); }
/// runApplicationImpl - code executed after a runApplication in a vmkit thread
virtual void runApplicationImpl(int argc, char** argv) {}
/// runApplication - launch runApplicationImpl in a vmkit thread. The vmData is not allocated.
void runApplication(int argc, char** argv);
/// runApplication - launch starter in a vmkit thread. The vmData is not allocated.
void runApplication(void (*starter)(VirtualMachine* vm, int argc, char** argv), int argc, char** argv);
// (2) GC-related methods.
/// startCollection - Preliminary code before starting a GC.
virtual void startCollection() {}
/// endCollection - Code after running a GC.
virtual void endCollection() {}
/// finalizeObject - invoke the finalizer of a java object
virtual void finalizeObject(mvm::gc* obj) = 0;
/// getReferentPtr - return the referent of a reference
virtual mvm::gc** getReferent(mvm::gc* ref) = 0;
/// setReferentPtr - set the referent of a reference
virtual void setReferent(mvm::gc* ref, mvm::gc* val) = 0;
/// enqueueReference - enqueue the reference
virtual bool enqueueReference(mvm::gc* _obj) = 0;
/// tracer - Trace this virtual machine's GC-objects.
/// Called once by vm. If you have GC-objects in a thread specific data, redefine the tracer of your VMThreadData.
virtual void tracer(uintptr_t closure) {}
/// getObjectSize - Get the size of this object. Used by copying collectors.
virtual size_t getObjectSize(gc* object) = 0;
/// getObjectTypeName - Get the type of this object. Used by the GC for
/// debugging purposes.
virtual const char* getObjectTypeName(gc* object) { return "An object"; }
// (4) Launch-related methods.
} // end namespace mvm