blob: 19478e96d281bcf5d290ee4de5043f2c2ea6e3d8 [file] [log] [blame]
-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- (Darwin/PPC Version) --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 1992-2005, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- This specification is derived from the Ada Reference Manual for use with --
-- GNAT. The copyright notice above, and the license provisions that follow --
-- apply solely to the contents of the part following the private keyword. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING. If not, write --
-- to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, --
-- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --
-- --
-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this --
-- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, --
-- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be --
-- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not --
-- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be --
-- covered by the GNU Public License. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
package System is
pragma Pure;
-- Note that we take advantage of the implementation permission to make
-- this unit Pure instead of Preelaborable; see RM 13.7.1(15). In Ada
-- 2005, this is Pure in any case (AI-362).
type Name is (SYSTEM_NAME_GNAT);
System_Name : constant Name := SYSTEM_NAME_GNAT;
-- System-Dependent Named Numbers
Min_Int : constant := Long_Long_Integer'First;
Max_Int : constant := Long_Long_Integer'Last;
Max_Binary_Modulus : constant := 2 ** Long_Long_Integer'Size;
Max_Nonbinary_Modulus : constant := Integer'Last;
Max_Base_Digits : constant := Long_Long_Float'Digits;
Max_Digits : constant := Long_Long_Float'Digits;
Max_Mantissa : constant := 63;
Fine_Delta : constant := 2.0 ** (-Max_Mantissa);
Tick : constant := 0.01;
-- Storage-related Declarations
type Address is private;
Null_Address : constant Address;
Storage_Unit : constant := 8;
Word_Size : constant := 32;
Memory_Size : constant := 2 ** 32;
-- Address comparison
function "<" (Left, Right : Address) return Boolean;
function "<=" (Left, Right : Address) return Boolean;
function ">" (Left, Right : Address) return Boolean;
function ">=" (Left, Right : Address) return Boolean;
function "=" (Left, Right : Address) return Boolean;
pragma Import (Intrinsic, "<");
pragma Import (Intrinsic, "<=");
pragma Import (Intrinsic, ">");
pragma Import (Intrinsic, ">=");
pragma Import (Intrinsic, "=");
-- Other System-Dependent Declarations
type Bit_Order is (High_Order_First, Low_Order_First);
Default_Bit_Order : constant Bit_Order := High_Order_First;
-- Priority-related Declarations (RM D.1)
-- The values defined here are derived from the following Darwin
-- sources:
-- Libc/pthreads/pthread.c
-- pthread_init calls host_info to retrieve the HOST_PRIORITY_INFO.
-- This file includes "pthread_internals".
-- Libc/pthreads/pthread_internals.h
-- This file includes <mach/mach.h>.
-- xnu/osfmk/mach/mach.h
-- This file includes <mach/mach_types.h>.
-- xnu/osfmk/mach/mach_types.h
-- This file includes <mach/host_info.h>.
-- xnu/osfmk/mach/host_info.h
-- This file contains the definition of the host_info_t data structure
-- and the function prototype for host_info.
-- xnu/osfmk/kern/host.c
-- This file defines the function host_info which sets the
-- priority_info field of struct host_info_t. This file includes
-- <kern/processor.h>.
-- xnu/osfmk/kern/processor.h
-- This file includes <kern/sched.h>.
-- xnu/osfmk/kern/sched.h
-- This file defines the values for each level of priority.
Max_Interrupt_Priority : constant Positive := 63;
Max_Priority : constant Positive := Max_Interrupt_Priority - 1;
subtype Any_Priority is Integer range 0 .. Max_Interrupt_Priority;
subtype Priority is Any_Priority range 0 .. Max_Priority;
subtype Interrupt_Priority is Any_Priority
range Priority'Last + 1 .. Max_Interrupt_Priority;
Default_Priority : constant Priority :=
(Priority'Last - Priority'First) / 2;
type Address is mod Memory_Size;
Null_Address : constant Address := 0;
-- System Implementation Parameters --
-- These parameters provide information about the target that is used
-- by the compiler. They are in the private part of System, where they
-- can be accessed using the special circuitry in the Targparm unit
-- whose source should be consulted for more detailed descriptions
-- of the individual switch values.
AAMP : constant Boolean := False;
Backend_Divide_Checks : constant Boolean := False;
Backend_Overflow_Checks : constant Boolean := False;
Command_Line_Args : constant Boolean := True;
Compiler_System_Version : constant Boolean := False;
Configurable_Run_Time : constant Boolean := False;
Denorm : constant Boolean := True;
Duration_32_Bits : constant Boolean := False;
Exit_Status_Supported : constant Boolean := True;
Fractional_Fixed_Ops : constant Boolean := False;
Frontend_Layout : constant Boolean := False;
Functions_Return_By_DSP : constant Boolean := False;
Machine_Overflows : constant Boolean := False;
Machine_Rounds : constant Boolean := True;
OpenVMS : constant Boolean := False;
Preallocated_Stacks : constant Boolean := False;
Signed_Zeros : constant Boolean := True;
Stack_Check_Default : constant Boolean := False;
Stack_Check_Probes : constant Boolean := False;
Support_64_Bit_Divides : constant Boolean := True;
Support_Aggregates : constant Boolean := True;
Support_Composite_Assign : constant Boolean := True;
Support_Composite_Compare : constant Boolean := True;
Support_Long_Shifts : constant Boolean := True;
Suppress_Standard_Library : constant Boolean := False;
Use_Ada_Main_Program_Name : constant Boolean := False;
ZCX_By_Default : constant Boolean := True;
GCC_ZCX_Support : constant Boolean := True;
Front_End_ZCX_Support : constant Boolean := False;
-- Obsolete entries, to be removed eventually (bootstrap issues!)
-- High_Integrity_Mode : constant Boolean := False;
-- Long_Shifts_Inlined : constant Boolean := True;
end System;