blob: 1dcb07c21086588a3e90cc4467aef11c072b8c95 [file] [log] [blame]
! Program to test DERIVED type with components point to the DERIVED
! type itself, and two DERIVED type with componets point to each
! other.
program nest_derived
type record
integer :: value
type(record), pointer :: rp
end type record
type record1
integer value
type(record2), pointer :: r1p
end type
type record2
integer value
type(record1), pointer :: r2p
end type
type(record), target :: e1, e2, e3
type(record1), target :: r1
type(record2), target :: r2
r1%r1p => r2
r2%r2p => r1
e1%rp => e2
e2%rp => e3
r1%value = 11
r2%value = 22
e1%value = 33
e1%rp%value = 44
e1%rp%rp%value = 55
if (r1%r1p%value .ne. 22) call abort
if (r2%r2p%value .ne. 11) call abort
if (e1%value .ne. 33) call abort
if (e2%value .ne. 44) call abort
if (e3%value .ne. 55) call abort
if (r1%value .ne. 11) call abort
if (r2%value .ne. 22) call abort