blob: 3c3e45dfa5d551c1302186ed42e05191fd18f83b [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation.
Ensure all expected transformations of builtin strstr occur and
perform correctly in presence of redirect. */
#define ASMNAME(cname) ASMNAME2 (__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__, cname)
#define ASMNAME2(prefix, cname) STRING (prefix) cname
#define STRING(x) #x
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
extern void abort (void);
extern char *strstr (const char *, const char *)
__asm (ASMNAME ("my_strstr"));
const char *p = "rld", *q = "hello world";
main_test (void)
const char *const foo = "hello world";
if (strstr (foo, "") != foo)
abort ();
if (strstr (foo + 4, "") != foo + 4)
abort ();
if (strstr (foo, "h") != foo)
abort ();
if (strstr (foo, "w") != foo + 6)
abort ();
if (strstr (foo + 6, "o") != foo + 7)
abort ();
if (strstr (foo + 1, "world") != foo + 6)
abort ();
if (strstr (foo + 2, p) != foo + 8)
abort ();
if (strstr (q, "") != q)
abort ();
if (strstr (q + 1, "o") != q + 4)
abort ();
/* Test at least one instance of the __builtin_ style. We do this
to ensure that it works and that the prototype is correct. */
if (__builtin_strstr (foo + 1, "world") != foo + 6)
abort ();